Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Revisited 2018, Hemingway Reveal

     And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Sullivan Ryan Goosehead and Scarlet Irene Catherty 

      -Also Starring: 
Preece Caspian Hemingway Weddle And Preecest Aridity Kierston Ross,  Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern Amir Adam Coogan and Myra Castle Lots, Agurus Shiban Coogan and Bethel Angelica Clooney, Ctentri Israel Bonai and Catalsha Sicily Cambridge, Beowulf Michael Angelo and Charlotte Nicole Wellson, Beethoven Fifth Artz and Jaguar Braveheart Deburk, Tatum Oniel Cobberson  and Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff, Kylan Dillian Roget and Danielle Alexis Blaine ,Todrick Colten Derus Stockton and Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff, Aristotle Heiress Cologne and Antelope Deer, Jaguar Deburk, Conrad, Riedler Cobbleson and Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff, Eagle, Canyon, Sabertooth, Deburk and Erin Alexandria Brook... 

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Sullivan Ryan Goosehead and Scarlet Irene Catherty was born a son Jessup Mark Goosehead, a daughter, Jennifer Reese Goosehead and a son Newton Alfred Catherty 
Unto First Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern was born their twin daughter Demetria Cressida Liverpool and Halle Kressida Liverpool, a son, Braxton Blaine David Liverpool and a final son, Branch Padre Frederico  Lattern
Unto Amir Adam Coogan and Myra Castle Lots was born their first son Coltan Tatum Coogan, a daughter Heiress Maximillion Coogan and a son Bryson Deshaun Lot.

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Agurus Shiban Coogan and Bethel Angelica Clooney was born a daughter Zariah Simone Coogan, a daughter Kamoria Leshsy Coogan, and a son, Jacquis Mkai Clooney.

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty featuring Caspian Hemingway and Aridity (Dido), Kierston 

               …Your Skin Is Like Silk, Your Tongue Like Milk…

                                                    Scene VII

     “Come Ari, you gotta see this," coming into her tent, waking her from sleep, soon her eyes as all others were toward the Atlantic, as it was the beginning to an endless line, build-up of Aqua Juttah’s automatically, soon discovered, those set to auto, showing up on southeastern shores. My Christ, is that what I think it is? Yes," sniffing, laughing wiping, this inconceivably overwhelmed it all made sense, why else would Sia Maaseiah evacuate them all there unless, this, this very unforeseen to unexplainable event right here.  "Look Hem, look toward the skies, ah my, what, what are those? Juttah heir, it’s the Juttah heir, is this a dream, are we dreaming? Yes, come on," her nose, mouth, neck all filling with tears, they were seeing it, and hearing it, and yet it was still too inconceivable to be real, "this, this can’t be happening! Yes, but how, I thought such technical things were, ah impossible, I would ask you Ari to pinch me, if I didn’t think it would hurt.  Hey, hey, hey, there, over there! Pointing and getting in the direction of one on a loud speaker seeming to know what was happening and why. {{{"Each transformer is automatically scheduled along a passenger weight, estimated time of arrival and estimated time of departure. Be alert, in seventeen days each aqua to heir will launch and carry a passenger manifest of 3000 guess each, and in seven days arrive such guess a perfect estimate of nautical miles the Juttah Africa, please mind such timetable, and may God bless your exodus!}}}
 "The African Juttah isn’t, wait, I thought it was gone, no more, only its righteous inhabitants are thought ascended, the new paradise, it’s surrounding islands, yet stand, welcome us all.  {{{“The Aqua Juttah, Heir Juttah will offer free passage, free of charge destination the African Juttah, Island Africa. Aqua Juttah and Heir Juttahs will begin loading in seventeen days, for a seven day voyage from 7:17 am until 7:17 P.M. All passengers will line up seaport, single file, one 3 pound bag per person, there will be no reserves, no exceptions. After manifest guess, there's first come, first serve, there will be order, as it is in the African Juttah disorder of any kind will not be tolerated! “What, why are you crying, I just don’t think she’s gonna get here, I knew I shouldn’t have left her, hey, look at me, she’ll get here, seventeen days, that's over two weeks. How did they do that, how did they just appear like that you know? Well they are submersibles, so they could’ve been under water until this, this very launch you know, for all we know, you know.  I’ve heard about all the unimaginable things they do, the African Juttah, but this, no one, just look around, no one Hem was expecting this, no one, hands please, come to the makeshift chapel with me, I got to pray my sister here in time, sure, I feel the same about Tay, Rose, you know, you’re not alone, we’re all in the same boat, ah, no pund intended and I’m not dreaming, right? No babe, for the one hundred time, you’re not dreaming, ok, you’re not, its them, it’s her, it's here? The woman in Maaseiah’s prophecy offering up amazing grace in the face of the worse trials, dangers and troubles ever, she's doing this, she's making sure our fait and obedience is way beyond blessed.”  Why? Jesus disciples asked Him why he speak in parables? When Jesus quoted the prophets of old, like, Jer 5:21, equally saying, well see more here, Mat 13:10-17, beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (The RAM), hear thee a parable about the name, Georgia, and George, see,