Thursday, October 19, 2017

It All Seem Broken Now, Tumbling At The Winds At Toss

     And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Sullivan Ryan Goosehead and Scarlet Irene Catherty 

      -Also Starring: Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern 

Amir Adam Coogan and Myra Castle Lots, Agurus Shiban Coogan and Bethel Angelica Clooney, Ctentri Israel Bonai and Catalsha Sicily Cambridge, Beowulf Michael Angelo and Charlotte Nicole Wellson, Beethoven Fifth Artz and Jaguar Braveheart Deburk, Tatum Oniel Cobberson  and Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff, Kylan Dillian Roget and Danielle Alexis Blaine ,Todrick Colten Derus Stockton and Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff, Aristotle Heiress Cologne and Antelope Deer, Jaguar Deburk, Conrad, Riedler Cobbleson and Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff, Eagle, Canyon, Sabertooth, Deburk and Erin Alexandria Brook... 

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Sullivan Ryan Goosehead and Scarlet Irene Catherty was born a son Jessup Mark Goosehead, a daughter, Jennifer Reese Goosehead and a son Newton Alfred Catherty 
Unto First Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern was born their twin daughter Demetria Cressida Liverpool and Halle Kressida Liverpool, a son, Braxton Blaine David Liverpool and a final son, Branch Padre Frederico  Lattern
Unto Amir Adam Coogan and Myra Castle Lots was born their first son Coltan Tatum Coogan, a daughter Heiress Maximillion Coogan and a son Bryson Deshaun Lot.

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Agurus Shiban Coogan and Bethel Angelica Clooney was born a daughter Zariah Simone Coogan, a daughter Kamoria Leshsy Coogan, and a son, Jacquis Mkai Clooney.

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty featuring Caspian Hemingway and Aridity (Dido), Kierston

               …Your Skin Is Like Silk, Your Tongue Like Milk…

                                                 Scene VII

     “Come, you got to see this, coming into her tent, waking her from sleep, soon her eyes as all others were toward the Atlantic, as it was the beginning to an endless line, build-up of Aqua Juttah’s automatically, soon discovered, those set to auto, showing up on eastern shores. My Christ, is that what I think it is? Yes, sniffing, laughing wiping,this inconceivably overwhelmed it all made sense, why else would Sia Maaseiah evacuate them all there unless, this, this very unforeseen to unexplainable event right here. Look, look toward the skies, ah my, what, what are those, Juttah heir, it’s the Juttah heir, is this a dream? Her nose, mouth, neck all filling with tears, they were seeing it, and hearing it, and yet it was still so inconceivable, this, this can’t be happening. Yes, but how, I thought such technical things were, ah impossible, I would ask you to pinch me if I didn’t think it would hurt. Hey, hey, hey, there, over there! Pointing and getting in the direction of one on aloud speaker seeming to know what was happening and why. {{{"Each transformer is automatically scheduled along a passenger weight, estimated time of arrival and estimated time of departure, in seventeen days each aqua to heir will launch and carry a passenger manifest of 3000 guess each, and in seven days arrive such guess a perfect estimate of nautical miles the juttah Africa, please mind such timetable, and may God bless your exodus!
 The African Juttah isn’t, wait, I thought it was gone, no more, only its righteous inhabitants, the new paradise, it’s surrounding islands, yet stands. {{{“The Aqua Juttah, Heir Juttah will offer free passage, free of charge destination the African Juttah, Island Africa. Aqua Juttah and Heir Juttahs will begin loading in seventeen days, for a seven day voyage from 7:17 am until 7:17 P.M, all passengers will line up seaport, single file, one 3 pound bag per person, there will be no reserves, no exceptions, after manifest first come, first serve, there will be order, as it is in the African Juttah disorder of any kind will not be tolerated! “What, why are you crying, I just don’t think she’s gonna get here, I knew I should’n't have left her, hey, look at me, she’ll get here, seventeen days, that's over two weeks. How did they do that, how did they just appear like that you know?  Well they are submersibles, so they could’ve been under water until this, this very launch, you, know, for all we know, you know.  I’ve heard about all the unimaginable things they do, the African Juttah, but this, no one, just look around, no one Cent was expecting this, no one, hands please, come to the makeshift chapel with me, I got to pray my sister here in time, sure, I feel the same about Tay, Rose, you know, you’re not alone, we’re all in the same boat, ah, no pund intended and I’m not dreaming, right? No babe, for the one hundred time, you’re not dreaming, ok, you’re not, its, them, it’s here, her? The woman in Maaseiah’s prophecy offering up amazing grace in the face of the worse trials, dangers and troubles ever, she's doing this, she's making sure our obedience is way beyond blessed.”  {{{A Door Was Open In Heaven,   ......."Aren’t they amazing, I still Lord Izideal can’t believe I’m actually here, I lay asleep at night just knowing I’m to awaken and it was all this phantasm indescribable. He haven’t given up have he?” That to look down upon the earth from these high places, was to look upon, into various manners of panoramas displaying the hardest times since Noah’s earth performing themselves on planet earth. “As we speak he’s dismantling the holy people, actually My Lord, all people, especially those bearing the Christ’s testimonial, as so these are all things Lord Urusalim which must surely come to pass but the end is yet at the Ancient’s hand, which is why the abyss summons you. The abyss, as in the bottomless pit? It is time for Apollyon and his armies, will these heavens at this time destroy the whole house of Israel? Come Lord True and see, you are bidden accordingly surely you must come, and what of our Prince Lord? He prepares surely Lord Urusalim you must perceive that, yes One most True and I with Him just as soon, the key, the fathomed gorge all unto the earth and territories of mankind for Lord Urusalem the great day of His wrath’s reign is upon them and who shall be able to stand? This way Lords," as one spinning them swiftly and straightly along this industrious tunnel with endowment and prospective at getting them to appointments so ancient with divine finalization. “Where are we? We are here Lord Urusalim, between there, I’m afraid my Prince I don’t understand,” with what could only be explained or described as the universe, perhaps even its missing link, all around and even through every fiber of them, truly no human being or being of flesh could withstand such the apparition, did Lord Urusalim Herself feel a bit intimidated. “Between Lord Urusalem the world of man and the third of Paradise, it is Lord Prince so dissolving, even consuming, can I, even I, withstand it all? As surely precious one as I, soon many others will come to join us, to celebrate the marriage of the Christ and that fashioned of His own pure blood, the bride, there we will all be joined together as one forever. Although at the same time Lord Urusalim the earthers are massing an army,” that at the wave of his hand could she easily see as a panorama before her eyes the great armies and mass armaments of the earth and mankind, “they’re all gathering at the valley of Megiddo where many earthers will die, yes, but many Prince Christ will be made alive. Yes, this is of a certainty true, but regardless of how miserable this tainted son is to make all of their lives, they don’t want me. Yes pure one they do, those who’ve taken stony hearts and pound them into hearts of flesh and divine reconciliation, don’t you hear them crying aloud, sparing not, “blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Supreme God, blessed and welcome is He? And I looked and behold a Lamb stood on mount Sion, and with him a hundred and forty four thousand, having his father’s name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps. And they sang as it was a new song before the throne and before the four Living Creatures and the Elders and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. Praise Ye the Lord, sing unto the lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of Saints, Praise Ye The Lord.’ It is literally inconceivable Lord, how you’re here with me, how by the multitudes you, Lord of perpetual adoration is now here with me where I’m now bound to never, ever let you go. They’re all here my Lord, all? Yes, sweet Prince, all as you wish, come and let us reconcile together, though their sins were as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. You have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over great things, enter ye into the glory of the lord,” seeing the ancient one anoint the Olive branches so, did it all remind an attending Lord Uruslam of the day Lord Ezekiel most gracious open to her those three time tested doors. That at this one instance, did she see this illumination like the sunshine in all of its strength become as a hand for to touch the very temple of the multitude going before His throne, that they were to be acquainted with both HIS grievous and sorrows, Maaseiah always presumed it was like the Christ Lord unto the disciples declaring, people wouldn’t know them as His Disciples except they showed love (sacrifice) one for the other.” Intermission, >>>What, why are you staring so? I’ve never seen you smile, let alone laugh, it’s really soothing, soothing for me or you? Steven makes me laugh, I really like him, yeah, well be careful, ok, so since you can’t take the role of husband, you my what, dad, my big brother? I am your friend Ollie, look don’t be offended, it’s just good advice, he’s, he’s what? Perfect, but you just can’t say it because you’re jealous ad it’s still Olivia, well still Olivia, we all dead men walking, there is nothing to envy, he’s pretty dangerous, violent, well Tay like I said, just stay away from me, advice, all. I know you now, you really like getting your head bit off, I know, I try, really try but I can’t help it, I’m draw to her, protective even, you think I don’t try and shake it? I do, I really do, I’m considering going ahead, get some hours between us, what you think? I don’t know man, at one point it sound good, and at the other it doesn’t and whose to say you won’t be looking back over your shoulder, after her? Good night, night, it’s barely six, I got some reading I want to do, we’re leaving first light, what you think we gonna find? Ah, hopefully something on the scale of the crossing of the red sea man, prayerfully and hopefully, that sound so, good, really, really good, later Brock man, yeah you as well.” >>>”Mom, don’t you think we need to go? Everything we need is here son, everything mom that can get us killed, remember what dad said? There are people who will hurt us, even kill us and call it survival. What about the coast, suppose we were being directed there for a reason, tell me you thought about that? I, did, I honey really did, you right, lets get what we can carry and go, thank you mom, I mean granddad isn’t going to wait forever, plug it’s not fair to keep them waiting, you could just leave me here, don’t tempt me, well you could, mom, I’m doing this with you, we’re doing this together, okay, son, okay, ready when you are. Mom and I are going, so you two coming, going? I’m coming, I don’t trust being here, I keep feeling trouble is coming, it is, the more people go hungry, this violent they’ll become. Casting a horrified look, heart, stomach at him, he at her, but it their phones, well hers, it was ringing, tossing, pouring and throwing at emptying each bag, they could hear it but they couldn’t, hello, again casting a weary look to grimace at him, highly anticipating who could be calling her, them, how? It must be the Juttah Aqua, hello, is, it’s feeding off of their transmission, car, car sirens, you know how, please if, it’s nobody, call, babe call someone, who, who? Your mom, your dad, even mine, and what if they don’t answer? What Chloe if they do? For every negative there’s the positive, vice versa, I wonder how far in land, let me find this phone, did I even bring it? See if there’s a still online, ah social media, information, let them know what’s happening, yeah, just start texting, ah my god it’s charging, my tablet.     >>>”What is that beep, beep, beep, don’t you guys hear it, guys, guys, guys,” come running along their staircase, scaring them, that she may trip up, fall, hurt herself, it’s the phone, it’s from Chloe, they’re at the coast, and he said seeming, every cruise ship this world is there, what, are, you, the car, that’s the car alarm!” Well can you please cut it off! It isn’t just mine’s gramps, I got to find my keys, seventeen days ya’ll, we have that many days to get there, maybe if the alarm is blaring, it will start, you, it won’t hurt to try, gramps, if it does, we’re leaving and you coming with us, just go baby, go, try. What else Chloe say, she say it look like stars just descended down from heaven, they’re all wearing white, trimmed in gold flags, saying holiness unto the Lord Christ. Your grandpa as ya’ll know, believed in all of this stuff, I, I wouldn’t, even hated him for it, well gramps, here’s, there’s smoke or exhaust coming from the pipes, it’s running, it’s running. Hallejuahhhhhhh! We’re going, one bag per person, first come first serve, what are you chanting? Ah don’t know if we should past this on, what if we opt to send it to three persons, you talking in all this entire house? Yes, and lead them to do the same, one family, one friend, one enemy, no Christians, they’re now counted with the missing, yeah Cat, how convenient is that, now that the Bride is gone, that within itself is a conspiracy theory.” 

...Your Blood Like Honeycomb And Your Substance On Mine This Priceless Imbibe...

                                                         Scene II

     “I loved by it and so Kyle did you, so did we all, what are you saying, it’s my phone Noah, it’s beeping, ah my Goddddd, that nose,” painfully covering his hears, they all did, even as to run for cover, but it was everywhere, all the car alarms seem to activate at the same time. Soon bringing panic person one after person out of their thought abandon houses, this sudden awareness that technology was firing. “It’s from my cousin Lauren, she said she heard word from, what it is? The cars, what? Look, they’re turning, running, what? Yeah, that’s what the alarms, the same babe as your text, are doing, it’s alerting people that they have, I’m sorry, your cousin? Ah, she said there’s an invasion of a rescue along the coast, huge, gigantic mega ships and private Jets, wait, private Jets? Yeah, just waiting to board in exactly seventeen days into a seven day voyage, my Christ you, excuse me, mam, is there any way you can carry three more? No, but the keys to that car is on the trunk there, you’re welcome, to take it, my god thank you. Don’t thank me yet, my cousin Jessica had a habit of driving on empty,” that just as she pulled, out, rested momentarily, pulled the phone to her ear, began talking. Something they’d not seen in weeks, tugging all the more at new, burning tears, “so just hope there’s gas, where you off too? I just received an anonymous text, about something on the miraculous side of Christ second return, happening the Florida coastline, hope I see you guys there. What do you think? I’m thinking it’s the only why we’re to arrive in time, look at the tags, “if this car go out of control, don’t be alarmed, it’s the rapture.’ Okay,” with the three of them having open doors ready, out of the blackest of days, they’d entered a bright zone where it seem miracles were still possible and happening rather loudly, all around them. “The tags Avi, Ange, could have alternate meanings, throat, eyes, cheeks filled with emotions, finally the break through none of them deserved, “let’s just hope it encouraged Jessica to prep for strangers.” Soon, not only was there a full tank, though a broadcast come on, explaining what was happening and for how long, and how urgent the next seventeen days, how very, very urgent indeed. “Breath baby, breath, ah, I’m sorry, with you being pregnant and on these black, deadly streets, “hey, hey, lets go, pick up as many stragglers as is possible, maybe my sister will finally find a bow, I heard that Avi. Okay, ahhhh, Godddd Okay, thank you Jesus, I know I don’t, we don’t. we don’t say it enough, yes, bent knees, bowed head, heart all, thank you Jesus, now let’s go while this made aware is yet early.” {{{ A Door as One in heaven: “They are the two olive branches, yes, yes I know, they like whispered these amazing things in my ear, ‘and then shall all the righteous escape, and shall live till they beget thousands of children, and all the days of their youth and their old age shall they complete in peace.' "They’ve waited so long Lord Israel, we have, do you know how unspeakable the wedding supper, how completely without description and to take them from there and lead them to the tree of life. And then Lord Urusalim shall the whole earth be tilled in righteousness, and shall all be planted with trees and be full of blessings, and all desirable trees shall be planted on it, and they shall plant vines on it: and the vine which they plant thereon shall yield wine in abundance, and as for all the seed which is sown thereon each measure (of it) shall bear a thousand, and each measure of olives shall yield ten presses of oil. And cleanse thou the earth from all oppression, and from all unrighteousness, and from all sin, and from all godlessness: and all the uncleanness that is wrought upon the earth destroy from off the earth. And all the children of men shall become righteous, and all nations shall offer adoration and shall praise HIM, and all shall worship HIM. And the earth shall be cleansed from all defilement, and from all sin, and from all punishment, and from all torment, and I will never again send (them) upon it from generation to generation and forever.’ “How blessed and divine is the achievement of it all, I met them, the final two witnesses, they treated me as though, as though Maaseiah you’re a member of the Heavenly Host, as so you, you are. You will come with me now, it is time, time? The battle has gravely intensified, Lord Mikhail is to say it’s now or never, that if we’re to preserve Jacob’s house, we must Maaseiah do it now. What is it? You are Lord Israel calling me Maaseiah, as so you are, what happen to Lord Urusalim, Lord Urusalim is what you are, Maaseiah is who you are, we now reign together not only as King of kings and Lord of lords, but Maaseiah as those espoused. And who exactly are you? I’m the Rose of Sharon remember? The Prince of Peace, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, but you can call me Christian Cros. I’m here Lord Uriel, as is Lord Urusalim, take her, prepare her, us accordingly, I must see the Great Father, Saraqael, Lord Prince and Remiel, this is to mean Barachiel isn’t far, only right here Lord David, we head for Har Hazeitim, we and as Lord Enoch has prescribed, and tens of thousands of the sainted. Will the crowned Host join us as well? It will no doubt Lord Barachiel be them at their best, so yes, I will have them, the host of them at my side, sound the charge, we tarry no longer.” >>>”Vitoria, hey, we need to go,” why, what’s the point? You heard the broadcast, yes, yes I heard, still, you know I never wanted to live in the Juttah, never trusted it, there’s the Africa island, also mention, no reapers, yeah, no salvation either. You know you’re not making sense, I am, I want the pleasures of this world seeming no more, but I also when I die, I want what heaven has to offer yet they are an anathema one to the other, right, those who’re lukewarm spit out of Christ’s mouth, God is not mocked, right?” We have to go, Juttah or not, it’s America’s escape to exodus, this, this we’re suffering, it’s nothing in comparison to what’s coming, worse than tens of million’s dead and or missing, our parents, loved ones, yours Chase, worse than that? Yes Vick, worse than that, now you staying or going? Lovely debaters so lovely, it’s time, we’re right behind you, Vick, please, if not for you, for me, for us, please, you really think I love you that make, to make a sacrifice, it isn’t love Vick by any other description besides sacrificial, I stepped right into that one, yeah, you did, now come, and be careful, remember, I can’t swim. We gonna have a son soon, what says we decide upon his name before we reach the coast, give us something really sweet to think about and do, I have such a wise, undeserving husband, undeserving, that’s crap, there is only one undeserving and thank God for His Commending love Vick, slash Cross accordingly.” {{{A Door Is Open In heaven <<< “I’m here Lord creator of heaven and earth, you desire a word, I desire many words, but words will not supplement the horrors befalling my people, they’re dying, and they’re being stripped of everything, you Lord Christ has brought them. Yes, Lord Creator, true, but no longer, I go to them, as I’m to never forsake them again, we will stop the bloodshed, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks, nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. Then you trust me Great One, only you, you and I forever, you are the blessed hope, go and lay them all to rest, with your blessing Ancient one, thy kingdom is come, thy will is done, on earth as it is in heaven, peace Gracious Father, be still and see thine own glory, The Glory Of The Ancient Of Days.

Intermission >>>”Gramps, I’m coming darling, there’s something else your grandad said, if we travel, we’ll need valuables to barter with, barter? When you can’t use or don’t have cash, cards, made sure I didn’t bury him with any jewelry, did you know that? No, gram I didn’t know that, it’s all right here, said it’s be concealed, but I’m coming I missed the lord mighty doing once, I’ll be damn if I do it again, never see your grandpa again, just met on the porch, what the neighbors? All realizing what’s happening, car alarms began to desist as they did, like it was planned, believe me darling Rachel , though we’ll never get it, it was, it was all planned, I bet ya. Where’s gram, she’s coming, getting some things we’re to barter with, trade with, no cash, cards, ah, the mark of the beast days coming, he must be more mad than hell at this Juttah rescue huh? Yeah, but having prepared down to temporarily reactivating everything, so you don’t think it’s to last? You Ana and me both, of course we know, this is not luxury, this is an emergency, who’re you talking too? Whose she’s, there’s gramps, get her let’s get out of here like everybody else, the filling stations will fill up fast, that’s one of the warnings, Cat, contacting her by the rear view mirror, wondering as Ana Belle just who was he talking to, and hopefully it would be no further delay to them. That was James, they’re already on their way, they? Yeah, Daniel, Jackson, Ben, all with him, like I care, don’t you? Let’s get this show on the road as your gramps would say, yeah, please, thank you Jesus, let's, ah, I hope we’re not pulling out into madness, madness we got, this, this the guiding light the end of the tunnel, right? Yes, as blessed as your grandfather girl, yes, let there be no mockery, no doubt, we will trust, trust and trust.”

…I Know That You Are Mine And You Say Not This Time…

Scene III

"So, so what Lucid man?” Now as those along a bumpy ride, the back of a pricy double cab pick up truck, now seven of them, all been shocked along this only hours past, reveal, Titanic ships, triple their luxury, it’s passenger toll awaited them the coast, as so, what can only be these Heir Juttah’s, all on this first come, first serve bases, meaning there were no more dignitaries, no more America to globalist. That’s to change, they all knew, with the antichrist, the mark come into play, but not this blessed of all days, all praise be to Jesus, Antichrist, not yet! “Did you really dream you and were married, yeah, tickled to admit, did the air blowing in their faces no doubt toxic, but just as soothing, refreshing, possibly this celebrating getting further and further from danger. ‘Married, three children, two sons and a daughter, I can even tell you their names, nall man, nall, that accurate, yeah, that accurate, she’s been pulling her hair out at hating me every since, hell I can’t believe you actually told her, heads up you guys, there’s a road block ahead, we must protect the ladies, they covered? Yeah, so let the charade begin. >>> “I’m just guessing but I don’t have to ask where you guys re headed, right? I need all of your I’D’s and all your gold, Nathew, just kidding, kidding, unless you got something you wanna share. I have this, instant to reveal, a priceless time piece, no doubt worth it’s weight in gold, to the point, his offer, it just couldn’t be for real. “It’s been in my family chest for centuries, a costless pocket watch, it’s to make a great barter one day, you’re kidding, kid right? No, like you said, you all know where all of us are heading, just as apparent you’re not, I mean you’re stuck here doing a shitty to dangerous, job, our protection, meaning, you gonna need this more then us.” What is your name son, Taylor, Taylor John sir, but everybody call me Tay, climb don’t from that truck Taylor John, Tay and don’t make me ask you twice, I’m sorry did I do something,” hands raised and all, when suddenly engulfed by a tight, long lasting hug to pat on the back, with another waiting to do the same, into a rough shake of his hand. They’d past thousands through, along the way and none, not one had shown any generosity as far a thankyou gesture. “Here, these should keep you from anymore hassle, you guys be safe and safe voyage, and as Maaseiah had a habit of saying , yeah, see you guys there. Ah man, I think I more than streaked my pants, really Brock, man, such the over share, I’m just saying man, I thought you was dead. Yeah, that was such the Jesus, Judas Martha and costly oil moment, how very elegant Isaiah, yeah, how very elegant indeed. Hey Tay man, how much you think it’s worth? “See!” Causing them all to break out with laughter, as they’re reminded of Judas mockery of Martha’s blessing Jesus above the rest, this costly carafe of oil. “And there’s the Judas Iscariot million dollar question, wake up numb brain, we make it to Florida coast, we’re Juttah bound, don’t need, like Jesus, there is nothing on this planet and beyond worth that. Though those gentlemen back there, showing Taylor John much love, they’re sacrificing everything, family, friends for us, ah, ahhhhh, yeah, light come on but still for how long? Hey, stop doing that, I’ve hurt people for less, I just bet you have Steven Crenshaw, I just bet you have, just remember juttah reapers are keeping note of all of it, is that suppose to scare me, sure as hell, Steven Crenshaw, sure as hell.” With all of them growing silent, though she wouldn’t admit it, she found herself immensely impressed with what Taylor John had just did, until to be sincere, she couldn’t take burning thoughts, heart, even flesh off along this growing fear, she could or had she lost his direct attention? >>>{{{A Door Was Open In Heaven, “I had a dream last night, the first I’ve had since we’ve been in these heavens, he, Lord Prince of Peace, he was being made ready to come into the world, into the conflict, unto the ancient Mother’s rescue. Is that Lord Jibril (Gabriel), possible, to have dreams here, in the places of the Supremes Throne? They’re Lord Urusalem fashioned here first, so of a certainty it is all the more possible. It is to be unimaginable, this final war, battlefield of man’s outlandish heathenry will it not? It will Lord Urusalem most certainly, all the more ringing in the reality how mankind wrestle not against flesh and blood, put ye on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to STAND! You know most of all Lord Jibril my most greatest regret, the Great White Throne Judgment, we will all stand as witnesses and how tremendously weighty that is to be, yes? Yes Lord True, but as necessary as the witness and vast weight of the Son Of David bleeding, aching heartily and mourning over the betrayal of his people of him. As it is written High Lord, it is that which must come to pass for length of days, Holiness of the Lords they will not have. O taste and see that Sweet, Sweet David is good, blessed is the man that trusts in him, the Lord redeems the soul of His servants; and none of them Jibril who trust in him shall be desolate. He is ready,” with a sparkling light invoking unspeakable gladness all over and through this High Princess, so over wrought with joy, did she with Lord Jibril who’d kept her company witness the Lord Prince heading in their directive. “I have missed you these long, unending hours, yes, I’ve come to bring you to a place, Lord Jibril I’m most grateful, as so Sweet David, am I, are we all. I saw you, ah, witness the Celestial Ones put you in order for that greatest day of return, of confrontation and restoration for all who will come, and what pray, tell did you Lord Urusalem in detail see? No, no, please Lord have mercy, what I saw was indescribably without words, no, you dare say no to this Lion Of Judah? Just you say no to His Ancient of Days, have mercy sweet one and not sacrifice I pray, now where are you taking me? Come now and let us reason together, though your sins be scarlet, they shall be white as snow, what is it?” Seeing she’s to release his hand abruptly, even concurringly, what indeed was it now that had Lord Urusalem so stirred this most crucial hour to ever come? “Your heart Lord Prince, it just spoke, and if even one can tell what did it announce? Lord Ancient, speaking through Lord Isaiah, though your sins be scarlet, yes, yes, Lord Urusalem, yet they shall be white as snow, though they be like crimson, they shall be as wool, Isa. 1:18. Now Lord Holy and True with said announcement we’re unto the Houses of Lords Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. What is this?” As one beginning to feel the tingle of nearing emotions in her nose, as so just the slightest sparkle in her eyes, the only things Maaseiah, now dubbed Lord Urusalem had seen just as overwhelming as this and more, was that gigantic enough to block out the entire sky above, diamond carved crystal Dove who’d kissed her and straightway seeming to abandon her. “Ah my Lord is most gracious, this all remind me, you remember Lord Urusalem when our beloved John gave testament, even Revelation of the City Jerusalem made new, and as one adorn unto a bridal ceremony? Yes, yes one cannot forget that, then it is time Lord Urusalem, time, I’m sorry gracious one, time for, are you telling me what I think you’re telling me? I will see you just as soon,” as one hurrying a most reluctant Lord Urusalem into a chamber more astonishing than words could ever describe, diamonds, and crystal and gold all around and through. Just this wilderness of awesomeness even under her feet and creatures, celestial creatures just as golden, crystallized coming with great inspiration after her, how soon my Lord? Be still treasured one and know that I am God.” Intermission, >>>“Your parents Steven man, you mind? No, Jax, I watch them get buried, the house sank more and more into a giant sink hole, seeming the more they screamed, the more I was panicked with helping them, the more they were buried until it come so quiet, this wilderness all around us, I could hear a feather Colorado mountains, forest, no, no wait, that’s not a feather, look it’s not even snow, it’s ash, it’s volcanic ash, never saw my brother again either, all buried alive I guess you can say, with the worse yet to come, Isaiah man right? Hell, they sure weren’t believers, they were batman’s two face, hate God as surely as they love him but not giving him credit for all he’d created, hated Him bringing an end to their so highly honored rouged, lifestyles, their mountain would never hurt them they used you say, I guess that didn’t include their precious, million dollar landscape burying them that way, huh? I know, Felicity girl, sorry you asked, I guess when Maaseiah warn, the command that all parents be killed by America’s weight of blood guilt, October 2017, while now we’re feeling it, boy are we feeling it, sorry Crenshaw man, we all have our horror to ghost story right, I just wondered what, or who they thought created it all, America? Probably why, just before she ascended she remined us, the dream of the loan of the artificial loan of the leopard skin coat, that distracted us away from Jesus being right there in our midst carrying the bride off to heaven, yeah, I remember she kept saying, Jesus is here, yeah no doubt she meant it.”

…I Came To Find You And You Say You’re Not Lost...

Scene IV

{{{A Door was open in heaven, <<<”That wasn’t so hard Lord A’albiel!” As one leaning weightlessly, as this sacrifice had truly depleted him did Lord David literally fall into Lord A’albiel awaiting arms, “it is Lord Timeless to be best, is it not? Yes, best for all, you will sit here, your strength will return just as suddenly, it is amazing Lord Timeless, that it has come to this finally. His ancient was kind enough to allow the viewing of the earthers, they’re getting along to the final edges of the battle, very soon there will be our interference yes? My Lord, thinketh deep with disquiet spirit, the New, the Millennium, how glorious and yet how inglorious, yes, but the people’s chose God’s reign, some people Lord A’albiel, some people, do not think your Lord distant minded. Ah no Lord Timeless, as one who is Omniscient, but just as many flee these great trials with their souls intact, let us remember as well, it is my flesh, it is my blood spill on human soil so, how dare Lord A’albiel I forget. I’m still glorious one with attempt at knowing how one who betrayed Lord Urusalem to Helel’s keep is at present here Lord Groom’s man, surely Lord Timeless, at present that is of little concern is it not, though if said betrayal wasn’t of your making, of thine pure heart but to Helel’s detriment. My strength Lord A’albiel O promised one returns, I will see His Ancient, there is much still we’re to comprehend, to if you will good servant puzzle out, or is that not a suitable word of description? I will again regain the Lord’s trust and return thine own Urusalem just as soon, yes Lord A’abiel most gracious, there is such heartiness regarding her, this special, special heart and soul therapy, thus I pray thine own haste.” Intermission >>>”Gramps, hey, ah, did I fall asleep, yeah, kidda of, did I snore? No mam, we’re having sandwiches thought you might want one, so where, how far? We’re like ten miles from Alabama, my throat is dry, yeah, here’s your water, you sure I wasn’t snoring, we sure gram, at on time you was so quiet we thought of checking your pulse, that is funny, hey guys there’s a road block a head. Yeah, Kyle just warn me, said it’s nothing much, just have your ID ready, it’s like they’re doing a census taking, so they’ll to know whose where, you know, yeah with so many people reported missing, right? Yeah, like that, so how far ahead of us are they, ah, thirty miles or so, James said hello, said he can’t wait to see you again, stop it with the match making, guys, I can’t find it, I can’t find my ID, calm down, I’m sure it’s not mandatory, just give them what you do have. So gramps, any dreams, any visitations to heaven, you were sleeping that good? Kyle’s sister is missing with his parents, they never return from work, she never come from school, he’s hoping and praying they’re already there, as are all those Cat, with missing loved ones, right? Yeah, “ as one softly wiping her cheeks, everything horrible that’s happen, ever the country, the earth, ahhhhh, she couldn’t believe it, but it was all gone, nothing left but this giant maze of a searching after something that can never, ever again be found, regardless just get to her love, just get her to Kyle Vincent Bowern . Good evening ladies, I need to see every ones’ ID, I couldn’t find mine, I think it’s, I’m gonna have to ask you to step out, and see that gentleman, you miss, please pull the auto over, please sir, we’re in a hurry, I know Preston, we all are.” >>> “My Dear Maaseiah, the failing nights are laying a foundation of solitude and isolation is all but drilling lastingness and continuance has to offer. It is those encounters you hold fast, as well their well-versed voices, chatter and laughter and soon. Just as soon a sunup bring on its heel an even more drooling after dark than lonesomeness. How to spend this great imperilment I beseech thee, this dismal archenemy and my sole heart its sitting duck?
-Although this night judiciously contiguous and adjacent to impending regions. Another half sown apart and away from me by an inevitable yet unyielding loathing, where art thou immortal life, love? When art thou? We're discovered tend toward our cognition, we're blasted with shamefacedness and yes leaning there where we will not, or it's perhaps cannot, we're incapable of realizing the heart of man, his kind.” >>>What are they debating? They’re questing why the wait for boarding, there no restriction, only that said passengers be ready to launch, the entire duration of two weeks and three days, so say the people, well, the refugees can wait it out others are saying, they can be trusted the juttah reveal, to board, making a living of it’s grandioso feast ivies until then, but what if they come complacent want the free to come and go, how will they remain in control and so on and on they go. What about markers, boarders get markers, they can only board or exit without them, ah something like a permanent stamp ah, each aqua is name and numbered, everyone get counted and assigned, I’m, well I wouldn’t be surprised, if the tech isn’t already aboard, they must know that. They will now, how’d you know, for these ship to so miraculously appear here, mean everything, even what they’re debating has been thought of and resolved, they’re just not thinking clearly, they’ll figure it. So no answer? My text and my call are all going unanswered, maybe the Juttah tech isn’t to reach inward that far, you think? It does, I reached my sister, their phones, are ready, their cars, they’re hurrying this as we speak, well, there goes, that scenario, yeah it’s as they say, no news is still good news, right?” Here comes Luther, I wonder what did they say, they’re going to issue tickets that come with a permanent stamps, the moment the push the launch the Aqua Juttah, the explanation was right there, they’re going to try to have us all tucked in my tonight ah my god, that’s incredible news, just incredible, yeah, really. What about you, you reach anyone, no, there is no one, I mean out there, all my family is blessed to be here, we followed Maaseiah’s instruction from day one, so when she said get southeast, we did, she actually said get Jesus first, I know, I know, long story, not now.”

…I Long To Know You And You Say You’re Unreachable…

Scene V

-Please, I know you say you don’t feel like it, but it’s so relaxing when you read Maaseiah’s reveal, what’s it, ‘Failing Nights,” yeah, please, how about I let you, ahhhh, don’t, I got it, since you insist, failing nights the 3 and 4th stanza, {{{“However beloved, who is to care? Capable instead are we at comprehending the heart of the Supreme, whose heart upon which I'm twin. Yes, I'm twofold and retrieved as one anguishing extensively in the direction of my undying one. That we neither overdraw, nor desist but hope for one the other, summoning ourselves to an appointment of performing singleness. {{“This night so distinctive, imperiling me so, breaking down a given up soul, hark tis a voice "remember from whence thou art broken and mend, mend it say mend and bring thyself again.” Accounted for and absorbed, a sharp, eerie silence in my shadow's blood. He is those fallen in love, I heard you so well, a cup of trembling, overflowing and spilled.”}}} >>> “Will there ever my Lord be a time I’m not so overwhelmed by the special workings of these here heavens? I would Maaseiah think not, with fear and trembling Lord I inquire, you said we’re now espoused, as in married, I thought there was to be no marriage in heaven. "My word, what are those things? Who? They are ancient demons, Gog and Magog, those looking always to pleasure themselves by way of mankind’s chaos, but how can any man follow such a creature? They Lords don’t see them as creatures, but as men, as their way to finally erase the ancient to unwanted people from the face of the planet. We’re no longer in heaven, we’re in the Septennial, here, the Juttah vows that Sia Maaseiah and Lord Deburk created, that sweet declaration which will spread itself across all territories will more than suffice. And those who didn’t enter into said vows, those who simply refuse? Those who entered into valueless, provisional matrimony were never Lords serious about God, or the man of God, though if they saved their souls, they’ve entered into the marriage supper where all are now joined into a divine matrimony without end. We are all here Lords, believest thou this? We will go down now and see all these people, at first there shall be weeping and gnashing of the teeth," as those about to intervene into this battle of many nations, at Megiddo, did Lord Urusalem realize what she’d dreamed wasn’t a dream but a memory, they were in the land of Megiddo, where a great oasis manifested itself even to cleft the mountains at Mount Olivet into twain, "then rejoicing, merry-making and eternal peace for a very long time as they realize their Savior live. My people as you see Lord Urusalim are dying and not one man is laying it to heart, merciful men even as we speak and negotiate their salvation are being lost as though none look for my, for our reappearing. We’ve heard their cries have we not? I’m afraid Lord even from our mother’s womb and since Lord Urusalim we’ve heard them so, we must go down and tend to it, yes, yes, of course, then you’re with me to deliver me? Yes Lord and you I. Behold the day of the lords and the heathen’s spoil shall be divided in the midst of them, I have Lords gathered all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city has been taken and houses rifled, and the women ravished, and half of the city has gone forth into captivity, and the residue of the people have been cut off from the city. Then shall we Lords go forth and fight against those nations as when he fought in the day of battle, Lords Michael, Raphael, Selaphiel and Jophiel, we go, we go now, we’ve worried these people long enough, they shall worry no longer. Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley and half of the mountains shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the south and my people shall flee to the valley of the mountains, for the valley of the mountain shall reach unto Azal: yes, you shall flee, like as you fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah, King of Judah: and the Lord thy God shall come, and all the saints with him. It Lord Maaseiah shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark, but it shall be one day that is known to the Lord, not day, nor night, but it shall come to pass that at evening time it shall be light. And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem, half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. And the Lord shall be king over all the Earth, in that day shall it be one LORD, and His Name One.” >>>”The last thing Maaseiah said to me was, I need to get my most serious than ever about Jesus Christ, that was my son has been anointed to ascension, to, wait, she said to you, what, like she talked to you directly? You want to tell them, or do I? Ah, Tay’s apostle, prophet aunt and your Juttah Maaseiah are one and the same, wha, yeah, I knew it, I knew it, and you was there weren’t you, you was on the Aqua reveal, yes, yes, I was, ah my God, see, see I told, and? And what Lucid, you know what, I imagine that only heaven itself would be of any actual comparison, that place, it’s like paradise on earth and if you can imagine it, you have you, entertainment hall, dance, ah, medical, the aquarium, I don’t know because it’s on the ocean, man, whenever I went Rose literally had to drag me away, well I been on the Royal Caribbean, yeah Steve, but that’s comparing America to heaven, I’m sorry man it was just not of this earth, and people, some people got in trouble there, what do you mean? I mean, like they mysteriously died or disappeared, you mean like the Juttah, the reapers? Yeah, like that rule still applied, is that why you left? That and I had other lame brain reasons, that I been kicking the hell out of myself about, I watched as they pulled up the anchor. I, well we watched as it sailed into this beyond description sunset, I watched it transformed, you watched as it come a submersible, I did, it like similar to the 2012 arks, but still as so beyond comparison, I watched sickly as it was completely, hey Tay man that’s yours phone, my Christ, that’s my phone, hello, hel, seeing his eyes fill at the sound of a voice, Mannix, ah thank God Mannix, where the hell are you? I call to ask you the same thing, where’s Cartson, Cart is there, he’s looking for you, no, I’m, we’re like ten miles off, ah fuel problems slowed us down, so did you get everybody, I got some, but let’s talk about later, so you, rose and Brax, no, I, ah, I kinda lost them, what so you mean, you kinda lost them? The sky felled man, and after that Rose was no where, absolutely no where and I can only assume Brax is with her, okay, okay Cart said they’ve found away to begin boarding passengers, ah, something about the Atlantic, Florid’s coast being so active, so as soon as light, you get here, ok, don’t make me come looking for you, no, no, please don’t, don’t do that, I’ll get to you, seen you there, ok, see you there, that was him, ah my brother, ah, Mannix, said my our brother Cart is there, that they’re beginning to load, to take in passengers, so you guys in only a few hours you’re gonna experience the Juttah reveal for yourselves, and you two, an you Rose, you’re not the girl of my dreams, you’re his, Steve’s, yeah it’s not me, it’s you, dreams can be like that and that’s all I’m to say about that, I’m going to bed, first light we’re out of here, so how did it, did it ever come a sub while you was there, no, but we watched plenty of videos about it, it was like something straight out of syfy remarkable, even super hero, like Stark industries, so Brock if we had only in the Marina, could you see or feel the difference good night, no, good dawn right you guys? Yeah, good dawn.”

…I’m Keeping You Here, Yet The Window Is Open…

Scene VI

“Just think Lecia, in a couple of hours we'll all be in Aqua to Heir Juttah paradise, what is that, why you keep reading that? Ah, you sure Mavy you want to know? With the Aqua Juttah tech, we can use our phones again, okay I know that, so I was reading this, ah, my best friend Avi, grandma had this habit of texting us whatever she texted her. Now this was like days before what they now call D-day, it's really, really harrowing okay Lecia, breath, wipe, blow your nose, swallow your heart back down, all, I been warn.

-It began l like they're already in a conversation, {{{"yeah, I know, Blanch too, I think Josey them suppose to come, and just in time, a missile impact, to a 9 plus earthquake, meaning a Yellowstone eruption, even to something described lately as a Noah's (NOAA'S) cousin. As in earth ending Avielle, from above, something else your granddaddy warn, all Avi the West Pacific, but it will spread in land as far as the Mid-Atlantic, taking what I described as the Eclipse 2017 trajectory.}}}

"My Christ is God, you got to be freaking kidding, me, no, Mavis, I'm not, look at the date, okay, okay, let me catch my breath, okay, before I read the rest, let me catch, my"

{{{-Unbelievable? Just remember why I wanted you out of the military and why I tried to convince you to stay in Georgia. That its where your grand father, this Jesus Husband in my dreams before he died, evacuated us all to, and where Grace's mom's death afforded us to do. That's Avi exactly two years to the month and day of granddaddy's dream. Take a few sick days, come, nothing happens, what's the lost? If not, like I told your uncle James, find your heart, knees to Jesus like never before, like Avi, never before, hold on, stand! Love... Grandma}}}...

-I think I'm gonna be sick? Shhhh I got you, I got you, who was that? Who was this Avielle's granny? Maaseiah, Sia Juttah, what the hell you say? Okay, no, you can let me go, I need some, please tell you didn't send me that text, I didn't, you didn't, you didn't, why the hell not? I didn't because I didn't want to get cursed out, okay, didn't want you Mavy like not, biting my freaking head off. Tens of millions Felicia, that's all I'm saying, don't Mavis you mean tens of millions who like the days of Noah, of the prophets, of Jerusalem wouldn't listen, churchians, sandians and Normalcians Maasseiah begin to call them, ah, us. I didn't have to tell you nor anyone, she did it for thirty-one springs, you hear me, for thirty-one years, okay, okay let me think, let me.

"This Avi, where pray tell is she? Missing, missing Lecia as in gone skyward with Jesus or missing as in the three headed, 2x's a Godzilla monster? Where the hell did you hear that? You're kidding, right? It's all around this camp, the camp fires, 99 bowls of molten lava to ring about the Godzilla monster, ring around the Godzilla monster? Ah god, that would be funny it wasn't so tragic, feel better? Seeing she's to ease into a seat, gradually sip her water bottle, a look across the beach into all those paradisaical ships, waving, blue and white, holiness of the Lord flags, just welcoming them right in. I bet she's the reason they'll all here, many think so, yes, I'm sorry I flipped, well, I tried to warn you. You know that mean she like Noah knew millions of millions of people like right now, would die and she couldn't alert not a one, including her own damn family, including Lecia, her own, damn family!” A Door Is Open In Heaven, >>>“Tell me what you’re thinking? It’s just that for all my life, I guess for all eternity I’ve, mankind has done some wordless things, just awful that they’re to inherit the earth and all alone to truly succeed all they had to do was believe his Highness, and they failed, horribly. Constantly they falter and all the Supreme did was wait, in agony I know, in sorrow and anguish unspeakable as He was long-suffering toward all mankind, all wailing walls then suddenly the day of fulfillment is upon us. For they Lord Maaseiah being halfhearted of the Ancient’s form of Holiness thus going about to assemble their own godlessness thus rebuffed yielding these will lead hearts toward the Saintedness of the Ancient One of Days. You remember when you laid in the bed that night, and astonishingly the heavens spoke out to you, yes, suddenly I heard a cry from heaven, from the full moon itself, blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. I was so close to you that night Maaseiah Adonai, I could actually touch you and just as well was I so tempted to do so but our time hath not come. Although it seem that easy for the majority of them it simply wasn’t, they were convinced and thus horrified that they alone were in control of their destiny, and those handing their destinies off to the Supremes will were nothing but cowards most irrational. Horrified, I’ve never heard it described this way, meaning they were at all points terrorized dearest Lord unto every evil work? And Thus Lord Urusalem what will you Great Zion tell them, and do I actually have to be there? They will be judged according to their transgressions, great nations of men have fallen always but only as God’s kingdom is to be fulfilled. Don’t you want to be there, need to be there, a great delusion happen to them all, all as they’re to find pleasures in the world more than God. Though Maaseish, in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of His Ancient should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants the prophets. And Lord Prince, the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven saying, the Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of you, his Christ, and we Lord Urusalim shall reign forever and ever. After the judgment of the Nations I will return to my Father and your Father, to my Lord and your Lord, He Lord holy and true desire a word, this is, I can hardly. What Great Prince about the final Gog and Magog? What about it? It has no power or reign here, within moments the Supreme Ancient one Himself shall consume them right away. I know further what you’re thinking, if the Supreme Throne had wars made against it once what’s to prevent it in the future. Apparently Lord the first treasonous acts of Helel and his followers had to surely be unto the Sia, the Juttah and now the Septennial fulfillment He His Ancient will never again allow such the infraction, never again. Truly how great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountains of his Holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north the city of Great Kings. And the city Lord Urusalim had no temple, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it, for the glory of the Lord did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light there. Remission. >>>“Anything, no, all he’ll say is that he want to be left alone, so does he remember what happen to Braxton, to Rose, he just know that’ll not here. So is there anything to it, getting further southeast? I don’t know, they’re calling it the last of Maaseiah’s reveal, how at one point she reminded us, she didn’t evacuate anyone, like the days of Lot and family, Holy Spirits did, they got us all as far from the West Pacific and now I’m hearing, just as well predicted by her, that threating the eastern seaboard. Anyway, she’s been right about all of it, so why Connie would we doubt her now? You know why, because it’s easier for us to just sit here and do nothing, so when are we leaving? Tay, it’s so good to see, to hear you, no hugging please, I can’t take it, okay, it’s taken me days to do this, to walk out here and face this horrid standstill as a reality after the phenomenon of the miraculous of what I’ve seen. Please tell, no, no, not gonna happen, don’t, I rather put a bullet in my head and go back to dreaming, Tay, my god, believe me, I’ve thought about it plenty. Where is my wife, where is Brax, Huh, where the hell is my world, can you at least tell me that? They looked and dug for days, we got to go, we got to get to the southeast, try to barter a charter, a boat from there. Getting Southeast is what Maaseiah saw, but she also saw us getting into parts of Africa. Remember? She thought since Jerusalem had all these days this place to which to escape Antichrist reign, that surely pending tribulation saints, America, judged and gone, did as well. Belief in the miraculous is why by her pretend work she created the African Juttah. Whereas thirty years ago, on a 2012 date, she knew nothing of began the evacuation of America, the world over. You all don’t know what that mean do you?” As one getting into the house with them, grabbing a bag for packing, getting, putting in what he needed as he helped with Maaseiah’s reveal, sorta like in his dreams. “When Senator Obama was shown to her as the one, was this according to her pretend work, that like a Moses, Obama was made a ruler over both his enemies and his fellowman, was Obama her pretend, African born, like Moses, world deliverer? When further the word come of Colonial Gaddafi’s United Sates of Africa, to be realized between now, right at America’s exit to the year, 2024, the entry of Jesus’ Millennium, was that the beginning to the end of her pretend twenty-year extension of grace, crafted into a paradise of Africa and deemed the African Juttah/Septennial? Then as well come word of a world of mass migration, was that the stampeding of the world, her pretend work, with America now gone as well, The African Juttah it’s many coastal island, it is that the world even needed a blessed safe haven in the beginning. Then just as the TV board cast to the world, that impossible us soil of millions upon millions, could happen, happening, the dream of reapers bearing sword like syringes for stampeding people. Was it here, that began this world’s exodus, more miraculous than them all, the witnessed of Jesus’ millennium arriving as to take after Obama’s, though appreciated but failed attempts to safeguard the world, Jesus name, blood, winged millennium alone remember. In my dreams, my loving wife, son ascended to Jesus, I, all evacuating southeast, we were by this paradise on Mega, Aqua, Ark Cruises well on our way to paradise Africa, unimagined this earth ever, to await the fulfillment of Apostle John’s, descending, New Jerusalem. So, my sisters, though I know putting metal to my head is damning, cast into the lake of fire, hell is eternal, inexcusable. Now, if you’d seen the wonderments of the Heart Grace of an Almighty God, as is written, eyes you two haven’t seen, ears for millennia haven’t heard, not for eons could it ever enter into the stone hearts of men what God has in stored, now I’ve painted you a picture, now I’m packed and ready, how about you all?

…I Long To Know You And You Say You’re Unreachable…

Scene VII

…I’m Keeping You Here, Yet The Window Is Open…

Scene VIII

“Just think Lecia, in a couple of hours we'll all be in Aqua to Heir Juttah paradise, what is that, why you keep reading that? Ah, you sure Mavy you want to know? With the Aqua Juttah tech, we can use our phones again, okay I know that, so I was reading this, ah, my best friend Avi, grandma had this habit of texting us whatever she texted her. Now this was like days before what they now call D-day, it's really, really harrowing okay Lecia, breath, wipe, blow your nose, swallow your heart back down, all, I been warn.

-It began l like they're already in a conversation, {{{"yeah, I know, Blanch too, I think Josey them suppose to come, and just in time, a missile impact, to a 9 plus earthquake, meaning a Yellowstone eruption, even to something described lately as a Noah's (NOAA'S) cousin. As in earth ending Avielle, from above, something else your granddaddy warn, all Avi the West Pacific, but it will spread in land as far as the Mid-Atlantic, taking what I described as the Eclipse 2017 trajectory.}}}

"My Christ is God, you got to be freaking kidding, me, no, Mavis, I'm not, look at the date, okay, okay, let me catch my breath, okay, before I read the rest, let me catch, my"

{{{-Unbelievable? Just remember why I wanted you out of the military and why I tried to convince you to stay in Georgia. That its where your grand father, this Jesus Husband in my dreams before he died, evacuated us all to, and where Grace's mom's death afforded us to do. That's Avi exactly two years to the month and day of granddaddy's dream. Take a few sick days, come, nothing happens, what's the lost? If not, like I told your uncle James, find your heart, knees to Jesus like never before, like Avi, never before, hold on, stand! Love... Grandma}}}...

-I think I'm gonna be sick? Shhhh I got you, I got you, who was that? Who was this Avielle's granny? Maaseiah, Sia Juttah, what the hell you say? Okay, no, you can let me go, I need some, please tell you didn't send me that text, I didn't, you didn't, you didn't, why the hell not? I didn't because I didn't want to get cursed out, okay, didn't want you Mavy like not, biting my freaking head off. Tens of millions Felicia, that's all I'm saying, don't Mavis you mean tens of millions who like the days of Noah, of the prophets, of Jerusalem wouldn't listen, churchians, sandians and Normalcians Maaseiah begin to call them, ah, us. I didn't have to tell you nor anyone, she did it for thirty-one springs, you hear me, for thirty-one years, okay, okay let me think, let me.

"This Avi, where pray tell is she? Missing, missing Lecia as in gone skyward with Jesus or missing as in the three headed, 2x's a Godzilla monster? Where the hell did you hear that? You're kidding, right? It's all around this camp, the camp fires, 99 bowls of molten lava to ring about the Godzilla monster, ring around the Godzilla monster? Ah god, that would be funny it wasn't so tragic, feel better? Seeing she's to ease into a seat, gradually sip her water bottle, a look across the beach into all those paradisiacal ships, waving, blue and white, holiness of the Lord flags, just welcoming them right in. I bet she's the reason they'll all here, many think so, yes, I'm sorry I flipped, well, I tried to warn you. You know that mean she like Noah knew millions of millions of people like right now, would die and she couldn't alert not a one, including her own damn family, including Lecia, her own, damn family!” A Door Is Open In Heaven, >>>“Tell me what you’re thinking? It’s just that for all my life, I guess for all eternity I’ve, mankind has done some wordless things, just awful that they’re to inherit the earth and all alone to truly succeed all they had to do was believe his Highness, and they failed, horribly. Constantly they falter and all the Supreme did was wait, in agony I know, in sorrow and anguish unspeakable as He was long-suffering toward all mankind, all wailing walls then suddenly the day of fulfillment is upon us. For they Lord Maaseiah being halfhearted of the Ancient’s form of Holiness thus going about to assemble their own godlessness thus rebuffed yielding these will lead hearts toward the Saintedness of the Ancient One of Days. You remember when you laid in the bed that night, and astonishingly the heavens spoke out to you, yes, suddenly I heard a cry from heaven, from the full moon itself, blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. I was so close to you that night Maaseiah Adonai, I could actually touch you and just as well was I so tempted to do so but our time hath not come. Although it seem that easy for the majority of them it simply wasn’t, they were convinced and thus horrified that they alone were in control of their destiny, and those handing their destinies off to the Supremes will were nothing but cowards most irrational. Horrified, I’ve never heard it described this way, meaning they were at all points terrorized dearest Lord unto every evil work? And Thus Lord Urusalem what will you Great Zion tell them, and do I actually have to be there? They will be judged according to their transgressions, great nations of men have fallen always but only as God’s kingdom is to be fulfilled. Don’t you want to be there, need to be there, a great delusion happen to them all, all as they’re to find pleasures in the world more than God. Though Maaseish, in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of His Ancient should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants the prophets. And Lord Prince, the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven saying, the Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of you, his Christ, and we Lord Urusalim shall reign forever and ever. After the judgment of the Nations I will return to my Father and your Father, to my Lord and your Lord, He Lord holy and true desire a word, this is, I can hardly. What Great Prince about the final Gog and Magog? What about it? It has no power or reign here, within moments the Supreme Ancient one Himself shall consume them right away. I know further what you’re thinking, if the Supreme Throne had wars made against it once what’s to prevent it in the future. Apparently Lord the first treasonous acts of Helel and his followers had to surely be unto the Sia, the Juttah and now the Septennial fulfillment He His Ancient will never again allow such the infraction, never again. Truly how great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountains of his Holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north the city of Great Kings. And the city Lord Urusalim had no temple, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it, for the glory of the Lord did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light there, Intermission >>>“Anything, no, all he’ll say is that he want to be left alone, so does he remember what happen to Braxton, to Rose, he just know that’ll not here. So is there anything to it, getting further southeast? I don’t know, they’re calling it the last of Maaseiah’s reveal, how at one point she reminded us, she didn’t evacuate anyone, like the days of Lot and family, Holy Spirits did, they got us all as far from the West Pacific and now I’m hearing, just as well predicted by her, that threatening the eastern seaboard. Anyway, she’s been right about all of it, so why Connie would we doubt her now? You know why, because it’s easier for us to just sit here and do nothing, so when are we leaving? Tay, it’s so good to see, to hear you, no hugging please, I can’t take it, okay, it’s taken me days to do this, to walk out here and face this horrid standstill as a reality after the phenomenon of the miraculous of what I’ve seen. Please tell, no, no, not gonna happen, don’t, I rather put a bullet in my head and go back to dreaming, Tay, my god, believe me, I’ve thought about it plenty. Where is my wife, where is Brax, Huh, where the hell is my world, can you at least tell me that? They looked and dug for days, we got to go, we got to get to the southeast, try to barter a charter, a boat from there. Getting Southeast is what Maaseiah saw, but she also saw us getting into parts of Africa. Remember? She thought since Jerusalem had all these days this place to which to escape Antichrist reign, that surely pending tribulation saints, America, judged and gone, did as well. Belief in the miraculous is why by her pretend work she created the African Juttah. Whereas thirty years ago, on a 2012 date, she knew nothing of began the evacuation of America, the world over. You all don’t know what that mean do you?” As one getting into the house with them, grabbing a bag for packing, getting, putting in what he needed as he helped with Maaseiah’s reveal, sorta like in his dreams. “When Senator Obama was shown to her as the one, was this according to her pretend work, that like a Moses, Obama was made a ruler over both his enemies and his fellowman, was Obama her pretend, African born, like Moses, world deliverer? When further the word come of Colonial Gaddafi’s United Sates of Africa, to be realized between now, right at America’s exit to the year, 2024, the entry of Jesus’ Millennium, was that the beginning to the end of her pretend twenty-year extension of grace, crafted into a paradise of Africa and deemed the African Juttah/Septennial? Then as well come word of a world of mass migration, was that the stampeding of the world, her pretend work, with America now gone as well, The African Juttah it’s many coastal island, it is that the world even needed a blessed safe haven in the beginning. Then just as the TV board cast to the world, that impossible us soil of millions upon millions, could happen, happening, the dream of reapers bearing sword like syringes for stampeding people. Was it here, that began this world’s exodus, more miraculous than them all, the witnessed of Jesus’ millennium arriving as to take after Obama’s, though appreciated but failed attempts to safeguard the world, Jesus name, blood, winged millennium alone remember. In my dreams, my loving wife, son ascended to Jesus, I, all evacuating southeast, we were by this paradise on Mega, Aqua, Ark Cruises well on our way to paradise Africa, unimagined this earth ever, to await the fulfillment of Apostle John’s, descending, New Jerusalem. So, my sisters, though I know putting metal to my head is damning, cast into the lake of fire, hell is eternal, inexcusable. Now, if you’d seen the wonderments of the Heart Grace of an Almighty God, as is written, eyes you two haven’t seen, ears for millennia haven’t heard, not for eons could it ever enter into the stone hearts of men what God has in stored, now I’ve painted you a picture, now I’m packed and ready, how about you all?

…I’m Keeping You Near Me, Yet The Drapes Are Blowing And I Just Know It…

Scene IX

-Sincerely Tay, if you had to guess would say the millions missing are those taken unaware or taken off with Christ? I’ll only sister Macbeth answer that is you tell you how long did I sit in observation drugged out of my head after witnessing my wife, child and dozens of others make it like lighting bolts and shoot straight up, out into the atmosphere, If that stun look on your both your faces is you all being made aware that I remember, you’re right, I remember, how could you keep that from me, obviously you don’t remember all of it, you was raging like a mad man, scared the living hell out of us, it wasn’t what you say at all, it’s how you went stock raging mad, we were there, I’m sorry you was there? Yeah, don’t you remember, we meet the guys there, sat the bar, were all laughing about something on the big screen, then that horrible warning about the west coast placed on high alert of possibly a missile attack and like what Felicity, five minutes, even greater breaking news, Yellowstone caldera was going, could go for days, weeks even months, so by the time we glanced your way this unthinkable for a millions years was seizing them both, and not only so, a few others, it was like something out of Syfy movie you, you just started screaming, stumbling and thrashing about like a drunkard only worse, we parted ways, Beth and I come with you, we where to meet the guys later, but it never happen. Look I don’t know what it mean, but in my dreams Mannix and Cartson are my brothers, what, your what.? Yeah, right before I woke, I was on the phone with Mannix, he was explaining Cartson has already reached the coast, he was looking for us, well for me and leaving word about plenty of Aqua Juttah’s that appeared out of no man’s land, would in seventeen days begin boarding for a seven day voyage, there were Heir Juttah’s as well, heir Juttah’s? Ah, private passenger jets, dozens as well, wow you really was dreaming, but you did in a rabid state kept hitting and knocking your brains out, no wonder, ah, in my dreams Maaseiah is also, my, while our apostle, prophet aunt, well Tay just think, if not ours, she’s somebody, and yeah and they’re still here, just think how sick as hell they are, come on you guys we can’t keep walking past these stores, yes, yes katie, we can. Either one can b a potential ambush, you guys, you three, turning to the direction of the voice, with heighten concern, it just wasn’t safe being on the street, especially with young women, two of them. I don’t mean harm, Taylor John, though keep it secret seeing instantly that he recognized from school, one of the most popular, leaning on a bully. I would appreciate it if I could go a couple mile with you, ah, my name is Ray, are you Ray gonna cause us trouble? No, I even got somewhere you can hang out, it’s getting dark, that sound so like a set up, are you recruiting us, the supreme this witness my mom would say, no, I wouldn’t do that, looking for my dad and my sister, the only reason I’m on the road even, I don’t rust it, but it’s getting drk, we need to rest, and we’re famished, so by the supreme you say. >>>A Door Was Open In Heaven, “You, you actually came to me, of course I came, you called, so why am I here? This is a cold, dark, chilling place even your spirited one for me, and? And how much longer, your sentence Helel is for many days surely you must know. Yes, yes I know, ---Ancient Lord, here, ---here I am, may I as well have a word? ---You will have a word when I’m finished with him, not before! Please bright and shiny one plea my case, I must Helel, ascend to my Father, time is, ---time, that’s what I speak of, I don’t belong here Lord, that is my plea, ---peace be still, the great judgment is upon us, it is then, only then will your eternal fate be realized. Say it again Lord and again, I must go, Lord Hezekiah will stay with you for a time then will he as well appoint another peace maker to be with you all. Why do you come Lord every time he’s to summon you? Do I? Yes, you do, how are the heavens these days? Quiet, when will you again deliver the masses to us, they’re not prisoners Lord Hezekiah, they’re free to come and go as will, but the people love them, all is now becoming new. I must admit Lord Prince there were times I never thought this day would come, yes, there were many involved who’re to share that sentiment, even I. We will speak later, yes as you Lord Prince, Lamb of the Ancient wish. You wanted to see me Ancient father, I hate Son Christ to be such the cry baby but it would appear you and yours are having such merriment. No, seriously many will again follow him, despite how lovely they’re to award and reward their highness so, there’s a blackness yet in the pit of them. As so by a measure like the grain of the sands by the sea they will again follow him, yes, I know, they despise the fact I’m come to rule the earth, that your Kingdom Ancient one will follow just as soon, it is their most troublesome fear-factor fulfilled. Thus there’s an abhorrence and mischievousness in them fairly irredeemable, surely this mine Ancient one isn’t why you’ve summon me here, many will perish. The great white throne judgment is upon us and many I fear will perish, yes let he that is unholy be unholy my son still, let he that is filthy be filthy still, let he that unwilling, be unwilling still, behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man. Which remind me, where is thine own Lord Urusalim? I’m here mine on Great One, and we feel, we’re Lord Father yet acquainted with thine, One’s grieves and sorrows, but as well Supreme One numerous have been made alive for always and forever. How did you get here so fast?” As one whispering at her ear, did the Prince Lord think himself in powerful trouble at the Ancient one inquiry of her, “only because I had too, each of you take one of my hands, yes Lord Father, we will sup together and seek peace for hearts made so weary at the tragedies yet to befall masses, yes Ancient Lamb, but you must remember this is at their own will. And the nation were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should highest ONE be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the saints and them that fear thy name small and great, and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. And Lord Maaseiah the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament; and there were lightening, and voices, and thundering, and earthquakes, and great hail. For ancient one they say continuously, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord, His Ancient, is ascended from the earth.”

…I Say I Love You And You Say It’s Heartless, I Say I Adore You And You Say You Doubt it…

Scene X

“God this witness Ally, it come into my head as we were taking a rest last noon, and I haven’t been able to shake it, Rhinna’s, ‘take a bow,’ take a bow is the same reference as take a knee, it is so someone in power can then ordain thee this Ally or that, it has to be making reference to the Bride now reigning in heaven, soon to be dubbed Lord Urusalem, City of Peace. Meaning Maaseiah’s intrepid dream, time table brought all earth’s inhabitants along a lengthy, long anticipated, even prophetic finale, only seven years to go now, their worse this earth and planet I know, but seven years out of thousand upon thousands of years, can you even imagined? There is no telling what manner of celebrations are going on up there, so how, how Bailey man you know this? You mean Stefan man beside it all being written this holy bible, Maaseiah’s reveal, remember she spent decades being shown beyond, Apostle John’s things, that shall be hereafter? She not only witnessed the bride reigning in heaven, but went on to reveal showing the Bride, now earth’s holy visitor as an intercessor of divine intervention toward the tribulation saints, now reeling them, well, us right along. That would put her heaven to earth mission up there with the two witnesses, the two olive branches, are you saying she’s one of them? No, she’s the Righteous Bride, a marriage supper, now one with Christ. Well ask yourself, who else could she be, the woman in white, a Christmas month, pleading Gods mercy come down upon the earth, still. The woman in heaven, crying and raining down an unknown to her ceaseless cry all upon us; the woman in the intrepid dream, the moving to Georgia dream, the woman bearing black bowls and business cards for homeless shelters; the woman seen and seen as a form of intercessory Maaseiah’s dreams? There is nothing to explain her biblically, but she is the come mercy of the Brides’ reign, what you guys about the dream of Maaseiah seeing jihadist terrorist being offered wedding rings, this delicate inducement? You would take a knee as well, nobody in this group but you Hay man would think of that, heads up you guys, look like a mother and her children approaches. How, long has it been since we seen a mother? That’s parents Stef, period, we come in peace, it is drawing dark, thought we could use the barn, you have a daughter or two with you and you Mother approach upon a porch of males? Never in my life of Christ I walked by faith, just thought now young man would be a good time, nothing you can do he won’t see, nothing you can do that won’t deliver us straight to him. Of course, you’re welcome Momma into the house, but if you insist, the barn welcomes you as well, thank you, the barn until dawn is fine, yes mam, glad to have you, glad son to get off my feet, take a rest, God bless you, God bless you all!” Wow, you think they’re all but dead? Parents you mean, the command of Maaseiah’s cries, right into D-day, that all parents be killed? I mean right now that unwanted subject is the elephant in all of our fall out shelters, right? That Hayden Meade is a question we all know the answer to, as the days of Ezekiel’s testament of reapers being sent out to slay all rebellious, taking or having no respect to age. The command Maaseiah heard that all parents be killed, was in total likeness and God is a God whose righteous judgment and winepress never changes, are never made void. Excuse me gentlemen, I, ah we couldn’t help but see there is a pump out back, please my lady, let me help you with that, I’m Lucy,” as one gladly taking his leave along a stroll with this lovely creature so flawless, so tempting, be gone with his friends to new acquaintances. “Lucy, like I love Lucy? Yes, I guess, you guess? Well I lived in a house with grandparents and they loved all the old greats and ‘I love Lucy,’ was one of them, ah, I see, it’s actually Lucian, but that’s a little too close to the dark prince, mom always said it was a misprint that she was going for Lundan, like my dad, so Lucid, Lucy, my mom always got a kick out o that and I think you just told me why. So where you all headed and how long you been on the road and if you don’t mine, your name? My name is Dorian Michelle and we Lucian been on the road since Louisiana, the people I’m traveling with are of no relations and we’re headed where all of the exodus of America is headed, escaping the end of America into the end of America, yeah, Florida’s coast. Never heard it put that way, but from one coast to another, I see that clearly, any ideal Dorian Michelle what we’re to find there?” As to help her, a water funnel and about a dozen water bottles, the smell of the water was just a burst out, through of clean oxygen, Jesus mention, offer of living water, no doubt. “Hope, Lucian, blessed hope, you would think Holy Spirits and Maaseiah wouldn’t lead us any place less, right? Right, my thoughts exactly, where is your family, may I ask? Probably the same as yours, missing, parents, sibling, fiancée, all, gone either God’s Trump, Jesus the clouds above or Yellowstone’s nation reaching pyroclastic clouds, now tens of millions are dead. Impossible Lucian I know, but just as Maaseiah warn only weeks past, your fiancée, you say? Do you Lucy know what was her last entry? Beware, all West of the Mid-Atlantic, knowing those area were about to produce America’s greatest death tolls ever this earth, I know. It was Dorian already predestined by Jesus himself, thousands of years earlier, how as the days of Noah, they wouldn’t listen. To be honest who Lucian do you know believed in an end of the world scenario, especially one that began by sky reaching death toll, US soil, who, please who? I know, no one in my house did, I come to check on you, I’m fine, Deacon, will be right there, go, tell mom, I’m fine. Actually, her father has a working trunk, and we’re only days away from it, will get to Florida’s coast, charter a boat, get to relatives in Ghana Africa, at lest that’s the plan. Well Dorian, Dorry, most just call me Dorry, ok, well, Dorry, if I don’t see you again, safe trip, ah, don’t you mean escape,” as one as to whisper in his ear, this deeply, tempting, Dorian Michelle as did he even in this worse to worse times to come had a pleasant scent about them. “Remember, the reapers are watching, lurking, stampeding us all as need be, they will not, as Maaseiah predicted, they will not relent, Good night sweet prince, and you darling, princess, sweet sleep.” Arggggg, I think I’m gonna be sick, you gonna have a kicked butt if you don’t help me, why didn’t sweet prince over there help you? With you standing guard over here, really? I still can’t believe it’s all over, yeah that kidda thinking Russ is what got us stuck here, well left here, I had a friend, well Russ I guess we all did, we all had someone to come, to warn, yeah Dorry, until we grew sick of hearing it, now it’s O blessed, blessed Jesus, please remember me, remember us, lamebrain, remember us!” >>>A Door Was Open In Heaven… -“He’s to figure it he says, yes but it’s no matter, Helel is doom, have been since He betrayed these heavens, thus it doesn’t matter what he’s to figure. So he doesn’t know of the Kingdoms of men uprising following his one thousand year imprisonment, how melodious, perhaps but he know there is yet uncertainty among them, even refusal thus he think further he’s to again utilize this brazen ambiguity. So are you coming? You know Son Christ I can’t, there’s yet work here, plus this is thine own time to reign. Although I’m apprehensive at inquiring of the Septennial, is it Lordship as colossal as we anticipated? It is that Ancient Father and more, what is happen? I see it Holy Cherub all over your face, will you tell him Lord or shall I? I went to Helel today, Lord Maaseiah as well, he’s like a, I didn’t mean any harm, he can read you son you know, he will no doubt figure we’re to have mercy and not sacrifice. Yes, but how Ancient Father is that so different where Helel is concern, how, please tell me? You are so merciful hearted, but he, all of those of the infinite hollow have chosen their faith so extremely well and thus our word remain concrete, standstill, even voiceless. Again Ancient Father not that, I know why, the lost of either of them is so heart-wrenching it beggars description, but this is your time of recreation and supremacy you must realize that. Speaking of which, I must send Israel’s reigning King again on his way, is there Lord Gabriel another thing as this? No Lord Ancient we will be excused at your concord, the Day of Judgment Son Christ is come, we will cast them off all and never be threaten again, as it is written Great His Ancient, let it as well be so.” Intermission <<<“His high-ness isn’t crossed with us Lord Gabriel, crossed there is no reason, we, all of us Lord Gabriel have our missions and assignments we must perform them well, don’t you agree? This hour Lord HIS Highness and forever, yes Lord she is very pleased with thee, I know you told me not to do that, I assure you, it will not happen again. Tell me Lord Gabriel, you believe we’ve done the right thing by Helel, by those he marshaled so well, indeed Lord Christ what manner of Inquiry is this? There would be no Golden Jubilee for those that mourn, for the meek at heart, for Lord HIS Highness, the Peacemaker, all would be lost, every ordain word and promise is to fail the fundamental recreation. Helel, even Lucifer was so entirely forewarn, even those who’re to mutiny with him, I can yet hear him, claiming how he’s to ascend into heaven, how he would exalt his throne above the stars of his Ancient, how he would be like the most high, he said, but Samuel and I told him, even Lord Christ many others, how he would instead be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. How they that see him would narrowly look upon him and consider him, saying this is man that made the earth tremble, that did shake kingdoms. That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof. This is so bizarre, I mean everything is finally Gabriel as it should be, yet I feel saturated with concerns designing Helel’s much deserved dungeon, which is why Sweet Prince Lord Ancient protest your visitation regarding him. I must hurry to Lord Maaseiah as she’s to most of all relieve me of this stress, what if he’s given another opportunity, what, I don’t, he will be you know, and it will only take him a very short space to draft a rebellious horde. You are as wise great winged one as you are beautiful, I perceive what you’re doing, Helel is now surely as nature malevolent, sadly for him and all those who’re to follow him it is done and there is no undoing it. I will Lord Gabriel see you in the seventh, surely the deceased of the earth will be buried by then, surely my Lord. Be close to Ancient father, as I’m close to him, you know I will, nearly Lord Christ as close as the Cherubim and Seraphim. If Lord Gabriel they’re on their assigned post you will not even get that close, thus I comprehend by all that is heart within what you’re to mean, be well, even so Lord Christ, even so.” Intermission >>>Just so you know we saw that, saw? The little whisper in one’s itching ears, ah, that, she really smelled good too, the whisper man, you know that’s not polite, ah, you are not gonna like it, just leave that to, you can’t decide that for us man. Okay, if you must know, she reminded us of the commanded reapers sent, set, all about America’s mandatory as the Bride’s exit, exodus. Meaning? Meaning Joe man we can’t stay here, there’s no telling what’s about to happen that we continue southeast, she said they’re getting to grandpa house. That he has a running truck still, to the Florida coast, to a boat’s charter and they’ll barter to get as far as Ghana, Africa, they have relatives there. Isn’t that where Apostle’s parables escaped everybody, actually, Apostle’s book characters started evacuating America along a war, torn world migration our year of 1996, but their, the Marriage Worshippers her prophetic parables, the year of 2012. That’s without you guys knowing anything about Mayan Indians, nor their predictions of 2012, the little Miya girl in her dreams, what, what Sam was that? Maaseiah began having these dreams about a little Miya even before she was born, the little Miya girl in our escape vehicles and it was always along where an ELE one or another had been predicted. So not only was she putting Noah’s ark, and Sam, a NOAA’s cousin, I’ll never forget that, right, in our purported sand castles, but now a little Miya girl, another sign the end of all things modern civilization was upon us. Said reference to the Mayan timetable was to mimic, like the reapers bearing sword like syringes America’s slow motion exodus. So, she, this strange person, Dorry, that’s her name, short for Dorian, okay so Dorry just whispered that in your ear? Yeah, I was saying my goodbyes, though I didn’t want too, how if I didn’t see her again, I wished her a safe trip, and she just as smoothly, as tempting to my blood come into my ear about the reapers, wow how sexy Lucid man, indeed. Well, I don’t know about you all, but I vote we leave with them., I agree Sam, all in agreement just start finding, getting and packing an on foot, backpack of road trip, this fallout party is over.”

… I Say I’m Coming For You And You Say That’s Impossible…

Scene XI

-Unto Ctentri Israel Bonai and Catasha Cameron Simpson was born a daughter Danielle Paris Bonai, a daughter, Ellison Peril Bonai and a son Genesis Hayden Simpson

Three Weeks Prior To America’s Southeast Exodus

-Please tell me, tell you what? I'm little worried, confused I think, as to ease from the window, flopping worriedly onto the bed, a weary shake of the head, what, tell, me, you husband, see me, know me so well, do you really to ask? Then yes, we're doing the right thing, it make sense, Henry’s arrival is only, what? Weeks off, it make sense Rig that we be in the states, upon his delivery. What if I told you Phearce darling, that little Henry, I think he's in disagreement, I think that's really weighing on me. He know better than us, you believe he know the future, I believe he is the future, I know that, because of him, because w know what’s come. Plus if you think about when I saw and spoke with mother Herenton, they were making plans for the Juttah themselves, or did you forget? I did not, that time with them was so, I can’t say magical, so spiritually intense, whatever, even where Rig, I had doubt and uncertainty, after that day it was lifted, it was gone. We are the heir to this entire earth, mankind, and heavens throne, why doeth we worry, lets get to the Juttah, that can only help not worsen. What, that a calm, an easiness is to sweep a spirit of calm and blessed assurance, all over and through them both, surely little Henry's agreement. It is such a stunning day outside, I need to call mother Lowd, tell her what we're planning, she's going to think you've changed your mind, have I, have we Phearson? Okay now you're frightening me, you is so positive and the woman Rig I know and love isn't double minded, not at all, one of her delicate attributes. “So tell me,” pulling her into his lap, surely Phearson McPhearosn, now having stubble on his face, somehow made him even more breathtakingly gorgeous, his heart, spirit all and as usual he smell as delicious as he appeared. Tell me again, Mr. McPhearson what is it I did to deserve you? You would have to go first, meaning? Meaning, amazing wife since I thought of it before it, what did I do? How do I know you're not pulling a fast one and where or where are we going? The sun is setting over castle McPhearson and you just have to see it. You didn’t answer me, not you Juttah wife, nor did you. I have but one fear,” whisked away heartily by the sun setting against the growth of green on the mountain scene so mentally domineering, just how often did it take her breath away? This is so incredible, I mean every time I see, I understand all the better why Father God, promise to destroy those who destroy the earth, and all Regan Central Whitehead, McChearson, for His, and our glory. Lets walk, I think it will help with your appetite, I don't think that's to be much of problem since change our plans. I do I reassure her? You can't, it all lies on trust, she trying your reassurance, I can't believe it, what is that That you Phearson, grew up here, yeah and couldn't wait to leave, boarding school, summer camps that took me far away, whatever else I could think of, it was board half out of my mine, you talk as if you're an only child, you'e talking Maddas, no, we spend as little time together as possible, she like me even less then that now. So we keep our schedule just change our destination, excuse me, speaking of the devil, {{"boy don't you have the wrong number," I'm engaged, mom made me call you, engaged, you? For how long and how many times a day did he have to twist your arm, of was that you twisting his arm? Phearce? What? Go ahead and admit, you were wondering who in the world would marry that girl? It's not a he, it's a she, sorry, whoa, what? Got ya, uh huh got ya good, yeah, hold on while Rig here administer CPR, ah that's funny, Phearson made a funny, well, I’m getting married and I so hope little brother, lil, who? I hope it put a damper in your plans, goodbyeeee, did I Rig ever tell you I lived with the illusion I didn’t even have a sister until I come here, until I come here." Magnas, engaged, not only that, then you have to picture her pregnant, then Rig as a mother, ah I suddenly have this urgency to bury my head in the sand, please help me, no, because you and I both know, burial of such sorts only prolong the problem until it's solved, sandy heads and all I don't think husband we're going anywhere anytime soon, I think I'm going to be a Bride's maid, well, don't hold your breath, we are talking Mavis. Let's return and leave all this beauty? Yes, some for tomorrow, by the way it work, I am famished, good I hope that you would be, I want shooshi, ah, no you don't, ah yes I do, it's your mom's fault, no, it's your Rig, mother in law fault, whosoever this blame, I am starving. >>>A Door Is Open In Heaven >>>"Most people don't believe it, they try and try all other ways to figure it, I know, but you knew Ctentri there would be some, there always is, lets get out of here, drive up the coast, we could spend a day on a fishery, you said you would like that, you heard that? I always hear you, like the days of Jesus you said, yeah, but I don't think I can stomach it, right now, ok, then what? How does it work? How does, the Juttah, where your sister and that stunner fiancée of hers just escaped to? Ah, you just make reservations like any other destination and once there have the experience not of this life time but those to come. As so we've both heard. Let’s go, find out for ourselves. So you're saying you just wanted to drop everything and go? Look around you, we have dropped everything and you, you’re the miracle cure, miracle, not cure, it's not like I rose myself from the dead, Jesus is the only one that has done that, the first begotten of the dead. I been dying to ask you something, no pawn I assure you, who was Ctentri Israel, before the train, the death and resurrection?My God God is Christ, Sythia, what a liberating question, Ctentri Israel Bonai, I was a young an with every hope of the American dream before, a pending gay marriage, on his way to hell, I, I mean I, I just don't know how else to say it, if I'd not that night detoured my trip to France along a New York night stop, I never would've entered into the light of Phearce and Branch Vincent, my Christ, resurrection saved more than my life, it was spared to save my soul and Ctentri everyone whose touched by your testimony. I can say, ah, hand me the salt please, with the exception of marriage, my future plans mirrored yours, but I'd decided I would never marry nor have children, you're serious, readying a sip of his lemon aid, shocked at Cythia testimony how you really don't know people unless you know people, you knew didn't you, about my samesex lifeste, you didn't flinch, there were rumors, at the Paris globe, there were rumors? You remember what article encouraged you, into the Paris Globe? Yes, blood farmers, it didn't jut impress you, it transformed you, Meaning Cyn, I had to be another, another reality first, dessert? No, no, I just feel myself gaining weight, though how tempting that is, you contemplating the Juttah does that mean you've changed your mind about marriage, children, or were your inquires more rhetorical? What about you Mr. Bonai, I can identically ask you the same thing. I been meaning to ask you, I to testify at, I'm sorry for my moms brunch group, join me, so I don't feel so weird, I would glad to, glad ask, glad come, glad to spend more time with you ...glad to marry me? Well Me sure Bonai, is that a proposal to a juttah marriage? I Miss Bonai to be think it is, think, he think it, is, you think you just proposed marriage, I will see you later, and I think Ill have an answer to your serious inquiries, it's only to change our lives forever!" <<<{{{"Tenny, I don't think I can do it, do you know who you're talking to and do you Ctentri know who you are, until you answer those two questions, you can't have this conversation, my brother Ctentri Israel died, witnessed my daughter, his niece ascend to a children a unpronounced tabernacle in heaven, a beyond description glory, then he crying death hee is they sting, grave where s thy glory, these the impossible that men Centri, the greater they are th greate they fall can only pretend, can Ctentri Israel only pretend, when Jesus said, he has overcome the world my transformed, transmitted brother, he was talking, he was referencing you, so tell Tennyson again what it is condemn flesh can't do? I remember one of Maaseiah's reveal was about a time she was reading in scripture, how the man born again, can, to should no longer live in sin having like Christ died away from sin and risen a new, a new creature, man, then just as soon she witnesse a hand write in red, man can't do this Ctenti, only the holy spirit, so when Maaseiah warn us day after day, after day, God now pouring out of the wrath, reaping martyred blood, meant one thing, that no man, or no flesh would stand, meaning, you have to be born again, this was never, ever possible without blood reconciliation the first thing Elohim explained to a mutinous lucifer, I will, He will, his will, is that He will one day reign with the Genesis man, it, this time hath come, I hope you understood, we are redeemed Tenny," we are the royal priesthood, the earth is ours and the fulness there of, while our kingdom is in heaven just as Jesus and the Bride now reign. Now Ctentri Israel answer those two questions, who are you talking too and who are you? I did Tenny, you, I, we are the royal priesthood, and until Jesus claim you, she need you, we need you." Oh heck you scared me, my Christ branch vincent how long you been sitting there, don't, don't tell me you heard all of that? I won't tell you if you don't ask, that, I'm dumbfounded, that was, amazing, a witnessed of overbearing emotions coming over her, spreading stinging tears, as she considered her baby Caddy, regardless she was being glorified in heaven, did said breakdown bring Juttah husband Branch Vincent into the floor with her, holding, kissing, loving and reassuring her. Now if I can only Branch practice what I just preached, what you just preached, renew my faith concerning a lot of things, and doubt my love just few out the few into all that space above. If you wan't my wife I would ask you to marry me again and again and Tenny, again. I know how to answer to this outbreak with marriage proposal, as on hose to pul her top over her, as to assist him with hers, they'd not consummated the marriage, though Tennyson had, had at least one man in her life, though this love life. she'd never been in love, and Branch Vincent was that delicious evidence, I've, never done, shhhhhh, just kiss me in all those places yo've ever dreamed and all that phenomenon my darling will happen, all that is amazing grace, it only that we’re flesh and blood bear it."

…I Say I Must Have You and You Say Dream About It…

Scene XII

-Once screaming himself along a release of the mightiest of explosions, this new to him, to them both marriage bed, waking, as to come into a seat, even tearful emotions along side of his bed, seeing new Juttah wife Tennyson, was still asleep, no doubt still this slain about incredible merriment, one tear after another did surface, considering the confusion and the sickening perversion once having and now the genesis marriage of procreation, meant for him, meant for them all the time. Branch Vincent convinced he had to get up, get out, shake whatever this emotional invasion off for now, surely she couldn’t see him so overwhelmed, so overtaken. So gloomy was the day with indescribable animal to the sound of creepy, even flying thing all around, like a scene out of Noah Ark only in reverse the African Juttah had stampeded to made extinct any carnivores of pending danger, this flight of such the like also being of it’s man miracles, There you are, I though I’d only dream of the husband of every woman’s eternal fantasy, I’m here,” as to lay his head, top hers, his shoulders, truly this was a new, wonderful world for them both, I heard that, ah don’t listen to that, don’t listen to my wife belly cry of being hungry, we can order in, or we can go, but I’m warning, if both of us go into that shower only one of us will come out, if Preece wife you know what I mean, ah, I know what you mean, as take his hands, bring him her way this challenge, referencing the genesis marriage how a husband and one are to come conjoin into one flesh. What is this, you sure, you know what you’re getting yourself into, I know exactly, launching her into his stout breast smooch and kiss, onto if possible all the more this fiery consummation. >>>"What is that? "You know Nicholas honey what this is," as to ease worriedly into a seat, being on vacation admittedly had taken off the edge they were living in the end of days, and the worse that could happen would happen any d-day now. Though the most concerning, is that without the divine intervention of Jesus reign it could, would, it would go on none stop, until there’s nothing left but the chaotic state as of incalculable stones from heaven bombarding it. “When I open the door just now they were laying perfectly on the floor, did you put them there? No, I would never Tiffany, I, I know, I know, it’s a reminder of what’s, that Judgment is come, and it is good I been warning people Trump’s statement is more the run before the storm. I can’t seem to get people to realize Western Rule is next in line of a Millennia of others come and gone in perfect, prophetic cessation, it’s why the same Gabriel appearing to Apostle, 2004. Upon his, Gabriel and Archangel Michael’s visitation of Prophet Daniel, they remind him that the next nation or world rule of this bible mandate was Persia, that's what they said to Him, "and the Prince of Persia shall come," meaning the Medes and Persians, mention by the US General, describing a build up of torture vehicles, then said rule was fading. Meaning as Jesus is the prince of peace, these demons are the Princes of mayhem and death, so, when Angel Gabriel said, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind. He was particularly speaking of or referencing Western Rule of civilization decreasing, right along the line of how it’s been prophetically predestined, There Tiffany was no detour alternating that one could’ve prevented Grecia, from replacing the Medes and Persians. Truly, right into the Roman Empire and just so soon the British Empire, then as of days present, Western Rule/United Nations/Antichrist/Jesus Millennium. Something Nicholas originally circumvented, the downing of Nimrod’s tower of babel, irrespective, here we have what’s referenced as a Mystery Babylon and all of it’s illegitimacy both fallen, but just as well having a substitute reign that is Antichrist, that’s Gog, Magog and Haman-gog. And when you Tiffany say, Haman-gog, you’re talking their defeat and burial, the Antichrist and his vast armies? Yes, when I Nicholas witnessed the Bride in heaven, this is why the stone cut out without hands, of King’s Nebuchadnezzar’s nightmares to madness, she alone made ready was described as the Antichrist murderer. I remember the visions and dreams you had lately, the breaking in of all HD programming, HD, that remind me, that broadcast Nicholas, reminding me of the hour I witnessed procrastinators now being stampeded into escape by reapers, bearing sword-like syringes. Merely, said broadcast had like a fifty days era, look and feel to it, it even appeared faded, then the most innovative of technology was in the sink just as one is to wash dishes. I didn’t tell you but like a week prior, I was online a day or so past, read a topic, where again Bill Gates made America and the world aware of how this solid amount could die. To as usual put this threat far off into the future, when Nicholas the cry of fifty million in death tolls, like the Bride’s escape, is all to happen as simultaneously as that cataclysmic is too on this second by second count, so that toll is solid, right? I’m afraid so, why I was just reminded of not just a quarter but two quarters, it’s God promising, by way of Revelation, to bring a judgment double upon those devastating his anointed. So what you want to do? Do?” Cutting those intimidating greens at him, this, his, Tiffany Ann, this their Maaseiah, he had yet to describe, doing visitations to heaven. How he witnessed and heard her ordain Lord Ursusalem, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, that she, herself, was as god. Just as well, explaining her having possession of King Nebuchadnezzar’s witnessed of the specialty stone from heaven demolishing all things Kingdom, Nations, beginning with him, his King of kings. He being the head of gold of this mysterious image, yeah he knew that as well. As always Nicholas,” moving a seat into the nearby vanity, raptured up heartily into phenomena memoirs of her stunning reflection in the mirror, and soon his, of Nicholas folding his wonderful neck into her neck, this divine intervention, looking and smelling so good. Thinking, if only she’d known then, a mirror reflecting God’s Throne with it’s back into them, and still even more alarming, like that those two odd quarters, a mirror image this perfect illustrative, reminder of US soil being predestined this Asian invasion. Selectively into occupied territories, why Holy Spirits the day of the Brides escape were so determined to get none believers out as well. What was about to happen to US soil, to it’s western rule, hadn’t since the days of Noah’s earth, Lot’s Sodom nor Moses’ Egypt, combined, even as the days of Hitler’s Germany none of the above collectively hath no comparison. There is no wonder Holy Spirits for two decades had been warning and warning of just this outbreak of mortuary beginning US soil and spreading the world all around. “I didn’t you, tell me?” Seeing He’s to ease off, a better tie of his robe, cloaking that genius bod, only refined with aging, it was apparent husband Nicholas seeming dance with the devil. As so death lately hadn’t just changed his mind, the mind is a maze of indecision she admit but much more easy to manipulate than the heart. The heart, like the wisdom of God, once it’s firmly rooted this single reality, discovered this long journey it is a single authenticity of contentment. “I didn’t you, tell me?” Seeing He’s to ease off, a better tie of his robe, cloaking that genius bod, only refined with aging, it was apparent husband Nicholas seeming dance with the devil. As so death lately hadn’t just changed his mind, the mind is a maze of indecision she admit but much more easy to manipulate than the heart. The heart, like the wisdom of God, once it’s firmly rooted this single reality, discovered this long journey it is a single authenticity of contentment. I had another dream, you sure I’m not boring you, with, no, never, I want to know, see Tiffany, okay, well it was about the little Miya girl in my car, your, well, ten or so years, possibly the same age I was, doing my days of Dunlap street. Only this time Nicholas there was no question both the Apocalypse and the Great Gathering was all behind us now, as so, America’s exodus was now in full force. It was all like suddenly being cast to captured along a single scene of yet another left behind movie, at first aware I’m sitting the passenger side of the car. A car Nicholas like something out of the fifties to forties era, Cuba and I’m stranded the left shoulder of out bound traffic instead of the right, the driver disappeared, as in no where to be found. Like I said, the very atmosphere of the day had an erosion of time feel to it, dreary, twilight even and the only other traffic moving about was outbound. The little Miya girl and I would soon realize that we like all were moving, directed along this border line whose toll Nicholas was this.” As to open her hands, displaying the two odd quarters she’d just found, laying in the floor just as she opened the door, to exit. No doubt reminding her of the dream; whereas she witnessed two quarters laying before double doors, as judgment is come, double upon them double. “Your infamous odd quarters now double,” as to witness a curious husband just take hold of them, as they’re both this treasure and this horrendous made aware. “So you saying it was, I’m saying, although we Nicholas had to search around for it, in order to cross this borderline of all men sinking the heart regret we needed and though it seem impossible we thankfully found, exactly two quarters, and then I woke. Why didn’t you tell me, or did you just forget? I, a little bit of both actually,” as to sit again the bed, thinking though it was storming, it was yet a stunning Paris day and an equally stunning excuse to stay in this amazing marriage bed. “You think I can’t handle it or I’m somehow out of touch, even Tiffany, careless? No, none of the above, come here, right here, I want to hold you, there are times stunning husband like we were just now, I just want to be a wife and that’s all. Then beautiful, let me ask you this, after all things Jesus is and as is written before the foundation of the earth, has it ever Tiffany prevented Him of being Heaven to earth’s Bridegroom, would he ever allow it? No, Jesus the pending Bridegroom, standing their apostate temple, opened a scroll to Isaiah and explained the very specific reason why He was here and now the Bride, and Mr. Nicholas Edin Coogan what an excellent analogy. My question Tiffany, what's behind the double doors, where once before were these two quarters? I think Nicholas after Elohim having specific plans, this earths before the foundation of the world we don’t want to know the straight answer to that. Perhaps, only, that it explains a Western rule inundated with Noah’s Ark’s of judgments, even double all over and through their tremendously, treasured places of wind instruments. So we can only guess, say a challenging reality, tearing a hole through all their elephants and little Miya girls of denial that finally Nicholas, before tens of millions are suddenly dead, that they face this biblical proportional, reality. I have a question as well, what if Nicholas, all those great and small had known the Obama's administration would be the complete fruition of Western Civilization, admittedly, that the end of the world as ever known, was now said, done? That is darling Nicholas, right into now, this outbreak of monster troubles US soil, if' known, could, would we, they, would Americans have done anything different? I Tiffany would like to think they would, that even I would, but not only did Jesus warn it would be as the days of Noah with men, I read what you said lately, America’s state of rebellion, vexed with procrastination is like building luxury homes, just as God and Noah launches the ark, and now Nicholas, Noah’s Cousin. And I said to myself, now, that’s just stu--pid, wait, huh, did you just say a Noah’s cousin? I did, should I Tiffany even ask? I wondered for days on end, edge myself, then figured it’s referencing Noah, as in NOAA, as in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Then I Nicholas can just hear Jesus warning to His Disciples to, let no man deceive you, America’s is a nuclear fate come, like all failed states prior, is it’s D-day, is there any doubt it’s referencing something equally extinction level? Only as warn, come from above, I mean we know anything related to the days of Noah is nothing less than the end of days and thus men, evenly that strong delusions are deeply, far-reaching even doing this outbreak of reveal, now bring your wife these delicious arms and darling sweltering chest, edible pleasures, blessed Nicholas Edin Coogan be the sounding of the seventh trumpet Angel, blessed, blessed, indeed.”

...Three Weeks Before An Out Break Of Cataclysms, And Escape...

...In The Beginning God Created The Heavens And The Earth ...

Scene XIII

-Yeah, but disobedience is death, it was the first lesson ever taught and ever learn, and the whole of mankind have been standing in line this unforeseen mortuary every since and any delay in judgment is by Elohim's Amazing Grace. When Maaseiah was told God was avenging not just any blood, by martyred blood, this warning was referencing an act of His reaping wine press reserved for the last of days, this inconceivable affirmation was yet another elementary emblem, that we really are out of time,yeah, yeah, but are you Beowulf asking this? No, Sioux, I was just stating, an excellent analogy our young, Juttah Preece, which Sioux explains the vision about the word now, as so Cheyenne the dreams not only about the Obama’s and Dunlap street, even the little Miya girl on Dunlap street, double the warning of come apocalypse. Though the Obama’s as to decrease into Maaseiah's witnessed of a descending millennium right into his, Obama's awaiting into acceptation. Not you guys just descending, but with healing leaves and wings, don’t forget that, my have those oblivious from the beginning these 31 years now witnessed of Jesus resurrecting the Bride, as to deliver them into his huge, outstretched wings. Yeah, all the way back to Prophet Ezekiel witnessed of God’s Chariot, assisting God’s grace, as to escape the apostate temple, anyone see the resemblance here? Right onto as additionally the sightseer, it’s to have a man’s hand under it’s wings, yeah Maaseiah told me soon as she heard that in her ear, it’s under his wings, she remembered, this, Ezekiel’s testimony. Excuse me, ah, that one got past me I guess, her, well the word now, ah that's a month or so ago Bronze, Maaseiah testified of looking into a dream, and as to make a parody of persons being virtually addicted to technology. She come in on this word puzzle, and the word, 'Now,' being moved about until it come to a rest, aside the word judgment as Bronze in 'Judgment Now.' I don’t know if you all read behind Maaseiah only a day or so past, but she has made Trump’s administration, in likeness of that notorious elephant in the room. Ingeniously as that mammoth size indecision in his, well America the world, White house, bedroom, even doing the artificial loan, dream, the cursed upon whoring, rebellious men, sickbeds. Even of that incorrigible spirit of refusing to accept what’s so mightily apparent even at the cost not only you guys of one’s life, but their immortal soul. Yeah, the immortal that mortals forgot, Maaseiah would say, it’s the blatantly obvious offer Satan was to make to Jesus wilderness temptation, He being His most vulnerable, tried as all men. That, as though He would be defeated to delusional to forfeiting not only His, but ours, but the very foundation of Heaven’s Will an all out purpose for the Genesis. As so you all meaning, when those of Ezekiel’s day cried, God is ascended from the earth, it couldn’t have been these six millennia’s further from the truth, just remember the book of life, recording it all, all time ever, and heavens host always being there. "When Maaseiah," as to take his wine glass, into a slight, curious study, that it was as those of the Paris Globe, finally the African Juttah territory bound where right now, having the last supper, was that what the youngest of them, these eight revelational lights. “Forgive me, blinking and sniffing away tears, even as to wipe along his collar, how far, all of these Knights of the promises of God to set them a table even in the presence of their enemies. “So it is said Noah took 100 years to build the ark, but if Maaseiah’s Intrepid dream, weight of blood guilt that is America’s, as so western rule is calculated along one month per year, then God’s anointed outreach toward America’s own salvational Ark, Jesus, has gone on for 190 years, into every second the Bride is yet of earth’s inhabitant, right "Wow Bronze Cotton man and though we little own to it, the end of America, of western rule is the beginning of the end of nation building, yes, further explaining Obama’s administration arriving with the two most powerful territorial beast of them all. Those to possess men of both the Antichrist and the false prophet, as well pending you guys, Obama’s two weeks and seven years time table, hence Britain’s Brexit was the beginning of Western Rule, Truexit. Of course making Trump’s anything, but legitimate, which is why even as he took office, come the cry that fifty millions will die, his has already been given over to the Antichrist, now you guys making the greatest of sense, what? The witness of Maaseiah, like the days of Noah’s Family, escaping, the alike Amazing Grace of Holy Spirits, even you all, guardians angels, which ever they’re right now, escaping none believers Southeast, equally phenomena just as they’re craftily taking the Bride skyward, yeah, both scary and extraordinary. And Marked Tree man, indescribably remarkable, it’s timing, yeah, yeah, but none of it would be possible, without the dispensation of grace announced and sworn in Daniel’s day , then conceal, but in Apostle John day, the reveal, by what’s described as a mighty angel, identically sworn, now some 3 to 5 hundred years later, and here presently we’re told by Gabriel 2004, that there are biblical events set into motion that will not you guys relent until its totally complete. Then by the way of the seventh angel shall begin to sound, the kingdom, nations of men, have become those of God, and His Christ, and they shall reign forever. Thus the warning, God is avenging martyred blood simply verifying an end for these thousands of years truly, evidently had come, yeah, yeah I agree, but days and days has past the well prophesied September, date. Yeah, like the days of Jesus birth, proving Maaseiah once again, that Jesus is here, but my brothers this entire intrepid journey, only the unrepentant need fear, seek, for at one single call, at an eyes blink, the Bride is heard no more at all in them." >>>>A Door Was Open In Heaven, Regan Central, Our Father In Heaven, “Father, the only way I’m to understand this unmerited grace out of such a horrid reaping of faithlessness is Christ alone hath gotten us all this indescribable for all of eternity victory, thus not to lean unto our own understanding, this fertile quest of rebellious man. Then you give me him, this inconceivable of a holy man, not to be or practice vainglory I know where I would be without him.” A praying Regan Central not realizing, but sitting the floor, laying his head into the door post, eyes leaking closed, a smitten heart conjoin to hers, husband was as usual this close. “I fret father I admit, you knowing this heart, you once having given it, but not as fear, for fear is the penitentiary where marshaled at their contrived gates are damning fallen angels. But faith Father, Christ, though it too is a reformatory, it is a true, wondrous freedom of choice guarded and commanded by you of Holy Spirits, this strait gate, path to you, even to our Prince King, I read somewhere, Prince of peace. Somehow and as usual you’ve taken that desecrating the heart and by divine soil, it’s neutralizing blood revised to us a son, a Herenton Egan Lowd the III, so proud of him are parents Phearson Mycal McPhearson and Regan Central Whitehead, as always and forever trusting in all that you do, all glory and honor father be to you. Deliver our soul from the sword, our darling from the power of the dog, save us from the Lion’s mouth, for thou hast heard us from the horns of the unicorn, Amen precious father, amen.” That when she had finished praying, did she tip toe as discreetly back into the room, calmly eased into the bed, where a pretending to slumber Phearson did lay topside, with her need be, being under protective covers, and gently laid her head into a soothing breath of her pillow even having this slightest smell of him, fully hoping she’d not by him, been detected, so beautiful for situation as always, Regan Central Whitehead, McPhearson. Intermission >>>"I had this fantastic dream last night about my grandmother, laying along what was left of a wonderful picnic day out, peering at the sparkling sunlight, between the colored leaves. Not my mother’s grandmother, Cassie, the most stunning Tiffany you’re to lay eyes, we stop seeing her as soon as we moved out of state, only talking to her on special occasions by the phone, her hair was so long, that she used to actually sit on, we did to when she took us into her lap. NO, it was dads mom, Mother, grandma Ursula, in the dream it’s like we were slamming around the house, just laying around, being lazy, and she was laying in bed, as I said, like a lazy, rainy day, there was too this odd man lingering around, every elusive, curious, soon she tossed my brothers and I some of chocolate drizzled cookies and as soon as she did, I began singing, singing, you? Yeah, and when I did, they all come in this chorus ah, ah, yesterdayyyyy, all my troubles seem so far awayyyyyy, now it looks as though here to stayyyyy, ah I believe in yesterdayyyyy, and then I woke up, I described the guy in the background and Bradford says it fit the description of gramp’s boy friend after gram par, whom Tiffany I never met, died years before she did, which mean he was possibly a spirit, and probably had been around her all the time, wow did consider that, so the dream, that song? The bothersome task Nicholas of facing the harshest of realities, the end of our world as we know it is come, and come and come and we may as well get with the program, yeah stunning as ever wife, that’s what I thought, so gramps was haunted? I would say so yes.”

...And The Earth Was Void, And Without Form...

....Scene XIV

-And what scar, you don’t think it killed me to leave you like that, I was literally screaming inside, inside my heart, inside my head, even my blood was screaming, I don’t in al my existence want to feel like that ever again, yeah, but Sulli you still left, I, was an enlisted man, you knew that when you married me, who knew, okay babe okay, you’re right, I should be thankful so ,many return injured and or dead, so Maaseiah’s, ah, Ctentri, ah this two quarter stuff, that like two quarters of the earth right? Yeah, ah double the pale horse judgement which would’ve been a quarter, do I even want to ask what that is? Ask or not Talsha, these death tolls have been predestined, since the beginning of bible prophecy, only reiterated Maaseiah’s into fulfillment, so how many? First to have to calculate the world’s population, some say it’s as low a six, to seen, others put it as high as nine, I heard eight billion, ok, well here it says, 7.6 billion, so two quarters of seven point six billion people is like three billion, eight hundred million people, that can’t be right, that’s just can’t be, I’m sorry why it, because you’re talking about only one extinction level event, there’s God wine press and the antichrist reign, eventually you’ll be tottering on at least half or more, that’s a beyond staggering number, like Talsa, through the sky, the universe, yrah like that, well Maaseiah saw that as well, what? Yeah, she described year back looking into as this paper route of a bike rider whose handled bars were fitted upon by this soaring into the skies, into the distant heaven, this incalculable toll on human lives. Can you Ctentri really see us there, in heaven just as Jesus, God’s throne, mansions, all, the crystal stream, tree of life, all? When I see this world as all bible prophecy fulfilled, yes, you see right now, though the Brides is yet earthbound, spiritually, even prophetically she’s reigning in heaven, preparing the stone cut without hands, having the surface of a meteor of King Nebuchadnezzar’s to Prophet Daniel’s prophecies, pending the sounding of the seventh angel, that the Angel Gabriel 2004 did mention, finally the fulfillment of all things, these six thousand years, rebellious man. Ah you guys it’s been great, delicious actually, you cousin now our Lazarus, but the wife and I, are renewing our vows and we have like a million things to do, Juttah? Excuse me, sorry the Juttah vows, will you Scarlet be reciting them? Ah, well, to be, hun? We actually hadn’t consider, ah, that, you do believe? Some, I guess you can say, some, you guess? What kind of answer is that? Come on, you know me Ctentri, I never been a religious person, all born religious, man, the question is do you believe Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, this world Savior? Like I said, man, I’m not that person, really after that has happen and will happen, you’re still fill with doubt? Not doubt, look, call me before you two leave, huh, yeah, sure, hey, don’t be a worry wart, Maaseiah, timetable has past. Nothing has happen, yeah Noah’s people said, and taunted the same about the rain. hey cuze, just as Sullivan and wife, are anxiously, happily speeding away, 'when the worse that in a million can't happen, happen remember one name, no matter what is said or thought, just that one name, you talk like you going someone, I am, Catalsha and zi are going into the Juttah, and up to Christ from there, I appeared here today to ask you and Scarlet to come with us, but I just told you I know nothing about that, then read Matthew the fifth chapter, and staying faithful to a marriage and a spouse is hardly any difference okay, when are you leaving, when? Three days, that isi not enough time to do all of this, then find a Nuptial, Prenuptial dorm and do the juttah vows, what you think? I'm thinking I have no problems wit vows and an African Paradise that's going to seal you to me for all eternity, then lets go, lets get out of here. What is this for? I want you to look at Mathew five, on the way, I been around Christians all my life, even this entire country, they are nothing like what Jesus is describing right here. I know, it why the supreme was found crying behind a silence in heaven, that we're being stripped, why Jesus is heart broken in turning so many away, that we're stripped of Jesus Christ, even that of Maaseiah mirror testimony, of God's throne whose back is turn at mankind, not seeing, hearing nor handling the except they repent, hey you guys we're here. I always wanted to come here, Scar and I both, so what's to expect? It's no different than any other college campus, except it's design for the Juttah marriage worshipers, you go before its's chapel, we are the witnesses, say it's vows, and you are inducted into the Juttah and set a place it's dorm, it's African Septennial and it's Juttah Reveal, reveal, what's that? Ah, escape, ah, well, no more, ah treasures on earth, that kinda stuff. kingdom, marriage supper, mansions in heaven, ah, you go through there. >>> A Door Was Open In Heaven! And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald. The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. Intermission, >>> "What is it? You are kidding me, we are husband Sullivan Ryan in a Juttah Dorm and it's far more incredible than we imagined, plus." as to wipe both eyes, cheeks simultaneously, a better fit into the arms, warm embrace of renewed vows of what is now designed a Juttah marriage. 'I have incredible news to tell you, and what beautiful wife is that? Wake up, ah god babe, I so realized that but I can't help it, just a few minutes, please babe, please, okay, but only a few, I'm going to go on the balcony, look at this incredible night,and I'm talking to myself, {{{"hello mom, stop whatever you're doing, no more wedding plans, and may I ask why, changed your mind? We're right now, I'm standing on the 7th floor balcony of a Nuptial Juttah dorm, right outside the bed and bath of one of it's luxury apartments, Juttah vows mom and all. I hear you darling girl but I don't know whether to celebrate or scream, really mar, just you remember, the American exodus and Aqua reveal began with them. I got to go, I still haven't told him, so bless you and dad and Classy as well, I'll call you just as soon, okay, god bless you and Sullivan as well, and call all expecting a wedding to cancel, you as well mar, God bless."

...And Darkness Were Upon The Face Of The Deep...

Scene XV

-"Stop telling me to calm down, my wife is missing Ctentri man, she kept telling me she had something to tell me, but I was blasted man, begged her to give me a few minutes, I could hear her voice as I dozed off. How long it’s been now? Hours, I’m panic, I’ve looked and asked everywhere, authorities say nothing can be done for twenty-four hours. Look, I don’t want to state the obvious, tell me about the reapers? What, ah, can they have my, do they Ctentri, do they have my wife, how does that even work? Should they? I don’t understand, there is no way, why would you Sulli even entertain that notion, rumors I guess, rumors?" As one fading into the blank distance of imagining, once having a lovely, healthy head of hair, now closely fitted, shaven, yet this stunning, model caliber. “That there was, that Scar was close to this guy, close, how close? What else Ctentri man, too close I guess, to be honest I feared that’s what she wanted to talk about. I just couldn’t you know, I just couldn’t, okay, but reapers Sulli don’t target honesty, so you think they took her? No, really I don’t, this is not Africa, I made that same argument, but these are marriage worshipper right, they are Juttah predestined, right? Okay, okay, say they don’t have her, what’s another explanation? Abandonment, my wife and I, suddenly changed months old plans and renewed our vows by way of the African Juttah, something we don’t even know Ctentri we actually believe in, so she can just take off somewhere, else? Run away brides do exist, okay Catalsha, where? Because none who knew her have seen her, including him, you called him? No, of course not, I got her best friend to and on a scale of one to ten, she believed him, said haven’t seen her look, but if it’s not the reapers and I think not. Scarlet is going to call you, if not tonight, tomorrow, sound like she’s dealing with something and made this space to resolve it, that’s all. Honestly Cten man, I think she’s pregnant, what, why didn’t say that? Because Ctentri, because Sulli, you think she’s pregnant by him, ah God Sulli man, you knew that and you yet agreed to renewed vows? Which Sulli prove above all things I love her and I want her to know that, just tell me whose ideal it was it, these renewed vows? Mine," first cousins on their mothers side of the family, more so distant cousins but related no less, Ctentri Israel for lack of a better description, was as stunning and as sweet hearted as his name. “It was all mine, you ask only because you think she ran to him, don’t you? I think she’s gonna find you, explain to you about the predicament she’s in because she need her husband to help her make it all better, okay. Now cousin I love, please do me a favor, pray and lay, okay, get some rest, so when she call you’ll be in your right head. The wisest man I know, and now having beaten death, the mightiest,” as to greet Ctentri Israel along a pat of his back, Sullivan had never in his life been so distraught even while serving two military tours of duty on foreign soil, Though his newly avowed now Juttah wife of three years was missing and of course there was nothing to think but the worst of it, meaning reapers, Negeb Ophel.“ "I’ll take thirty, I’ll be in my room, ah, bedroom, okay, we’ll be right here Sulli, minding all areas of communications, right, right, hey," as to strike Ctentri cheek a glance at her, quite gently, it was all by some miracle, but had she come upon some future husband. “I cannot tell you how extremely fun I am of you right now,” watching a distraught Sullivan rub nervous palms into a nonsensical nod of his head as to make an uncertain exit upon his bed as bitterly agreed. “The way Ctentri, you just handled your cousin greatest emergency, I know who I want to be with when the worse happen, you said when the worse happen,” as to glance into a stunning Paris sky, wondering was he brave, had he persuaded his brother cousin wisely, wondering just where was wife Scarlet? “Hun, ....hunnnn, your Commy is going, ah {{{hello, Ctentri, it’s me, it’s Scar, ah thank God, we believed the worse, what are you thinking? Where is he, where is Sulli? Devastated, where else Scarlet, where else? I need to speak to him, where are you? Starbucks, only minutes away, stay there, okay, I’ll send him, if he can’t find you there, I’ll be very disappointed at you, I’m here, I need him, I’m right here. It’s her? Yes, it’s her, Starbucks around the corner, let’s get Sulli and go, I don’t want to waste time, yes," breathing panic breaths roughly awake, “lets go, Scarlet is waiting on you? Am I still dreaming? No, not at all she just called, she’s waiting on you, ah bless Jesus," as to get harshly after tears streaming along eyes, cheeks and chin, what fantastic news, but only if it wasn’t a dream. “I can cousin always pinch you if you want, no, I shutter to think how this all would’ve went if you wasn’t here, I know, Sullivan man, I know, but, bless Jesus as you say, I am here and now so is she. >>>I know what I did was unforgivable, shhhh, just sit, okay, stop crying, I’m here, I tried, I have, I know, I know what you gonna tell me, you know? Cutting a curious look filling additionally with tears, a face of anguish, praying, hoping this was the one thing he didn’t know, let alone imagined. “Let me say this first, I want you, my wife, to ask her rightful husband for anything her heart desire, and God as this witness and empowerment, I will not hesitate to grant it. I’m pregnant okay, but it’s his, you get me? It’s his, I’m too far gone that’s how I know, that’s Scar how I know as well, so you keep saying, how long Sulli have you known? How long have you Scar been here with me? You put it on a long distant marriage but I knew there was something else, didn’t take me long to figure, apparently wife you don’t realize how close I am to you, that you Scar truly is my love life. Now as I was saying, ask me, and I will grant you whatever your heart desire. He doesn’t know okay, just as I couldn’t tell you, I couldn’t tell him, then Scar, do so, tell him, we can tell, who are you right now Sullivan? I’m your husband, for better or worse, rich, poor, sickness, and health these three years and it is what I’ll be for as long as you Scarlet need me to be, Here,” as to pointedly place his commy her way, showing himself as one not hesitating, this unforeseen, foolish act, both soothing and confusing. "Just get this over, unless Scar there is yet another change along our plans, we’re Juttah a bound, right? Right?" As to wipe her cheek along a thick swallow of firing intimidation come was a breather in a foolhardiness of perfect storms, namely the light of Sullivan Ryan. “Okay, then lets do this, we have a million things to do and this staged detour is now Scarlet Irene, debunked." >>>I'm just saying, these people are looking at us like we’re crazy, we are Sulli kinda laughing like we we’re crazy, can you still see them? At a slight glance their way, Scarlet and he in question, seem to be deep into it, whatever it was, it was obvious it wasn’t going off easily. “This is so giant of you, I don’t even know how to put it into words, yeah I agree, is it Ctentri man, or am I being really, really selfish? You see, I put Scarlet in this situation so mission impossible and I’m left holding my breath underwater until I feel like I’m gasping for air, laughing to keep from crying, that is, as one is running out of time. So I just told her to ask me Ctentri for whatever her heart desire, hoping, praying it was me, that it was us, an it was, its her it, she’s calling, {{{hello, he want to meet you, he want, let me get this right, he want to meet the man whose he’s been committing adultery against? I don’t, what pray tell, darling, wife, do you want? I want to walk away, toward you, toward a wonderful future the African Juttah and never, ever look back, then come, bring my wife to me Scarlet and put this puzzle behind us.” >>>”You ready for this? As I said, my mom is okay with it but my dad, my dad is filled with questions still, not so much, it’s all none sense to him. Which you guys have made it hard, but I don’t want to do anything so permanent as Paradise Africa without seeing them first, and you Catalsh don’t have to, I don’t want you to. As long as you all know this is a sorta guess whose coming to dinner, fine, I’m done with being intimidated, how about you cousin, I’m done as well Ctentri man. Look, what do you know about this Christmas Carol dream, Maaeiah is now mentioning, it's a years old prophecy, she just now Sulli, only named it the Christmas carol dream. Taken like the prophet Ezekiel into a fly over the country under great judgement until eventually there was nothing left but a manner of magnetic memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator, wow, Ctentri man, wow, hey babe, you ok? He's married, I’m sorry, Cashmere, that’s his name, he’s married, all this time, why didn’t I know that? He knew, that’s what you have to remember Scar, he knew of both his marriage and yours, meaning there is no fear of God in his heart. We’re here you guys, I don’t know how this gonna go," shuttled, even stuttering along a panic heart, Catalsha could just board the Aqua reveal and communicate with them from far, but she had to admit, actually seeing them, and visiting with them just seem right. "We’re with you, you been with us, now we’re with you, plus I don’t know about you guys but I’m starving, yeah, all raise their hands if you're famish, accordingly."

...And The Spirit Of God Moved Upon The Waters...

Scene XVI

“Reynolds, man I been looking all over for you, where you disappear to? Seven days man is all I got to say, seven days and we’ll be port paradise Africa until He, Himself pluck us all out. So you’re brother saying it’s only been ten days? Paying for his purchase this stunning gift shop, finding himself somewhat alarmed, that a trip, Aqua’s Cruise to submersible now seeming for a day or two was speeding into it’s second week. “Ah yeah, what, seem like more or less? I can’t say, can’t Reynolds man or won’t, so how is married life treating you? Which remind me, I got something I need to ask you, this predestined to die instantly of some fifty million, Maaseiah keep warning, just who are they? I’m sorry Salvor man you think I would know that, I think you Reynolds man, being in the Juttah Tribe, yeah, you know. I’m not in the Juttah Tribe, that’s my cousin Beowulf, so I only know what you all know, even that Maaseiah has liken these vey hours. To even seconds Salvor man into being air lifted off the planet, that it as that stage come every prognosticators of it’s nation or world having like Western rule, come to a climatic end, instead of people stampeding into safety as need be. Disastrously, come instead, their painstaking mockery, and the prognosticator’s own qualm with uncertainty, you’re saying Maaseiah has regrets toward warning millions this earth, even about her recent Noah’s cousin, which again Reynolds mean what? Well Salvor any relations or comparison to Noah can’t be anything less than extinction level, yeah, she’s calling it a three head to four, two times a Godzilla monster. Yeah, that’s what she saw doing the Phoenix dream, not only did she watch the entire heavens crystallize all over. Crack apart, along these giant shod’s before like shooting missiles targeting all this planet, she saw two giant crystallized beast, yeah man, she saw that. One had the appearance of a Syfy, Godzilla monster and the other Reynolds, you said she saw two? Standing upright, having the look of a mutated alligator, so they were both of amphibious origin, and that Reynolds seem to be important, why? Because Apostle John Salvor, of the book of Revelation witnessed frogs come out of the mouth of the Antichrist and the false prophet, again amphibious. I got to go man, I told Dido I wouldn’t, could that many persons die on US soil alone, I’m just wondering, is it the command that all parents be killed? Again Salvor man I can’t answer that, only that these end times are most of all an outbreak of mortuary, for the great day of His Wrath is com, who doesn’t know that? I only know a predicted tens of millions of Americans to westerners will perish instantly, only to be followed by a pale horse judgment that’s to wipe out an additional quarter to Maaseiah’ predicted two quarters, of the earth’s population, again extinction level. I mean I looked at the topic of an article only days past, its own government incapable of evacuating its people these thirty years of planning, yet warning how an EMP attack alone. Only one Salvor, of what’s predicted by Maaseiah. easily, of an outbreak of extinction level events Us soil could cause the death of 90% of American’s. Whereas excessively warn Americans seem to just bobble head around, as the days of Noah still, mesmerized until again tens of millions of them are suddenly dead and chances are in hell. Yeah, I read where Maaseiah said it’ll be better for Jihadist terrorist doing judgment, than for western leaders not encouraging nor evacuating God’s people, now that’s harsh, really. So, you know, it’s mandatory, the evacuation to exodus of America, that they’re to escape Southeast just as the Bride is taken skyward, she’s now calling it the only sacrifices Elohim will bless. That’s Salvor because either or is an act of faith/fate and obedience, it’s why Jesus suggested concerning these times right here that we pray the father, by the way, in His Name, Blood, that we’re like right here Salvor this Juttah Aqua, found worthy to escape. Look, I’m glad you found me, ah the dream of Sia Sioux Noel’s wife,“ once again, halting Reynolds Michael speedy get away at readying the elevator, he’d only dotted his amazing wedding bed, it was to be long enough to fill new wife, Naomi, (Dido), chocolate cravings, then back to a wondrous Juttah, Aqua honeymoon. “Invasion of war or peace on earth, invasion of peace on earth, Salvor man definitely, indefinitely, just remember, we are the people of the Cross, our Kingdom, like our Christ Lord, is in heaven, fret not thyself.” >>>“But that’s just it papa, people have been escaping into the African juttah since the marriage worshipper graduate years of 2012 (1986-1996, the prophetic parables), America used to be such the safe haven but having forsaken God, it is more the threat. Then by marriage worshippers you mean? The sir, Genesis marriage of husband and wife procreation of the world these thousands of years, and you Ctentri, you intend like these two here, to enter into Juttah vows with my Catalsa correct? Just what does a ceremony of this sort consist of? It is as described to the Samaritan woman and as well by Apostle Paul, the taking out of the wall of partition that we’re to serve God and avow ourselves to Him, personally, in that spirit and truth, that is equally sir, Jesus Christ. Mr. Cathery sir, less than a month ago, I was killed, in the bombing of a France transit, transferred to an American morgue where I awaited funeral and burial where I woke to be sitting, chanting with you right this very hour. Is this a joke? Witnessed upon as one using his napkin into an uneasiness, that he’s to reconsider what this strange young man was testifying, this virtual impossible. “Please sir", seeing already stunning eyes of his, sparkling with new tears, why was it so important that father Catherty both hear and accept his obscure testimony, it’s all true papa, I was there, I visited his lifeless remains with heartbreak and tears, as surely as we’re now sitting here, happily a fiancée one to the other. Then God has shown you two a mighty grace, not just us, but all who will hear, receive and as well be blessed. The Juttah vows Mr, and Mrs. Catherty mean right here, I can take Catalsha’s hand and edible gaze like so and vow myself a husband to her, and she to me, a wife, and there is no undoing it for all eternity, our lives. I haven't Henry said anything but I been reading behind her lately, this Maaseiah person, though she is not the only one, like the days of Noah even Moses's exodus, these horrid times this planet according to her these few decades are all now upon America, she call it, it's seizure and that God alone is the culprit, I think engineer Mrs. Catherty would be a better word. Great scientist of every manner of fields have been warning persons along the West Pacific how much danger we're all in, forever. Only by what designed Maaseiah's reveals, forewarning said hour is come, even that come troubles like the Brides escape is on a second by second countdown, even as we speak. Two questions, if this Hattie is true, why isn't there mandatory evacuations from these areas and just who are you and where is my wife? I been reading behind the Paris Globe since our Daughter Henry Earle took a position there, everything she predicted, just this pile up of monstrous troubles, beginning this month of 2017, is now being witnessed by millions. The one who warn that President Trump's declarations of peace and safety would be meet sudden destruction, yes, Earle, and then gave us the very date He would be in Texas assessing hurricane Harvey damage, as so did North Korea launch missiles both, while he was in Texas and while he was in Florida, after hurricane Erma, but such warnings really proceed hurricane Katrina, hurricane Katrina, I Mrs. Catherty didn't know that, yes, she gave a warning that went, all those trying to go about a normal, everyday like can just forget it, it's the same as crying peace and safety. Maaseiah mom, dad is right now warning, that everything Trump warn of bring upon another will come upon US soil even double, what, what? Yes, dad, she's relating it to when Pharaoh regardless of what Elohim did, he refused to release the Hebrew, he then threaten Moses with same cursed, of targeting the Hebrew children, while God, though none were exempt except those covered in a particular Lamb's blood, God turn Pharoah's curse instead upon Egypt's soil, now Henry Earle there is a command gone out, that all parents die, meaning all those not covered in a certain Lamb's blood, and you all believe this, she has seen the reapers sir, all bearing sword-like syringes, targeting all those procrastinating America's urgent exodus. Said forewarning went out sir, long before drug overdoses were recently declared the number one killer of persons, meaning young parents under fifty years old, so it's happening, as she warn lately, they're all come, that elements making themselves responsible for one extinction level after another are upon us, with something as recent as weeks past dubbed a Noah's Cousin, meaning, I know son what that mean, earth ending, no more questions. So I knew why you're all here, to get me off my rump and get me, well us into this evacuation this Maaaseiah of yours called on doing twenty sixteen presidential election even as they deemed her crazy, she is Henry Earle, she's as crazy about us saving ourselves as God Himself, witnessed him take Americans out of the horrid end of this nation just as they took the Bride to heaven, those hurricanes particularly wiping out cities, states and countries having an American to Britain and or Canada affiliation wasn't just some coincidence, I know, I know, all western rule is being removed from the planet, said impact could cause tens of millions their lives, again I know, you have been listening, you read it to me every morning, I only have my face stuck in New York times, pretending to read. Although dad that is not the reason why we've come, I don't know about the others but it hadn't crossed my mine, since you and more know, you're refusal would be considered an act of disobedience, and commanded reapers sir, they will target you. We have to go, we don't want to be locked out, they lock you out, well it more like they do a room call, they're to know the number present as the Juttah escape approaches, the Juttah, all young juttah Nuptials to Prenuptials are being evacuated another forty-eight hours more or less, it's why Maaseiah is warning those particularly west of the Mid-Atlantic, like us, son, you mean? I Mr. and Mrs. Catherty, I am not a child, I am a man, I under the vows I will take, I Ctentri Israel Bonai, do take thee Catalsha Irene Catherty to be my Juttah wife, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until we're ascended into heaven, this eternal. I will love, you Catalsha Irene, now my Juttah Bride, is this love, my sweet heart forever. I, ah my Christ, how stunning the both of them, this, go on, go on, my sweet, I Catalsha Irene Catherty, I am not a child, I am a woman, I fully understand the vows I will make, I do take thee, Ctentri Israel Bonai to have and to hold as my juttah husband, I will love you as this love, this darling help meet, for better or worse, I will love, you Ctentri Israel Bonai is this love, this heart vow for all eternity to come, you may both kiss your spouses. Ah ah, I'll Hattie get the wine, you get the glasses, and you, darling man, husband, I dare you put me on the spot like that, I'm, I suddenly, I wanted them to witnessed you marry, and there was no perfect timing, perfect Talash, really, now all present are paired and vowed.

..And God Said Let There Be Light, And There Was Light...

Scene XVII

-“Salvor, my god, why are you on the floor? I guess, I, I, felled, what time is it? I was praying, I guess I, it’s dinner time, you weren’t answering your commy, so many people Chels, I know, I thought you was gonna talk to Reynolds, I did, that talk just came with all these frightening conformations, ah honey please don’t cry, shhhh, as to bring him up, this tight hug to lay upon her shoulder, this ease into a seat, Salvador Constantine had been devastated more then once just imagining the death toll that’s come. ‘You smell so, taste so good, my, ah, something is happening, it feel like fire and ice at the same time, ah, ah, I think, I think I’m wanting you, to be, with, in, hey, hey, shhhh, we’re in a chapel, I know,’ sniffing funnily at ready tears, if this is what wanting a wife felt like, it was wonderfully unexplainable, just this hot-headed eagerness right in the pit of him. “I’m right now feeling this, I want to share it with you, I think I want my wife, ah god, ah god Chels it won’t wait, please help me babe, it won’t wait, okay, look, there, there’s a curtain, yes," rushing themselves into undressing, have lived a loved life forbidden by God, now the genesis marriage Salvador has yet to know his wife. My lord what is this, how is this? As to be transformed, up, down and all around, this unspeakable sky, and wilderness pf f;orals all around, magic on teh eyes, sounds od outdoors mysteries all around. "It’s, it’s unspeakable, I think, it’s a garden, a secret garden but how, are we dreaming this, that we’re both in the same dream, here, come here my wife, feel it, these roses feel like cotton, how is this all possible, I want to kiss my wife, I want to bite her neck, her lip, tongue, I want lick her here and there, come, come, I think it’s all for us. A Door was open in heaven, "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; Intermission >>>I" can’t tell you guys how incredible that was, my dad doesn’t ever talk of spiritual things, he is work, politics and night time TV, that’s it, what are the chances they’re gonna relocate to the southeast, slim I admit, but at least they know how urgent all of this is, all I want to say is guess whose married, I know, my Christ, and so unrehearsed, I\m still you guys trying to wrap my head around it, so say as loud as you can, Ctentri Israel Bonai is married, Tennyson is going to having a lovely fit, she only beat me by a week, hey, hey you’re quiet, I’m flabbergasted, as to wipe both cheek along glance full moon surrounded by a starry, she too w stun, she too was married, here’s a dive just ahead, a sweet heart park, can we please, I love it, sound great. I’m feeling a bit intimidated, saying goodbye the only world I’ve ever known, it’s call separation anxiety and I’m sure one was or another we’ve all work through it. Yeah, what is there to fear, I have the most wonderful man now my husband, we’re Juttah into a glorious ascension predestined, and after we reign with Christ lord the earth a thousand years, we’re off to eternity his ancient reign, a new planet, heaven and earth, yet I’m terrified, Ctentri Israel, I’m terrified, look at me, how stunning we are, both, of these couples, this too will past, and fantastic beyond anything imagining will happen…. >>>No, no, tell me we can stay like this forever, I hear a waterfall, I believe we stepped into heaven, it’s garden there, the tree of life, all, it like we floated on clouds just as we made love, how will ever put what just happen into words, into any description at all, the we tore into each-other and emptying ourselves so astoundingly, erotically, that was not natural, that was not normal, it was enchanting, even this place is so fairy-tale like, I want to find, see, it before this all disappear within itself, you spell that? Yes, it’s beginning to smell more and more like breakfast, but, I’m sorry darling but what, lets dress, go and find, I am famished, the falls are perhaps on the way, shhhh, what, shhh, it’s dear, as to whisper at his edible ear, even a taste of neck, but if it wasn’t simply impossible, they’d com upon a family of Deer’s, well it’s an entire family, there, there, and I lay before you a table in the presence of thy enemy, it’s breakfast, coffee, bagels, bacon, all but, okay, no longer to look gifted cross oddly, breakfast my darling, truly my love. I’m terrified we will awaken from this, yes but, but with an eternity of this, as says to look forward to, my Christ now in our presence, this second by second countdown, how sweet in deed you are, may all things this planet having breath, praise you, now love, past the bagels.” >>> “Look there, a falling star, where? There, well did you wish? I didn’t, I wish this night would only end as we’re to ascend to him and he’s romantic too, did they bring me back for you? How could Ctentri ever be that important, then again Talsh, how am I, was I risen from death so we could become a Juttah marriage? Those are Christ are the a royal priest, they will one serve as Kings and Queens God’s throne, when you even briefly consider, you have to come to terms with our I importance, Jesus expressed him, when he declared destroy this temple and in three days, now he is us and we are him, an importance unmeasurable for eons to come I would think, we better go, we made an oath to be, or to keep certain hours, yeah, plus you guys a honeymoon to get to, yes, funnily Sulli, there is that. What do to guys imagine it’ll be like? Well there is a marriage supper to mansion awaiting, I like to think it’ll like Paradise Africa, only you guys now glorified, meaning the reapers are heard or needed no more, that my friend brother, cousin, is such a wondrous thought, I’m so glad I asked, phenomenally refreshing to satisfying, we’ll be off to paradise in twenty-four or so, what is the last thing you want to do Scarlet before departure, I think I would like to see my parents, they’re upstate, that where they’re buried, ah, I didn’t, they were both killed an automobile accident, the beginning of spring break, 2012, I’ve called my aunt and uncle my parents for the last fifteen years, if you’re serious, as to cut eyes at her the rear view mirror, after the miraculous they’d just witnessed with Catalsa parents, they weren’t at all surprised with here answer, I drive all night and, no, no, thanks, though I prayed their sins be forgiven, they were swingers, they believed in spouse swapping, I doubt if I’ll ever seen them again. >>>What is that? They’re sparkling leaves, sorta like footprints in the sand, I’m sure we’re to follow there lead, and if they wife lead us out, what then? We believe and exit with the faith by which we enter, that our father in heave knows best, what an astounding creature, this wife, now I know what mother was about to tell me, before I ended the call, why the wife was given in the first place, there is erotic eagerness and anxious unreachable in the husband’s blood that only and she alone wondrously fill it’s shrieking with thirst. Look, just ahead, ah god, it’s the falls, it’s even more stunning than I’m to imagine, yes, are we somehow resurrected and ascended to paradise heaven, yes, I claim it, look, the sparkling leaves lead us here, yes, that I come into my wife and she into mine her husband, in sweet flesh and blood spitting, for all of time, we’re found.”

...And God Saw The Light, That It Was Good...


-“We were speaking in an unknown language, excuse me, yeah, right, Salvor? Although Reynolds we could understand one the other it wasn’t English, more Asian I guess, which remind me, we carried on like it was normal, okay, okay you two, start over, How did this happen? My darling here found me on the chapel floor, where he was exhausted from praying and crying about approaching judgment and so many people dying. Although it’s none of your damn business, none of you, I’d not yet even in a month’s time been with my wife, a, uh, ah, the closer we come, the more this anxiousness grew in my blood, my, ah, personal, and there was no ridding of it, not without, her. So Chels kept crying but this is a Chapel, and I was like, yes, it’s where we vowed ourselves, seeing I was desperate, she pointed out a curtain, it’s privacy, only once we got there and began tearing at each other this transfigurations happen, this abnormal radiance come, when soon up, down and all around we were in Eden, a utopia, just this magical, fantasy you guys all around. Until finding each-other that wouldn’t wait, was like this bed of cottony roses, even that we were like floating on a cloud, now come this one flesh, husband and wife as one. Then to be honest, there just was no way of describing what happen, except it wasn’t of this earth, and before we forget everything, including the colorful leaves leading us toward this flowing, falling down from heaven waterfall sparkle like gold and listen like diamonds and crystal, even the animals. Until you guys, though there was no, sun, the daylight itself glean so mystically and the white horses, all my god, they were just as breathtaking as to imagine. Then you two were both drinking, dreaming or something like that, perhaps Abe, perhaps, but like I said, the first I’m come to a wife, was just this startling metamorphosis unexplainable and there is no unseeing or undoing this off planet experience we just had. I mean why would any of you want to, it’s confrontation eyes, haven’t see, nor ears heard, neither it entered the heart the phenomena God has in store, which Chels the more make me think, we were no, or no longer in our bodies, yeah, Apostle Paul, said that exactly. So Reynolds, what you think really happen? Well there are testaments like as you said Apostle, Paul’s, throughout of the bible, even an entire book of revelation, of persons being taken, as to be transported whenever and wherever Holy Spirits will have them, even Maaseiah herself, have such the like testimonials, I believe what happen, happen so we could all be right here, right now, this miraculous, debating it, wow, enter into his courts with thanksgiving, bless His Holy Name. So you believe all of this, I believe their testimony, yes, they’re only Abe, like any other testimony telling us what they saw, heard and experienced and I thank them, and God who gave it, for sharing this inconceivable marriage bed with us, so how did you ever come back, how, from something like that? We sat down to a table breakfast, this indescribable wilderness, garden, and we woke here, in our beds, in one the other arms and you all know the rest, god bless your tears, the inkhorn was to mark for this unpronounced like, God’s Kingdom reign all those who sighed and cried over men’s abominable state and that’s actually what you was doing, before that astonishing behind those curtains, and that stunning revelation, is why it is you Reynolds, I asked, you may not be of the Tribe, but like your Beowulf cousin, you are just as wise, so you two, is there more?” A Door Was Open Heaven, >>>Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Intermission, >>>"No Char that's what I'm saying, I heard the sum of three hundred million and I woke up, okay, but three hundred milion what? Dollars people, what? I don't know, only that there's one one way to evacuate safely hundreds of million of people, even billions world wide, and that's if they escape with Christ, the only thing wrong with that is you're referencing hundreds of millions to billions of unbelievers, ...a flying cross, ...I see that honey. I know, only after great tribulation will there be an ascension of so many at once. which remind me, I finally read it, read? Ah, Maaseiah's intrepid adventure, doing the Juttah aqua reveal, a December date, even Christmas night 2001, an apocalypse, this nation and the world happen, only it wouldn't catch up with us. With real time until 190 months later, October 2017, only we're now Char 27 days in, so you think He changed, He can't, it's the fulfillment of bible prophecy, Jesus explained to disciples, not one title would return to Elohim God void, that even heaven and earth would past away first. Maaseiah did ask a question, is there any comparison between, what Apostle Peter is describing as this planet being totally dissolved by an inferno of fire, and God destroying Satan and rebellious man, the final gog and magog, post Jesus' Millennium, in a flash? I'm pregnant, what, I'm sorry, what? yeah, and I hope it's a its a girl, you're. you're pregnant, how long have you known? A week, a week and you did't tell me? I said a week Angel not a month, plus I didn't know until I went to health scan. health, health scan, what is, don't tell me, you never been. They scan you for any anomalies, if they find any they placed you on a healing regiment, only mine is, well I was told that the probability that in seven months and two weeks I will give birth to a female child, was 98.8%, actual. So we have a daughter growing inside you, ah my christ, so about two months now, you hear that son, you're going to have to a sister. I only hope she has your hair, mine, what's wrong with yours, I love to kiss your hair, I'm not talking texture, I'm mean color, ah tint, well I Char want her hair to be as black as a raven, well I want her to have thick, golden locks like her brother and father, I guess we'll see huh!" Every time I look from out from this balcony I imagined there is nothing more amazing than heaven itself, I always Beowulf imagine a post card. That stunning skyline, spreading along those mountainous peaks, right into those towering, color trees, right along a captivating lake and those well lite town buildings, so breathtaking, so phenomena Char and only a hint at our children’s inheritance. So the intrepid dream auto disappearing was indicative of the rapture, meaning the Bride was taken out just as cataclysms happen right? Right, just as Maaseiah forewarn, we sat out here the other day and we counted anlope deers as Bash would say, ah, the flying cross just now? The Church, when driving along and you can't see the building, the cross just seem to float, he sound so darling when he talk, who is that? It’s for you, it’s Ambrose, {{{“Hello, hello sis, I been calling and calling, where is my nephew? Put him on the phone will you? Before I do, where are you, where is Keegan? We’re Southeast, headed for the Carolinas right now, to stay right? Well, until, I mean, we’re talking exodus right? Yeah, we are, well, we’re ready, tell us what to do? You make reservations Ambrose, like any other escape, and the African Juttah will take it from there, your plane reservations, your room and board all, ah, Keegan parents are in South Carolina, so from there we’re making plans, jut know we’re juttah bound,. I mean it really took some convincing, so where is my nephew? Bash, it’s your uncle Brose, uncy Brose, hello, hey there man, I really miss you, granny talk about you everyday, I see granny, yeah, she told me, on the commy, we’ll see you soon, your mom tell you? What you doing any way. “Sitting, counting antlope, you’re counting antelopes, so how many are there? I count twelve, then I count eighteen, then I thirty, tall, and big and little, wow I can’t wait to see them, call you again soon, goodbye uncle Brose, goodbye Bash, see you soon.”}}} I just wan to know one, I know, no matter how often I look from this balcony, I'm simply mesmerized in my heart, my thoughts and I Angl just begin to chant, there is no place like heaven, and I, I'm fathom by the reality this is our children inheritance, only far beyond what is so phenomenally miraculous, look how the rolling sparkle into the sunlight, and color trees the wildlife and rolling lights of the cities, yet we're to be reminded ow stunning nature becomes right before fall. Still, as to take her welcoming hand ead them into the room where their stunning son Sebastian played so quietly, along a seat just across from his making her all the more this inquisitive. "When you was first babe, made aware of the pregnancy what is the first thing you thought? The first thing I thought after coming to myself, was how happy Angel, how happy you was going to be and you are, then after further this shock, I began to consider names, well babe, since she is your first daughter I'll let you, Gabrielle, Gabby for short, I love it, I love it as much as I love the fact we are with our second child, Gabrielle Kierson, wow, a stunning Char as I know she will be, so we eat now? Yes, my little soldier for Christ, we eat now, I bet mommy and Gabby are starving as well, what does her big brother Bash think? Yes, mommy and Gabby are really, really hungry, I can hear their bellies, you can their bellies and should I guess what they're hungry for? Pancakes daddy, what else? Exactly, what else is there other than, beside heaven, right? Right, you know what? What you're getting heavy, too many pancakes you think? Never, never in a million years, ah I see, so we're saying pancakes are forever, yes, Jesus said so, uh, ah, Jesus said so? Ah I see, our mansions daddy filled with what we want to eat, ...and there's Sebastine the proof."

...And God Divided The Light From The Darkness...

Scene XIX

-"No I'm furious Brosa because you just misrepresented me to your sister, you are my wife so you're saying I can't speak for you, so you're not going into the juttah with me? I didn't say that," as one roughly unpacking their things, though fearful, meaning Ambrose had doubts that ran deep, he was contemplating leaving the only so thought civilization this planet, but Ambrose loved his faith and that of his sister Charlotte and new Juttah husband. I didn't Brosa say I would either, which is what you just told them, okay, okay, bouncing fretfully on the bed, this eventual lay along watching new wife Keegan busy unpacking them, even angrily more about her doubted heartedness. Hey what's wrong with us just being together, in the safest place this planet, when it all cataclysmically returns to the Righteous God, who gave it? Now come here, this bed is wonderful and I feel a play nap coming on, a play nap, so you're admitting it? Having a british accept, one of the sexy things Ambrose always thought winning his attention to her, as so his being a New York native to her, had he contemplated spending private time with her. "Nevermind that the house is filled with people, surely you're mistaking, ok but guess who has to sleep, I'll see you down stairs, yeah, key you can run but you can't hide, hide and seek then, you're on Jutath husband, ...ah god Key, I hate hide and seek, ....come here woman!" >>>"No, no it' not that, I'm reminded Chels of this fantastic scenario my mom gave, when she liken my aunt dire situation to one finding a wounded bird, nursing it back to health but all this time in enters a cage. A natural occurrence, charity that this person come so proud of, even praised for it's work, not realizing that which should've been set free ages ago was still caged and over time, her great charity had made this rescue a captive and an enemy of their heart warming habitant of the heart and the only way to regain it's natural to blessed status was to do the one thing to make such an outpouring of mercy complete, was to open the cage and set the spirit, the captive free. Then she said, she think she's in this all alone, as a matter of fact she's infected herself, her blood, meaning she is totally possessed, out of her heart, a clear head. I too watch my children, grand children, my sibling, my loved ones die everyday, we all do and there is nothing, absolutely nothing I can do about it. Once planting and painting this gray picture, it wasn't long before I realized she was referencing my aunt, whose enduring the most impossible of all trials, watching her only son suffer the lost of all of his capacities, now this lost, her heart, mind and soul as on a daily bases she blamed and blamed God, and husbands by the creation of the first adam, now a cursed marriage bed her anger is just, but wife by the creation of the second adam, a living spirit, into all human kind, making them the same, she is not. The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want," this on point chant not only causing a table of three juttah couples to join in, but an entire cafeteria of Juttah Nuptials to Prenuptial, all joining in aloud. "The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, he maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he me leadeth me by the still waters, he restores my soul, he leadeth me in a plain path of righteousness for his name sake, Yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod, thy staff, they comfort me, thou preparest a table for me in the presence of my enemies, my cup runneth over, surely mercy and goodness shall follow me all the days of my life and I, and we Salvor man, yes and we shall dwell in the house of our lord, forever, thank you, thank all you guys, amen!" That's odd, odd, yes, my mom, you not gonna believe it, but she said that prayer was given as a reminder, she and father's last park with us, as kids before he past, wow Salvor man, or as she say, ascended, so for it to just burst right out of us so timely as this, seem intentionally divine, wouldn't you think? >>>A Door Was Open In Heaven, "And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. Intermission >>>"I'm just saying how can someone with a name like Beowulf make fun of me? All I know is that you guys have phenomenon parents, how is that, you never met them? Yeah, a name like Wounded Knee, I'm just guessing, actually it's Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth, ah, that's so much better, like I said really, really extraordinary. Yeah, from the time we're seven, I'm sorry, what happens then? It is at that age we go into training, to become members and ministers of the Paris Globe, for the next ten years, then we're shipped off to France, whether we like it or not, and did you, did you like it? All with the exception of Bronze Coten over there, being the class of 2012 (1996), he was the first of the Debuke's to come into the Juttah, and the tribe, how did you all come about that title? Maaseiah, Maaseiah is the one that named us the Juttah Tribe, as if you Beowulf you asked her, she can't explain it, except it's truly what we'd become, just as she'd become Sia Maaseiah. May I ask where are they now, these amazing parents of your, they're here, where else Salvor man? Just how difficult was that, getting them to leave their native America? It wasn't, actually it was the transition they'd been preparing us all the time. Yeah, Maaseiah asking right now asking all those who knew America would end to raise their hand, ad to equally raise your hand if you ever prayed God's Kingdom come, and i thought ah my christ how genius. Yeah, it cause you to be true to your heart, this awkward ritual of there's is why our children make up the majority of those escaping here by the Aqua Juttah this world over. If you are a passenger right now the Aqua or the Heir Juttah it's almost impossible not to come in contact with them one way or another, so how hard was that, sending them into a world so tremendously harsh, dangerous and deadly against all things Christ? It wasn't Blaine hard at all, yeah, it was damn right impossible and so hard to figure how our parents did it with us, we thought it was hard on us leaving home, our friends, our love, but nall, what we suffered had no comparison, only faith in Christ make all things otherwise, endurable. But that's just it Whitney, Christianity is the human being authentic nature, so are you saying, yes, Adam and Eve were created holy and acceptable unto God, as to be God's temple dwelling. It's why Jesus expressed to those mocking him for placing himself equal with God, how it is God says we are God. Meaning what Lucifer offered was inconceivably deceptive, why he's declared a liar from the beginning, who aboard not in the truth. Meaning Christianity isn't Whitney the oddity as this earth make it seem, nor the anomaly, that would actually be any attempt at human civilization without Christ as Lord. Herein Jesus cried, come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, everything else is spiritual, mental and physical labor right into the grave, judgment and hell, n that not babe, we running late, we need to get Charlie from the nursery, as usual you guys it's been vitally enlightening, enthralling even."

...And God Called The Light Day And The Darkness He Called Night...

Scene XX

"Hey, hey you're, what, Char, what? With skin so exceptionally smooth, and hair as dark as a raven, even the sun as Moses wife have burn her Charlotte was as stunning as a full moon amidst a starry sky. Ah, it's the ah, health screening, that was an error, so we're not pregnant, no, I, I mean yes, yes, we are, uh, pregnant, Char! The gender, they said in early diagnoses, there's always a possibility, so we're having a son instead, yes, Idris Elijah, you know what that tells me, easing gentle hands of assurances about her waist, as to fit her being so disappointed about his charming, neck, even a warm smooch at her perfumed hair, ear, "that mean Gabby girl will come just as soon, and how angel can you be so certain? Because we will love and spend a lot of time loving one another, I'm even thinking, right now," as to fit and form her into an excellent. seducing dance, "are you serious, now? Yeah, while little eagle, sage creek over there is sleep, I'm sorry little eagle what? As a future member of the Juttah Tribunal, that is Bash's identity as Heir Sia, please tell me you're kidding, I am, that is actually the name of Saber's first son, Ah, Sabertooth, I don't know if I told you, but when I first laid eyes on them, the Deburk men, Tribe, I'd never thought men could be that amazing looking, I know Char, only when around them it's sorta overwhelming until they speak of spiritual things and their beauty fades into this unspeakable love affair and awareness with the things of God. Look at where we are, the edge of our marriage bed, what say we work on our little Gabby right now, well we're busy creating Idris? What? Gently laying and spreading themselves across the bed, seeming Beowulf Michael Angelo, had all but forgotten, his previous wife, or would thinking such, be in error, he thought of her often, the only time he didn't was when he was so magnificently folding their steaming selves into the wondrously, explosive matrimonial bed, Elohim himself, hath for them, for for all men, as to come this one, with this marriage bed. >>>A Door Was Open In Heaven, And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Intermission >>>"Look who I found, Belles, so you're coming as well? Look at you, look, at, wow, how, amazing, you walked out only hours before a funeral procession, how, how? I don't know Ctentri man whether to hug you or kneel to you, well Apostle John tried that kneeling thing in heaven, ahhhhhhhh god, man that hurt, that hurt, put me down, Belles, please man, please put me down, I'm sorry Ctentri man, whatever this is, I want it to rub off on me, well you gonna have to get Jesus' blood first, his is the resurrection, the only resurrection of life, Ah my God Sulli, listen to him, I told you man, it's like traveling with Christ himself, stop it, both of you, there's nothing preventing us of Christ lord, of his grace, heart, mind, his forgiveness and ministry. Come on Talsh babe, I'll push you, what about what Ctentri asked, you? As to walk along the hillside, leaving cousin Ctentri and future wife Catalsha to the tree swing, though for Sullivan this was paying his younger brother with two kids, Belvedere a visit, this was also his last opportunity to persuade him into the Juttah. I don't know Sullivan man, what are you asking me? The authentic mission impossible brother, only starring Jesus, America, this world's exodus and paradise Africa. Clar and I discussed it only last night, I guess, hearing about the miraculous happening with cousin Ctentri, that Tennyson and Salvor (Salvador) are already there, married, whose children will be Juttah heirs. The last thing Maaseiah warn especially all those west of the mid-atlantic was that whispered into her ear as a Noah's cousin, a Noah's what, Sulli man? What does it matter, you and I Belle's know anything related to Noah is an unforeseen, since Noah days, since Christ's days of warning, extinction level event, come the fulfillment of Revelation, one of many. The apostle John seeing the heavens roll back like a scroll, then Maaseiah lately, witnessing the heavens crystallize and crack, and break apart along these giant shod's, Then like missiles target all running, screaming and hiding for their lives, along two, amphibian beast, just staying the heavens unto their own fruition. Just the other day Nasa itself, reported some odd anomaly passing or moving into our solar system, ....those alien dangers from heaven Sulli, your Maasieah was warn of, no doubt. Not Belles man simply my Maaseiah, but ours and how you know that? I went, me and Clare, we went, we visited the Aqua reveal, the Florida coast, what the hell is this Belle man! And I was going to say, please don't get angry, no, no, man, do you know how many freaking times I've heard that from those now so sorry. Those now so mystified they declined the safest haven, even harvest this planet until ascension, mansions in heaven and Jesus millennium. I didn't think about it like that, I'm sorry, but as we watched it sail away and transform into a submersible and disappear beneath those glistening with suspense waters. Then felt our hearts come so heavy we could but crawl away into a hole somewhere and die, then judgment brother, hell, it was then, then the hundreds Sulli standing there knew we'd made this gigantic mistake, no more salt this wounded heart, please, So what is the delay? It was, I mean October, D-day is getting out of here, yeah and you are Belle's man questioning an amazing act of God, whereas if you blink, you'll miss it, ah, yeah, so I reiterate my question, are you two coming? I know we refuse to make the same mistake twice, so yes, we have like, what, twenty-fours, yes, before the Aqua, yes, but the Brides escape is always Belle's man, always only seconds away. What has apparently affected Maaseiah's time table, as she predicted that it could, this being a leap year and there's equally something about a barley harvest, Surely brother of Maaseiah's seeming ancient years go, word of knowledge of a 'barter balen', so knowing we were coming, wait, how you know that, that barter balen thing, you did just now? Ah as soon as Ctentri head, about a barley harvest of forty days or so, he knew, he remembered Maasieah forewarning of barter balen, he put it all together. By the way, speaking of Ctentri Israel who is she, this Catalsha person? Someone stunning he met while in France, the Parish Globe, I keep forgetting he was in France when that happen, when he died, look, I don't want you all talking to my kids, To my nephews, you mean? It can be a little confusing, at times, yeah so Belle's can school and church where they spend hours a day learning how not to be as Christ, you right okay, you right. Look, no worry, just make sure they know what to do, and the one person to turn to is Jesus if anything happen to you two."I'm thirsty, hungry, I'll see you at the house, you know Clarissa and I just bought this farm, right? Wind, fire and flood treasures, is what Maaseiah calls them," backing away funnily, hands pushed into his pockets, admittedly, bitterly he, Sullivan was a changed man, hell he was a wise man and that was the change. "All my brother with a pale horse judgment, 99 bowls of molten lava and a Noah's cousin pending, do you brother I love want to really be here for all of that? Plus, she saw it all, all these magnanimous technologies they're planning wherewith to further genocide the Genesis marriage instead, in the kitchen sink as one is to wash dishes. It's all finished Belle's man, and what's even worse, if that's possible, like the days of Noah. these times are cursed so we won't see it coming. Don't you get it? Jesus said that himself, though warn, and warn and warn, we won't, even can't see it coming, yeah," spreading blurred eyes and a runny nose, this search into his pockets for tissue along the lovely acres and pastures he and wife Clarissa. As those seeking a country life, as to sat on the porch until they're grand parents, with their grand children present, settlement, wiped his eyes, cheeks clear. But no, God's judgment come Us soil, the answer to brother Sullivan's question, and cousin Salvador the nights past, was no, be would no longer look toward a gifted Juttah unappreciative, so sickly in the mouth. Mostly father Belvedere Nicholas didn't want his children to suffer unnecessarily, that vicious beast Maaseiah witnessed stomping and chomping at people like themselves, sitting their supposedly peace getting porches. "You said it didn't you? All gone before you thieves and robbers, in me you might have peace, in the world you shall tribulations, lay all your treasures up, in heaven, where thieves can't break in and steal, where instead they're those cast into outer darkness, my, God, Jesus and soon Bride in heaven, you did say it." >>>Daddyyyy ...inhaling to exhale into yarnin himself awake, was his stunning golden boy Sebastine staring across at him, what a too lovely to explicate sweet awakening. "Hey there sweetheart, where is your, ummm I can smell it, ....breakfast... yes, breakfast," as to play in his thick locks of hair, only to wonder how ashame it was, that his parents had such an exceptional grandson and yet another to come, and by their prejudice against his wife, they missed that extraordinary most of this life. "I think it worked, what did? Your beauty sleep, I believe Angel you are even more handsome than before, what you think Bash? Yes, my daddy is almost as pretty as Jesus, you've seen Jesus? Yes, you have too, we walked a shinny, color road into the sky and we daddy talked to Jesus, Gabby, Gabby momma was there. Your sister, Gabby was there? Yes, she said you mommy got your wish, her hair is as black as a raven, but curly like mine and daddy's, daddyyyyy, remember! You were saying her name, it woke me, frighten me, I hadn't even notice, notice? Did you Char not choose Gabrielle as a memorial to my Gabrielle? I did, still when doing your sleep, you thought I was remembering, even dreaming of her, you found offense? I did, as you would if I'd chanted, our son just explained, he told you Juttah husband to remember for yourself, only I can't but I will, Gabby in heaven, no, not that, it's a reference to how close we are to ascension, our offspring, its heir, remember? This coffee smell absolutely delicious, what, why are you looking at me like that? You hadn't notice, nor I until this very second, but you, perhaps even we are waking in revelation, you deciphered that dream without any hesitation. You also read my, my Christ, Beowulf, you read my heart, not just my mind, and you sweet wife, just called me Beowulf. I have to go, I have a health appointment, ah, analysis to get to and I'll see young man when I get you from day care, and you, officially a sap dodger, don't get so overwhelmed by those jungles you forget to come home, that my love, son and daughter to be will never, ever happen, be sweet until we meet again, you too lovely husband, you too, it's twins, what? The confusion is that you're carrying twins, both Idris and Gabby, what, are you sure? Yes, and that is what the upcoming analysis will tell, ah God thank you, I love you two so much, love you too, as in I don't want to let you go, be safe, return to me, as you say Angel, always."

The Sunlight of Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool

..And The Evening And The Morning Were The First Day...

Scene XXI

Seven Days Into Cataclysms Us soil, Millions and Mounting Dead, The Bride Counted With The Missing

"Silver, helloooo, I'm on planet earth where are you, hey man are those tears? No, my eyes and nose just seem to be leaking, it's Torn, she broke up with me, all that juttah crap right? Yeah Brat man, all that crap as you say, what the hell is that? It's a test of the broadcasting, network center, only Silver it's not. What, look, read, {{{this is not a test, if you are reading this your area is under an emergency watch, please stay tuned for further instructions, please stay indoors until further notice, this is not a test}}}, what, who are calling, 911, 911? This is not that, how do you know Silver man, you're as freaked out as I am, {911, what is your emergency?} I should be asking you that, look some ready loud alarm," now piecing their ears at soon cutting his ears, his eyes, his friend look of terror, alarms were blaring, they were or were they under attack? "What the hell is going on? Please calm down sir, and tell me your emergency, what, you don't hear it, let me open the door so you too will know, obvious we're under attack! Hello, helloooooo, she hung up, where are the bags man, I'm getting out of here, bags, bug out bags man, I might think you're crazy but crazy don't always mean insane, and just where are we heading? Where, where Silverstar man would you go? I'm going for Jan, you, what about Tory? Yeah, ah god that freaking noise, so we get our girls and we go, what about our parents, hell my brother Ike, your sister? That's one bridge Brat, one fire at a time, the girls first, and we reach the others from there, what say you? What is this Silver man, I now you know, watch the hell out! Ah my god, people are already going crazy, people, right, but not us, he was on the wrong side Silver man, not I, okay, okay, lets just get there in one piece. .....You gonna eat? How many freaking times do I have tell you, no, no I'm not eating, leave me the hell alone! I thought I told to stay away from him, what, he's the only one that haven't lost anything when the one place in all eh world to be, suddenly come the lest and most DEADLY! Look just leave him, if that's how he choose to deal with his grief, then my God let him, okay, let him! You guys talking about Silver, right, that's his name, yeah short for Silverton, he was there, only lie miles away, when whatever happen, happen, some say Korea, other say yellowstone, still other Nibiru, but I say whatever happen was natural, toward Maaseiah it liken to a Noah's cousin, meaning from the earth or from above, regardless, he watched close loved ones die, well like Pen said, there are millions dead, so he's just one of many, Pen also said let him grieve as he see fit, right? He's a Silver blonde, you think that's how he got his name? One could Torrance but guess, it's Tory, and I guess as well, hey the participants for tonight's games is filling up, I think I'll settle for the movie, see you in the kitchen, "yeah, yet to take her eyes off, Torrance Allegra had made a vow with her heart, just as she prayed for this little lost man, she had work toward him, that her faith not be in vain. "I got glasses tonight right? Yeah, trade you? What Beth, you really think you care about him, I do, I don't know why, I mean he's as mean as a rattlesnake, but, and though our proposed world is gone, God has one waiting that's a million times better, and Silver strike me as one of millions of American refugees who just got to see that. "Yeah, the last thing, well that Tory remind me of the last thing Maaseiah asked of us, raise your hand if you knew America would end, to raise your other hand if you ever prayed, God's kingdom come, those with hands raised thank god for knowing and praying accordingly, how clever huh? >>>And A Door Was Open In Heaven, and unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Intermission >>>

>>>"I guess believing truly is seeing, yeah but the only thing about that terrifying scenario is," this total dream boat, at rising into removing a yet filled plate, this exit regardless, "well Maaseiah warn tens of millions would be dead. That's before we, you Pen, as you say, realize, as that scrolling across the TV screen that day, even those piercing sirens my ear, my head, my terrified heart, that this is not a drill, and all mine suddenly wiped off the planet, how about yours? Sorry Silver man, please, just keep it, ...hell he speaks and he Pen can hear as well, see you guys tomorrow's assignment, if not, see you the tribulation saints, ascension, as Maaseiah said continually, get Jesus!" Could you have been any harder? Can't say I'm sorry, what floor? I listen to guys like that before and look where it got me, hell us, now tens of millions are dead, this world changed forever and they still don't freaking it! I know, I know, they refuse, but that's because they're scared, ah, so now they're scared, now that everything this woman warn us is happen and there is no longer any doubt Christ is the answer, they're scared? Good evening Tory, see you later, could we talk sometimes?" Just as he speed gruffly from the elevator, "talk Torrance about what, you want to know all my secrets, is that it? Or maybe Silver I just want to tell you mine, I don't want to know, okay, I'm not your, I don't, whatever it is Torrance you're contemplating spend it elsewhere; I don't want it, have a nice evening, even a blessed wait! >>>"I'm coming, I hear you, please stop, knocking, what is this? I know you say you don't want to be bothered, questioned even, but I also see you come into the cafeteria, take a dish of food that you hardy eat, I presume so that you're in the presence of others. hat do you want me say torn that I haven't Torn, torrance, I mean, ah, that, what is it about my name that seem to disgust you so. It was her name, my ah, girl, my girl, her name also was Torrance, I called her Torn for play, please tell me, what happen, please Silver, I want to know. Ki would beg to differ, ah, my friend Brat as madmen leaped from the house, ear piercing sirens, attacking the heart, the thoughts and all, although we'd been warn not to, but I was going after Torn and he, Step, he was going after his girl Demetria, then our parents and siblings. Driving like a bat out of hell, we like took a sharp turn around this curve and heat terrifying;y we couldn't see nothing but head lights, so bight, so blinging, we were hollering i at him, he at me, Only Tory, what happen next, you'll never believe it," as a sorrowful one opening the door, that she may enter in altogether, heck he didn't know, maybe she could explain it, even had the answer. "When I Tory woke, I don't know how much time had lapsed, I was stranded the side of the road, with no driver and if that isn't odd there was a little miya girl in the car. She didn't even have to tell me her name, I just knew it, in fact she only spoke to say it's in your right pocket. It was then glancing past her I realize in bound traffic was decimated, as in it was no more, only outbound traffic, abound, the very direction the car I was in was turn, so as I sat trying to get my head together, she with me, I don't even know why I'm telling you this, because I asked, perhaps? So I sat there, trying to figure things,when soon I moved to the driver side of this odd car, you see the car wasn't even the car Brat was driving. How is that, how did I end up thousands of miles away, a strange time, country even and car, this late model, way late, the forties, fifties. I was in Wyoming, right in the middle of this sudden extinction of millions and now, soon we arrived at a toll gate and that is when Miya spoke, when it was time to pay the toll. Which seem to make her so, so happy, even like her work was done some how, like Jesus Silver saying, is it finished, right and I never saw her again, I only learn a few days ago we're in El Salvador, which is strange, strange? I know, the last word I should be using, but didn't Maaseiah warn none of the America's was safe, yes, which is why we're being evacuated. I'm sorry, what, what did you, huh? Yes, the Juttah transits are already arriving, an aqua Juttah is returning for us, whoa, what, an Aqua Juttah, we're going aboard an Aqua? Your friend Brat, you think he ascended? I don't know what happen to him, I shutter to think, I don't know happen to any of them, it is as though I'm an orphan. Well you've come to he right place, there are a lot of them, parents without children, children without parents, so I guess they're to be counted with those tens of millions dead or missing. You don't seem to have much to pack, I told you what happen, you don't believe me, that's a dream, come here, look, there's the car right there, the blue, four door ford, like 1958 more or less, here are the keys, my Chist, you weren't dreaming, no, if you can, when you can just do a search on Silverton Nicholas Viceroy, it'll tell you I lived in Wyoming with my parents and a sister, Halle, all my life. What the hell is that? Don't panic, there'll be three sirens until boarding is complete, ah god how terrifying, I though it was happening all over again. I better go where I'm needed, I hope we get to sit together or close, yeah me too, ah, what I just told you, I know Silver, it's not my miracle to tell, it's yours. Have you been on an Aqua Juttah, or in the paradise of Africa? No, I haven't, neither, but soon huh, yeah, ah, I thought you should be married, to enter the Juttah, it's best for the Sia Juttah, but the surrounding islands where we're going, aren't as strict, no reapers there. Ah, I see, hey we only have a few hours, so, right, right, see you later, not Silverton Nicholas if I see you first, later, yeah, later, just remember you're not alone, we're all in this boiling together, right, together."


...And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

Scene XXII

-I can't shake it, I'm sorry babe, the lyrics from the movie, last dragon, what used to be one of kids favorite "you are the last dragon," it's Nicolas been going on relentlessly in my head since the past eve, all through the night whenever I open my eyes, and as I sit here having coffee with you, then what Maaseiah, what does it mean? Ah my Christ darling man, I'm gonna have to get used to you calling me that, there is only one scripture I can think of, both the word Revelation and Nicholas Revelation 12 sign, meaning only a day apart the month of September were equally given to me. I don't think Nicholas many realize it, but if, it's a sign that haven't been seen on the earth in some 7000 years it predates the first Adam, Eve, the Genesis Man, Marriage. The Revelation 13 sign predates the fall and reinstate the predicted one thousand year reign of the second, the last Adam, son of God, of man. So man last millennia on this earth, it's seventh, seven years past the marriage supper of the Lamb and for some reason, such mighty delusions abound. These twilight whereas we're not to realize the sure significance of this miraculous appearing. when I Nicholas believe it marks the most lethal of ancient beast reign than when heaven's own host warn us. It is by three declarations of pending great sorrows come upon earth's inhabitants, that the devil, howbeit Nicholas now, as he right now, as in right now. The last dragon, red possibly because his is the bloodiest time ever this earth, just this out break of mortuary, that not only when I witnessed those handle bars, a regular election day of November, 4th stretching this funeral reef skyward this mighty toll on human lives, a date Nicholas that is said to be 40 days into what is called a barley harvest, into the great gathering of saints, just as I saw it Nicholas, just as I witnessed America, Western Rule by a designed E. L. E., go dark. That equally when holy spirits warn, God is avenging martyred blood, meaning juttah husband, no flesh will stand, doing the ascension of Jesus' millennium into a world reign of Hussein, (Islam, Rev. 11:1, 20). To be honest, as one rising worriedly from the table, to rest along a window, sparking through with a stunning, shiney day, even her hair, face. "I little like to mention it, but US soil, not counting the billions decimated world wide, America had suffered a lost of about 15%, so tens of millions and the earth was just littered with the slain Nicholas, just littered. Explaining Maaseiah Jesus arriving with healing in His wings and the leaves from the tree of life, that's for the healing of tattered nations, right? So these determined lyrics staying in my head, all I could think about was that the Revelation 12 sign is about a red dragon, whose tail Nicholas is said to have drawn a third of the stars. Meaning a third of Heaven's Host mutiny with him and our planetary being took out a time, not since 7000 years our generation, to demonstrate to us, what Apostle John was made to see again thousands of years prior. This revelation of truth, this Red Dragon, this earth's last and a third of the fallen in our midst, not even calculating a horde of demon and Ancient beast, like the Lion. Like the Leopard, even the demon possessed, these enormous evils now shown to be in our churches, or homes, even our money markets posing as friendly house pets, most elevated and trusted. Of course, this has been mankind's actual war, Lucifer mutiny of heaven since before the fall of the first Adam, so that day in my dream when those dogs where actually demons, and a great, giant Lion, Bear beast come after me, with a greater then him seen to be pending. It was for to destroy me, the national to international outreach of Christ's Cross and my Jesus husband, our Nicholas, our Jesus husband this red vehicle of cover, red now as in Jesus' blood, this magnanimous overcomer into our rescuing and escape. I was Nicholas seeing the entire world as it actually is, it's why people are dead, doomed and damn at any and every given second this entire planet, why none is exempt. I know, you can't prognosticate any of it or you're not this satanic to demonic world system friend, not Nicholas if you're to as Christ thwart and thwart the Red Dragon, ancient of years plotting and planning to always draft a plan to Genocide the Genesis Marriage. Whereas even after a thousand years of Jesus invasion of peace on earth, and this world government shall be upon His blessed shoulder and they shall call His Name Everlasting Father, look at you Juttah wife, you are glowing, you are beyond extraordinary, glowing. what can I say? Like father Sia Nicholas Edin, like the Bridegroom, like His Anointed, this mean, this is the Red Dragon as scripture says, this wicked predator, sitting, waiting, plotting to overthrow the Genesis man even as Elohim created Him. Which of course, has been this Dragon's sole purpose these six thousand years, explaining why it is, when Elohim described the woman seed. HE, Elohim God, described Him as One that would bruise Satan's head, although Satan would bruise His Heel, meaning the number as the grain of sand that will follow him the final gog and magog. Even that Nicholas of God presently casting a fury at 2016 elections as the days of Ezekiel's predicted rise of Gog and Magog, those Tiffany you called into cancellations, altars and escape, and what husband a strong delusion indeed, Still once God's Temple is revised three days it's crucifixion, leading captivity captive, not even the gates of hell would again prevail against Him and His Anointed. Those right now as never, ever before, awaiting the sounding of God's Trump, Jesus, and the voice of the Archangels Michael, so when the scripture say we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but powers, principalities, and municipalities not of this world. Loosed from a bottomless pit, not even of this planet, it's why the faith lesson of Hebrews 11, is that the world is not made up of things which actually does appear. I can imagine Jesus explaining to religious leader Nicodemus how he must be born again, so he can see exactly this, that this world could, would never again be our home, not since the Dragon's reign since the first Adam. No longer Nicholas imagine, but by eliminating the elephant in the room, realize America is just a crafty wool, a veil, even darken mirror pulled over the mental evaluation of men. It's whoredom and greed like a viral plague infecting the blood, the heart, mind and soul, so much so they, mankind cannot, even to this illusion rooted in refusals and mockery of Christ's Cross. They cannot look straight to Christ, nor the hills of heaven from whence cometh their one true help, man' these thousands of years vain continuously, now to look to it's single resurrection and ascension. A devious mutiny Nicholas, from the beginning, unveiled and overthrown recently, by a detected silence in heavens stay of daily activities, where I witnessed this mountain, So such a sunlight this throne, whereas just as the days of Moses, Elohim again empowered by Christ's Cross, commanded, the Dragon, fallen angels, in enters demons and this man's disobedience, plainly to loose all mankind, into the knocking and research of God The Lamb, The Holy Spirit and Righteous Bride, surely as the days of Moses, that the Genesis man, once and is freed up, as to decide, God's Trump Jesus or man's, Truexit, Trump, either, or Nicholas, America deceasing into Daniel's final week, is an exodus. So those lyrics Nicholas going on and on like that, it's as though knowing and or being completely oblivious he, the red dragon is being summoned along his final reign. Possibly the world outcry I witnessed doing Bush administration, it is strangely, though Buch target, that a Hussein instead reign; even that Jesus' millennium descended into his, Hussein's and Maaseiah an Antichrist reign will answer their ceaseless, most disastrous cries of all of time, right? The additional cry Nicholas, ahm forewarning, that the Antichrist will millions as millions go broke, now stunning husband I love more than anything this planet, let's do, ascend." >>>"And I was screaming yes, yes, where is it written that America continues into an eternity, wake the hell up, wake the help up! Ah, excuse me, I was given kitchen duty, where do you want me, need me to do even? Ah, what about pots and pans, they're the most strenuous and you look to be strong, ah you rinse them good enough to go into the industrial dishwashers, I guess it's fair to say, once that's done, ah, it's Silver right? Silverton, but most call me Silver, like the color of your hair right? Actually miss no, my name come first, or so my parents, I was told. So, ok, pots, and you can tell me where to go from there, my name is Tory by the way and the kitchen boss, supervisor, yeah, we call her Beth, right. So Beth when I'm done I just leave, yeah, right, ah sure, your hair is so stunning, I mean you are, as, okay shutting up, I am almost ready to sweep, but I don't know how I'm to do that having a broom and dust pan in my mouth. Well look, listen at that Silver, you've already made an improvement, this area is never this quiet, your accent, may I ask? No, no questions please, please, I do my work and leave, okay, no questions, and I have vacuuming, what man, you think you special or something? Pen, don't, no Beth, it's okay, of course Pen as they say, that's why I'm stuck this maze of a fall out shelter Maaseiah's reveal toward and warn us to avoid a all cost, but get our stupid selves to God, to Christ's Cross, but nall, we're Americans surely that didn't include us, yeah all this regret mean, I'm more special than all of yall! Hey, hey, look like I need some help here, ah, right, it's Tory as I said, sometimes the button jams, just punch at a few others and wamo, Tory, what is short for, is that short for anything? It's Torrance, thanks," seeing him walk off to another sink of pots, hurried alone so he could leave as soon as he's finished, his questions, that was about the most they'd gotten out of him the nearly two month he'd been with them. "Not such a meany after all I guess, I don't know Beth, I just want to run my fingers through his hair, ah, I can't believe you just said, that and so loud he probably heard you, no, he didn't, stop it! I think he did, look he's coming over here, ahhhhh, got ya, you know you've thunk it, yeah, only to see him as a rabid dog biting those fingers right off, What did he say to you just now, he asked me about my name, whether it was short for something, only when I told him, it just seem to make him more bitter, like that's possible, it mean he's slowly coming around, I hope so, I would really like to get to know him, I can't tell you where my thoughts went when he asked, where do we want him, Tory! What? Just being honest, is that what you're telling Crate, that Miss Nelson is none of your business, but everything else you just told me, was, is, right? I have work, yeah, that's what I thought, pervert. pervert, so it's perverted to want to make that beauty my husband and the father of my juttah heirs, your juttah heirs, when the hell did that happen, up here, and soon in hear and since I can't help myself this burning, in here, see, see, pervert, you know every time Beth you say that, you're calling the Genesis marriage perverted right? I am not, wait, am I? and I'm just saying. stop beating around the bush and just say it, why westerners leaders were rising up to take more blood, saving America, biblical prophecy, into a God's winepress, it's commanded reapers were all sei to the do the opposite, yeah, why Maaaseiah kept making this comparison to the days of prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel. "Excuse me, ah, Sia, Hemingway, It's juttah, ah juttah, what make us the exception, there have to be millions stranded, why us? I been waiting. I could Preece, what is, Silver, ah, Silverton Michael, silver for short, I could Preece Sil, Silverton, answer that but you not gonna like it, well i did ask, ah being in the right place, ah timing and the fact we have, well had like a skeleton crew, wow, yeah, as I said. We are dismissed, we will reconvene doing Maaseiah reveal at 7:17, pm, we're entering the juttah, ah, according to Aqua's estimated time of arrival we may not get there before Septennial, meaning we're come into Madagascar and go on foot from there. a very arduous task, but either why the primary purpose of exodus is to escape all that is the America's there the Juttah is very, very determined, good evening enjoy, not sound like a broken statement but Sia Juttah has spared no expense.

The Sunlight Of Silverton Nicholas Chow

...And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.


Three Weeks Prior To Cataclysms Us Soil And The Bride's Escape

-"I did it, I called them, called, ah my God your brothers? And my father, Icus, Ivar, they were so surprised to hear from me and Nicholas so elated, so? So they're both married with professional children, doctors, astronauts and professors, so what, what did you tell them? I didn't Nicholas waste any time, seeing any second we're taken out of here. I told them Trump, like Obama/Clinton before, and Bush, Clinton and Bush prior. Like western leaders right now and gone before all thinking they can save America even like at present, from biblical fulfillment by throwing down especially Arabia, who are Israel's neighbors. The same neighbors of Israel predestined (Revelation 11), after western ule desolation to have an end time 42 month world reign, before the Antichrist, (Dan. 7-12, Rev. 17-18), The only rule on this planet predestined to then overthrow Islamic reign by first seducing and deluding them all, joining them and as I said overthrowing them. Meaning, it is as the days of Noah and Moses US soil, as the days of Moses whatever our leaders threaten; North Korea, Russia, China, this great company is going to come upon them double. Most likely beginning the West Pacific and spreading inward as far as the mid-Atlantic, whereas the Damater, (an ELE, by a super natural disaster). The heavenly bodies (an ELE, by a Noah NOAA's cousin), (Ps. 31, Isa. 13, Rev. 18), are all poised to act out accordingly. These through the sky cataclysms all proven to be evident by a projected fifty million deaths, tens of millions US soil upon impact, (Danater, the Heavens, Commanded Reapers, Wars and Rumors), all Nicholas before a pale horse Judgment! The first thing Ivar asked was, what was he to do? And I told him, only those repenting to Christ and evacuating all that is American to Western rule great or small, are safe, Nicholas, they are more aware than I anticipated. I explained to Ivar how I witnessed his entire family dressed formally as though they were going to a ball, hopefully, I explained, the marriage supper of the Lamb. I explained, to Icus, instead I witnessed ancient beast in his midst, the Lion, Babylon revisited, the Leopard, Grecia, to Alexander the great revisited, and demon dogs. The mockery and martyrdom of the Christ's Cross, His Anointed like never before, this planet, that it all Nicholas represent a satanic, (fallen angels). To demonic infiltration literally unspeakable, all his home, posed as friendly house pets, though threatening, Christ's anointed, upon it's knocking, it's aim visit, sup at his table? Nicholas, immediately Icus told me, his college, where he's a professor, is one of the primary leaders of the LGBTQ movement. Where at least a dozen of it's professors have been implicated in this so called pedophile gate, ah Christ baby tell me he isn't one of them, no, but he said one of his sons. As so one of his daughters are as those confused about their gender, which is why you've been pestered at speaking to him. He explained he knew little to tell them but that according to the Genesis, the marriage God created is for procreation this entire natural earth and like it or not there is nothing nor could there ever be anything transgender about it. So choosing it, a transgender lifestyle, is no different than choosing atheism, the portals of devils and demons pouring and pouring in, like Nicholas, here, please zip me, those beast I been seeing their lives, lands and churches for so long now. They were to honor this biblical truth, I stood up to them, he said, or his house couldn't be their home and like God, he was no longer their father; their parents, seeing his wife Glorious, their mother was in total agreement. So Tiffany they are estranged? Yes," sitting on the bed, so sad, fully dressed, as was Nicholas Edin, dressed even as they talked, cradling a beige, floral handkerchief in hand, Aqua Juttah's were arriving soon and they had to be there to greet it's knewest members. "He said, he read the article, by Tristan Allen, (Apache Arrow), the Paris Globe, blood farmers, years past and that helped him to explain to his kids, the abomination of same sex marriage. That Nicholas he'd failed them, choosing the school's perverted agender over God's, bringing that wickedness into his home, but he remember what mother taught. A parent can only trained the child up in the way they should go, the way of the Cross, though they stray, they, this prodigal will always return, who knew, right? Did he realize he was describing himself, that he too Maaseiah had strayed away from your mom's biblical teaching but had as well returned, sacrificially guided his children? Regardless, I see how relived you are that you talked to him, to them, and your father? My father is past, Maaseiah, I'm so, I now Nicholas hold on to the unsinkable hope that he too return to mother's faith and faithfulness of Christ Jesus before he died. We better go, what, what is it? It's just that when Icus mention Sia Maaseiah, that he understood first hand why there was a command that all parents be killed, that all schools (western civilization), be finished, he didn't Tiffany know, he was talking directly to her, right? Or Nicholas did he? While just consider that until the next time you all talk, right? Right sweet husband, right, Nicholas, what, what is, ah, speaking of this pedohile gate, whatever that is, I Tiffany been holding back a terrible dream I had years past. It was myself, my mother Cossie, and Bradford, we all arrived three persons to a single bike, the parking lot of a church. Even from there I could see a mist rising out of the ground and moving into the pulpit, only Tiffany it wasn't a mist, it was demons. It was demons just pouring into the building and I'm positive I'm the only one that could actually see this, that once we arrived inside. It was Tiffany that every male in that church had an erection horribly with an infant child attached, ah god, you saw that? I did, I was reminded just now and when the our grands visited lately, little Miya had a dream about a snake, a serpent in the bathroom. When Daria, she mention a dream, a pitbull dog, that only obeyed her twin brother, Darius, sitting at the door of the church, meaning. Meaning Nicholas, Maaseiah is right on with this mightier than ever before Beast reign now come it's great whordom to blood guilt and everything that's life, lived and loved this American dream has been mightily infiltrated one way or another. Heretofore it's complete siege as the days of Jeremiah 37 and Ezekiel 4, by indescribable troubles, three of it's corners, to four now come, being Nichols laid recently, these last three decades, again Ameria's now come D-day." A

Door Was Open In Heaven, And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. ( Intrepid Dream automobile, Dec. 25th 2001, that disappeared doing trials, judgments and cataclysms, was white, trimmed in gold, beware), Apb, As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Intermission, "Get Ye To Repent Altars, God Is Avenging Martyred Blood, Holy Spirits," 2017, Apb

A Week Into Cataclysms Us Soil, The Brides Escape

"So this is fair? You fins me, you pick my brain it.s testimonies for al its worth and then you just disappear, you should not be in here, and that's all you're t say, it's been three days, I been worried a over teh ae, thinking the worse, Okay, okey, silerton, im sorry, oky, hell no no not okay, hello, children present, I won't be long, kids, I'll take my break, Mrs. Noon will come and if you play quietly, I'll re-consider the petting zoo, yes, I thought you like that. Ah, what else can I say, if not sorry? This was all premeditated, leaving little room for sympathy, I did as asked, I invested, I the juttah reveal is just that, I'm hungry, yeah I get, it is lunch time, I learn, well in eh beginning it was as you said, then the waters come and come a little more choppy, meaning? Hello, ah, I'm sorry, meaning more puzzle like, please just tell me, adopted, ah, did you know you were adopted? what? yeah, a teen girl gave you up because she didn't think she was mature enough to ah, raise you, I'm, are you telling me my parents, but why didn't they tell m, it's possibly in their will somewhere, but your birth mom, you was born Miami Florida, your birth mom was part seminole indian, Indian? Yes, and she had only request, that she name you, and she did, Silverton, Nicholas Creek, my, my, my Christ where are you getting that from? I just told you the Juttah reveals, it's all there, nothing hidden, you being Indian could explain your Silver hair and, and, what else? First you have to believe some people are born special and for special reason, and? Only that her maiden name was Saurus, the same Saurus who where some of the first to go into the Juttah, ah, I aleso researched your little Miya girl dream, I learn Silver Maaseiah has had similar dreams, the Maaseiah, of the Juttah, dreams about, yes, one of them identical to yours, what you mean Identical, I mean identical down to the amount of the toll booth which you never said, that;s not possible, and I;m telling you it;s all there, the toll was two quarters, I one easily and the other took a little more time, right, so I can guess when you read that you thought my testament was fraudulent, yes, yes, I did, ah, who do I say this, Sia Maaseiah maiden name is Saurus, her married name is Coogan, thee are those who believe the Africa Juttah, paradise Africa would not exist, it wasn't was the Saurus, Coogans, you know my birth mom name, Karsiann Saurus, Coogan, just what are you telling me? The blood lineage here could explain the transfiguration that happen, it could explain you ending up in El Salvador and here, here? Yes, why the Juttah Aqua, by Silver a forfeiture of the Juttah Septennial, as close as one can get to heaven this earth, did like a 380 and come back for us, or was that for you, I don't, Karsiann Coogan, the class of 2012, (1996), those first of the marriage supper, married to the darius Juttah herself, isn't Silver just a close relative of Maaseiah, she is her daughter, ahhh, bating tinging eyes, along a sniff,as to swallow a tighten throat, that , what you're saying would, Sia Maaseiah is your grand mother, and that young Juttah you was questioning, he's of the deburk claim, the Juttah Tribe, heard of them? They're the first to count Sia Maaseiah their oracle, not only so, I know, they think sh;s the bride manifested in the flesh, if the bridegroom come in the flesh, so is the Bride, come the first pentecost, ah Christ what is happening? Sia Maaseiah would say, the authenti beginning to the end, do she know, about me I mean, I can't know, possibly, and my father, there wa sno mention of him, but since nothing is hidden i soon learn he is Asian American, Saigon Lue, which is what just your appearance make a room go completely silent, or have you noticed? So when you discovered all of yis, I didn't whether to steer clear or kneel, funny, ah, I see from that suspicious stare you're serious, I, admit, I'm stun, with the exception of my name I was always suspicious, Silver i can see, but Nicholas, its her father name, Nicholas Coogan and did she have other, ah children, you have a brother, Preece Darius, Meshullam Kadesh, it mean, reconcile be holy, that is about as far as I got, but if you research her further, you're to learn of a vast family Tree, dating back to the worse prom night America's history and the first of the young marriage worshipers who escaped into the juttah. i got to go, ho, I only just found you, I have a class, and you, you have research to do, and your classes, a building engineer right, yeah but what use is that now? Think, we're gog to be here a thousand years, there is not telling what we're to be, do and or build doing all that time, see you for dinner? Actually the juttah reveal, you do not want to miss that, then you can be my escort to dinner, I you don't want to admit, but that reveal just now answer a lot of questions right? Admittedly, yes.

...And God Called The Firmament Heaven. And The Evening And The Morning Were The Second Day... Scene XXIV

-You missed the juttah reveal, yeah we were beginning to think the reapers had you, god as my witnessed, I took a deep breathe and relaxed in my chair and I didn't wake until just now. So what was said, well question were asked about this Asian Trip and Sia BFA files, tell me you're not serious, yeah man he and the darius, darius Juttah, here, on this Aqua? Yes and what they said was, Trump cannot stand before the world and only have America declared safe indefinitely, there are too many enemies, incluisng God's come wine press, waiting in the shadows to prove him wrong, that there is then one world leader who can declare all nations, people, tongues this earth safe and not have it's declarations met with sudden destruction for a thousand years, Jesus, phenomena right, yes, but is it, preece and preecest the answer to riddle of Maaseiah's question that perhaps Apostle Peter and the abrupt destruction that satan and his horde after the thousand years are finished are met with, again a number, a mutiny post Christ's Millennium in likeness of the sand of sea, wiped out as instantly as Peter's describable earth ending inferno, so are they, are these two world, to earth ending cataclysms onto a new heaven and earth, one in the same? Who are you Silverton man, yeah Tory over here keep telling us you really have something to tell us, that it's to be as the little book John took from the angels hand, only bitter then sweet. And why would she tell you guys something like that, as I only learned it, as I'm digesting it right? Okay, I tell you, but I must see Darius Juttah first, my Christ Silver you're not going to tell him, right? No, it's not as you think, that is something left for, her, and my father name is Saigon, Lue Chow, and my birth name Silverton, Nicholas Chow, and you're right, I'm the first of her grands, like I said there is so much Tore, ah, it's okay, I'm to digest, I will see you the parlor, in about to hours, hey try answering your pages, I can't answer what I can't hear. I'm sorry who are you anyway? Family, man, the Juttah reveal make's us as God Will and Christ's Cross would have us, family, Okey, well does family have a name, Reynolds, and this, this is my wife, Naomi, please I'm sure, ah, I feel as if I know you, it's our spirits, as we grow Juttah, we grow into one heart, mind and spirit, Silver, please, I warn, extreme caution,please, to be honest Tore, I just want to meet him, still be careful, advice taken I promise" >>> "So only hours from the Juttah and you gave that up for us, we're still in the Juttah, it's aqua, and love Preece is sacrificial, it's why Jesus is called the blessed death, you are going with him? I think that is wise and kind of you, thanks, see you guys later, yeah I never understood it, God shepherds what if we allow him, ah death and dying, so does Jesus by his Cross and resurrection, shepherd's death eternity, which through him transforms to life immortal, so how did you two meet? Not a wise question, meaning? Meaning, it's complicated, so is the african juttah, so please tell us, Naomi father's doing a terrorist attack risk his life to same mine, when I woke days later to learn this heart aching truth I was devastated, I though he's his soul to saved one already this saint, but no, his being a saint is what made him so sacrifical, we were so gracious, such mercy bore unto us a Juttah marriage, now with an unborn on the way, wow, that is amazingly as you say, complicated, so how true is it? Totally!" "It just that she Tore, always said, if or when you want to stop the madness you're born too, even, especially the American dream, then fall on your knees to Jesus. My grandmother always told me the exact same thing, word, for word, God's witness," having their conversation interrupted by a towering, model flawless, appearing African Male, who rather cautiously welcome himself to them. "Hello Silverton, it is mind boggling and heart dazzling to finally meet you, you, you know my name? Silverton, by our moms favorite movie, Nicholas after your grand father and Chow after your birth father, I have travel, no I guess we have come all this way to meet one another. You said Silverton after mother's favorite movie, she didn't know it at the time, but her favorite movie, Encounter, the one character choosing to spend eternity in hell, his destination was a location called, Silverton, wow, yeah, I know. So she was my grand mother, this stunning woman who visited me every Sunday like clockwork, holidays all? One of many Silverton against my mother's choice, but one who as well thought it was best for all uncertain purposes. You are the first of her grands, and I, Meshullam Kadesh, I'm one of many other's of her three children, who're only months apart. You are Prince Juttah? That is what they say, but as my Christ Lord, the only Prince or Kingship, I look forward too is that in God's Kingdom, we will reign as Kings and Queens, how about you? Yes, how true, adorable, Preecest Torrance Felicity, your future wife, it is nice to meet you as well, I hope I didn't, oh, how I did, that's okay, it's like we been planted together since we first met. You have children? Yes, we all do, how is this possible, you was taken as the Bride and now? Well we're now glorified and can Silverton appear as we desire, also this is yet the Juttah, like Christ, especially now His come Holy Spirit, anything of the Juttah is no longer of the world, Come there are those I want you to meet, Beethoven Fifth Arts (BFA), and and his entire family are here to meet you, I must tell you, there is as well business, you know something that you don't know that you know, just as it was given to Maaseiah by a dream, it was given to you. You speak of Moses short trail that took the Hebrews into calvary, and the now America and the world's refugee, yes, how miraculous, you do know. Said made aware is whats needed once we dock port Madagascar to make Juttah's entry on foot, you and you alone Silverton have been made this aware into this lead, come, come, there still so much to be told and shown, welcome my bother, first," as turn directly to her, her countenance shocked and scurried about, that she'd suddenly been overtaken by this genius of a spirit man, will you, will you Torrance Felicity Lattern marry me? My god is christ, the man I fell in love with at first sight is asking that I marry, that I be his wife? Surely is it our fate beyond all things that onced wondered upon earth's planet into it's mysterious heavens, yes, I Torrance Felicity, do take thee, Silveron, Nicholas Chow, as my Juttah husband and I, Torrance Felicity Lattern do take you as my eternal bride, and I Prince, Darius Juttah, now pronounce you marriage worshipers into the marriage Supper of the Lamb." >>>That's just it you guys, doing the dream it was if I was there with them, that I was one of the Hebrews traveling with Moses that day, so with Prince Juttah renewing this interest I did something I never have I researched Petra and Moses exodus to see what they had in common, and guess what they both have the country Jordan and the gulf Aqabal in common, then and now, both maps, wow, I begin to wonder as did Maaseiah, having thrown america, western tule into exodus, Jerusalem for all these thousands of years has carved out a place of escape, why not the world's refugees, so you're saying getting to Petra is getting to Africa's Juttah? I don;t know Juttah wife, am I? I mean Egypt is north east Africa, so Moses exodus began in Africa and spread into Arabia, Jordan, the gulf of Aqabal, and ended around Amman Jordan, it's north central, why Petra is Jordan's Southern Western tier, it's dessert area, well if that's remotely so, going to Madagascar is redundant, right, we discussed that, it is rather that we're airlifted to Amman and journey from there, airlifted, you mean the air buses, yes, and why would Jordon, allow that? Remember wife torn, this is only an estimation, we're right now Aqua bound< couldn't know it's like there's something they're not telling us, not Tore telling us, or that thing we're not yet to realize, we are yet flesh and blood, we are the tribulation saints, correct, those Maaseiah witnessed being evacuated as the bride exited, this lot and family of an amazing grace she described it, right? All is Christ, all those of your household we just met, we have holy spirits in our presence, helping, guiding, this is why sweet wife they can't tell us, we must figure this for ourselves, while we have we set a course that will bring us closer to Africa's , no, to the red sea, exactly, my love, exactly, meaning the Arabian sea and no need juttah husband of the heir juttah, good, because said grace from this point only included the Aqua, do we have any ideal how many? No, we don't most are lost the miry purgatory of this world fallen into unimaginable for million of years sorrows and death, most can't or won't, they simply refuse to pull themselves up, out, it appears only those with children stand the greatest chance, because efforting to save them, save themselves. >>>Hey, I felled asleep waking for you to come," yawning to say, did new wife Torrance, wonder right into his warm, educating arms, a glance into the benumbing scenery just ahead of them, even all around. "Being on this Aqua, for so long, I think I'm beginning to understand why John on the Island patmos stated and there was i ore sea. You think God put those trees right there on purpose? If you husband is asking me are we looking at God's landscape, his framework so intentional instead of man, yes, it's pretty chilly out here, the better to snuggle you in my arms my dear. "Look at how the setting sun, who is the father, the serene waters who is the mother, and those two trees panted along their nourishing bank, strong, mighty, as loving children, and all you can think of it's astonishment is, there is no place like heaven. Blessed is the man who meditate upon God's commandments day and night, he wife, shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season, his leaf shall not whiter, and whatsoever he does shall prosper. So until you do or can look pass all the wonders of this depleting earth such amazing exploits husband can only make you sad, make you thirst, make you greedy for more, Jesus is contentment, in him, by him you will Tory, never thirst again, All these unspeakable, natural landscapes someone has taken so much care to study and capture remind not of the world we lost, but of the phenomenally indescribable yet to come and so many Silverton who never knew are left inundated with the hopeless, endless thirst, their lives, lands, and especially their not cast down human souls, let not thy heart be disquieted in thee, hope thou in God, kiss the son, for your spirit destiny shall praise Him for the help of his countenance. I too Silverton was blessed to have a believing grandmother, well, grand parents, and I asked one morning about my brother who'd gotten in trouble, she said his punishment wouldn't be for long, and I guess it wasn't but at the time it look like her assumption failed, she said it seem that way because those who were suppose to help, being in disobedience didn't, then she said, fret not, he has a guardian angel with him, god forbid if anything happen to him, god be praise his is ascension if it does. You think we al have them, guardian angels, at times probable more than one, or more than we can count, what do you mean, there was a time I found y room, surrounded, with them, later I realized it was right before the only father I knew took sick and died, my Joseph father, I guess you can say, so they knew and they were supporting for the impossible journey laying ahead right, so the righteous more so than others, that's all i can seeing his ways and thoughts are not ours. Come to bed, yes, I guess I've had my filled, plus guess what Torrance Felicity, or should I say Preecest? I have a wife now, ah do you, and just how astonishing is she, is she as astonishing as your proposal? It was you, having stumbled and fumbled their tangled body and legs right into the bed room, a fall into one th other upon the bed, ah ws it, yeah, the way you stopped everything seeming magical and without further assumption you asked that I marry, it too was fairytale, what Silverton, why so sad? I'm not ready, I'm just not ready, hey, hey, look at me, this is not a contest, I'm cold and I would love but to cuddle into the man I've envisioned in my arms, while I'm running my fingers through his silvery hair, all while he whispers these sweet nothings at the taste of my sweet ear, ah your sweet ear, here see for yourself, though let me warn you, there a mighty tempting of the blood, of the flesh, these delicious places, right there, yes, yes, right there. >>>A Door Was Open In Heaven, After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.

And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Intermission >>>"Hey, sleep head, breakfast, breakfast? Wait, feeling a draft, a lift of the blanket he was new baby naked, where are my clothes? What you don;t remember, it only began with the ears, what only, what did I do? If only the bed the floor even the wall could talk, and should i sat the bathroom shower, counter, I'm still cleaning up in there, but i did warn you, stop it, stop this who are you ad where is my wife, you did something to me, we did something to each other, my christ, you;re serious, look I order breakfast, in, explaining the bacon I'm chunping at, I know you're famished, dress, your pants are there, your shirt, is that your underwear, stop it, is something wrong with me, I can't remember, while you did, did what, kinda bump your head in the shower, the shower, how did we get fro the bed, nevermind, may I have some privacy, only love if you promise to hurry. Juice? Ah is there coffee, if I didn't know it was impossible, I would say i have a hang over, am I dreaming this, no, I told why you possibly have a head ache, you told me I acted a madman, we, we acted as mad people, beast even, stop it, I'm not joking, okay, just calm down and et something, you'll feel better, where are we, ah, the horn of Africa, I think they call it, Silver, i'm ok, no, you're crying, i'm ok, I just don't like the person I am right now, you;re embarrassed, sort of yes, I don;t fee good I'm going to the infirmary, do not follow me, I bewitched you or something, what isn't that what you thinking? I have a miserable headache and no memory past playing in your ear, something is wrong and i hope it's not serious, no, come, I want you to come, reapers are not coming for me, what? Stop doing that what, reading your mind? That's what you're thinking, that I did something wrong to you and reapers will disappear me, only I didn't and they won't, come, please, I need you."

...And God Called The Firmament Heaven. And The Evening And The Morning Were The Second Day.

Scene XXV

"Explain again what happen? I was told, while we were playing in the shower last night, I really hit my head but I don't remember any of that. What is your name? Silverton, Nicholas, ah, ah," as one seriously drawing a blank, he wasn't playing, what the hell was his last name? Silverton, Nicholas, blank, there's a blank, I seriously have a blank, calm down, sip this, ok, now, what is your name? Ah, ah, Liverpool, Silverton Nicholas Liverpool, ah thank you god, thank you, you do have a mean fracture, where are you,? Juttah Aqua, submersible, the horn of Africa, Juttah escape 2017, and again, thank you god, and that young lady over there?" Seeing a worried looking Torrance, hating that she'd seen him this way, those puppy dog, eyes, and pouting lips, even as her tongue is to moisten them, long, down her shoulder silk, shiny, acorn hair, "Silverton," at a turn of his back, seeing he's to past off into a cry, into a rough wipe of his cheeks, his nose, only to sadden him into new tears. He's blaming me, he think I did something to him, that I bewitched him or something, go ahead, deny it! I will do a health scan, it will tell me what's both physically and chemically wrong with you and eliminate all fear or blame between you two. Now until then, bed and rest, thank you doctor, will the gardens be satisfactory? Yes, perfect, and you Mrs, Liverpool, just keep those dangerous, lethal ears away from me, if they juttah husband offend you in any way, if need be I will cut them both off, you see dock that's love, yes, I agree, Christ style, you both be careful." >>>"Silver!" Suddenly springing up this startling, this garden wilderness, canopy swing, "you o, since Torrance, I don't remember, you have to tell me, did I offend you or hurt you in any manner? No, you was remarkable, gentle, our being together was not of this planet, I promise you, the thing you did to my ah, my body, now you got me crying. Look, you was alone when you was in the shower, what? Yeah, you slipped up, I heard you, come with concern, you have a mighty fine body by the way, Tore, I helped you out of the shower, helped dry you, as I said you, have, I helped you into the bed, suggested you not fall asleep, you said don't worry, you would be alright. Like just now, you pulled me in tight, us this one, you pulled the covers tighter, then I woke you for breakfast this morning. I'm sorry I made you think it was some type of abuse, offense, even trickery, you sir was perfectly edible gentle, your tongue by the way which made us even more incredible, it was beyond all, now come, hold me close, I can never get enough of this. I think I am confused, when scripture talk of the 144,000, it Tore described them as those not having defiled themselves with women. That's' because they are virgins, their bodies, temples, Silverton a sacrifice to the God they love, it's doesn't men the Genesis marriage is defiled. No baby, no instead look it as holy Spirits preparing Apostle Peter to take Jesus to a non jewish family, what God has cleansed Silver, let no man call uncleaned, what he has brought together, let no man-made agender pull it asunder. Do you really think Prince Juttah, as Elohim seeing all that I have ever been and all that I will ever be ordain me your wife for life, if there was any defilement in me? Well at lest that kind of thinking explains the shower, and why you thought I'd somehow bewitched you, even the tears of guilt and shame. I'm sorry, but waking up naked like that Tore, that and being unable to remember. To being made to think I'd been my worse with you and I apologized for that, I thought I was playing along of you joking about being naked. It's, I panic, now I just want to remember, well you will, until then, just know, you was beyond any imagining, and you fell asleep, plating us this one, this final whisper, tickle on my ear, you are incredible, then I won't up your worse nightmare. I should've kept you woke, I had a mind to, even blistering flesh to, to what? Go back into those amazing bouts of seduction, you was even more vulnerable but I could tell, and I just left you alone. Believe me holding you like this, you, this awesome Juttah garden, canopy, swing, it is as dock agreed, fabulously medicating, so show me, show you? Yeah, jog my memories, here, you know we're not alone? Come here, I won't to remember what my tongue did to my amazing wife, right here, in the open, the panting, the begging and pleading, the screams of helplessness right into high heavens? Yes Tore, this one shade of white our marriage bed, show, no remind me, you stunning man had me at show me. {{{"Paging Silverton Liverpool, it is urgent that you report to the health desk, Silverton Nicholas liverpool, you are wanted in health screening"}}}, ah god, great timing, no doubt saved from your second regret, by an intercom message, that's ok, the best is said to be saved for last, well stunning husband. Let me warn you, if we get any batter than last night, hold on, skyrockets and all, Jesus is gonna be looking at us and we're gonna be looking him. Fret not, okay, I'll take that challenge, because that later wife, is our unspeakable marriage bed, a few minutes from now, ah I just love the way you make promises, ah, do you now? A Door Was Open In Heaven And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever. Intermission >>>It is as I said, Preece Silverton, just an old fashion fracture, nothing mysterious about it all at all, once the swelling is down, your memory should return, so plenty of liquids, water, juices, a little wine before bed to help you sleep and let me remind you, showers were made for showering no matter how provocative they been made to appear, heed I warn, this could've been very serious, as a lost of memory surely is. I am famished, as to wrap her arm into this new husband, Dr. Flattery watched them until they disappeared from sight, having lost his wife of twenty years to what ever was mightily troubling the earth, he had such emotions under control, until these two right here. "How about you, the cafeteria, some lunch, then we lay in bed for the rest of it and from there come what may, the dock warn what showers are actually for, no he didn't, yes, there's no telling what he must be thinking about me You Silverton Nicholas, who was just about to throw down in the open garden, just these untellable, bursting through of organisms, yes, what must Dock be thinking. "You're not helping, no, I'm just the reminder, am I in trouble? Yes and I can't wait for you to use our steaming bodies to swirm your ways so amazingly as you are, out of it, Tore, the titillating, tempter my blood boil, how shall I contain myself, loan me your ear, you can't, and that's not scary at all."

...And God Called The Firmament Heaven. And The Evening And The Morning Were The Second Day.

Scene XXVI

-All my God, where have, yeah, we been looking all over, asking all over, we haven't seen you two since the Prince Juttah appearing, heck we were beginning to think you left with them, and how Branston man is that any way possible? We heard you being summon to health screening just now, what happen? Ah, I guess you can say I hurt myself playing around, playing around he says, that page sound really serious, I banged my head up, suffered some memory lost. You all do know we're only hours away from our ETA, Ammon Jordon, hours Hilton man as in a lot or hours as in a few? As Silver man in only a few, been so busy I guess you lost track, or he lost memory of it all together, fun-ny, Hilton man! We're told it's like a three day track, we're all allowed to carry a canister of water and a half of loaf of bread between us, this isn't going to turn into a forty day pilgrimage right? There you go Keyian, you're being as millions of others forgetting God is God, and to walk by faith is to place all that you can't comprehend into his hands; I would be more concern if there was no bread nor water. So, Silver man? So what Kingsley, my man? So tell us, yeah you kinda promised, Tory here going on and on, I know, okay. here goes, yall sure yall ready for this Ah, where do I start? I learn only days ago Sia Maaseiah is my grandmother, which make the Princess Juttah, Sia Coogan my mother, meaning the Prince Juttah who just come and mesmerized the heck out of all of us is my brother. Who in Torrance's presence confirmed our mother place me up for adoption so there wouldn't be an uncertainty about an uncertainty, or something like that. If all of the impossible above is so, I'm then of the bloodline of the Saurus, Coogan, the first ones to inherit the african Juttah, there are even those who say the African Juttah, Paradise Africa wouldn't exit except for a twenty-year extinction of grace awarded the saurus coogan. So though I'm not making eye contact with either of you, I know you're now looking at Torrance, who is now my wife, for further confirmation. Only you're not realizing not realizing she was first bring such surreal things to me. This is all true, so what you couldn't see it, the choice between who would be Prince Darius, his first born or her first born, my Christ I didn't, my christ! So yall easily accept this nonsense? It's preposterous, you're, they're playing a joke, I was there Kylan, okey, I was in Wyoming when the yellowstone caldera blew, again impossible,again impossible, anyone without a thousand miles radius by the millions Silverton mn re either dead or missing. regardless f al those horribly dead, I was there, the breaking news, the terrifying sirens, all Kylan man, all, flying out of the house, jumping in the car, driving like a bat out of hell. Then seven days later I was looking this questionnaire right here, Torrance Felicity, knocking on my door, insisting I tell her my story or she dies, that I pour my heart out searching for answers. Questions and answers about what, what did happen? Okay, okay, either of you read Maaseiah's reveal about the little Miya girl? I have, the end of her bed before she was even born, dunlap street, elmo street, and something about arriving another country, toll booth, yes, yes, Preecest, that one, only as she dreamed it, I terrifyingly lived it, ok? I was now standing this strange door, odd, beautiful person, trying to explain how I woke up not just some place else, but in another country, even another era, like generations off. The car by which I was stranded wasn't even my friends car, no driver, only a little miya girl in the car and a fifty cent toll in my right pocket, that's it, just as Maaseiah described it. You're why they did this, why the juttah reveal made a detour after us, why we sit on a Noah's ark revisited, and set to a Moses trail also revisited, of an exodus. So when you Silverton asked Preece Hemingway with millions this troublesome, why were we the expectation you had no ideal you where, only that Penelope, remains to be seen. Not for me, and i'm sure not for many at this table, it's you, you being first Prince Darius Juttah explains everything unexplainable that's has happen to you and what a daunting testimony, yes, not for a millions years imagined. {{{The Aqua Juttah, ETA, Ammon Jordon is in one hour all aboard prepare your exit, you have been given instructions about your departure, please seek out an exit near you and thank you for traveling with Aqua Juttah, may God bless your exodus," ...this announcement will be repeated every fifteen minutes into the hour... please do not procrastinate, departure}}} We can't take anything but what was assigned, and I'm pretty sure, they've taken great lengths to make sure everyone heed their instructions, you mean the reapers right? Exactly, we'll seen you guys again soon, you're leading us aren't you, another reason why you're here, the dream of being with Moses doing the exodus? My Christ who are you? Really Kingsley man? I didn't mean that literally, believe me when I tell you, we're far from being alone. I, I don't think we've, met, right, you're Silverton, Nicholas, the first Prince Juttah, I'm Ctentri Israel, and Christ as Lord do I have a story to tell you. like your wife, Torrance Felicity, this here, now how do I say, it, you see just as I was sitting in the back of a car of my friends getting to the coast, to a Juttah Aqua, we were taken out and appeared here only days go, just as I was saying, ah announcing the vows, the Juttah vows to her, so since we have since finished them this, this is my Juttah Bride, Catalsha Cameron, ah, just call me cam, most do, ah thank christ, leaping into him, even upon his neck, celebrating a fellow like himself, time travellers, how yet beyond amazing, you walked, he Silverton, he walked out of a casket, you heard I see, I been following the Paris globe for a while so yes I heard and that is why you Preecest Torrance Felicity make Silverton a perfect wife. I feel I don't have to guess why you're here, right? {{{The Aqua Juttah, ETA is in now, we have arrived, all aboard prepare your exit, you have been given instructions about your departure, please seek out an exit near you and thank you for traveling with Aqua Juttah, may God bless your exodus," ...this announcement will not repeated, please find your nearest exit, please do not procrastinate, departure."}}} So the question now is, do we have our provisional measures of bread and water? I wonder what's to happen if one stay aboard, after Preecest what Maaseiah described of Ezekiel day commanded reapers will do to all those procrastinating this final escape, I don't think we, nor you want to know that answer, yeah, consider, Lot's wife."

three weeks before cataclysms us soil, the Brides escape!

-"What do you guys think about this facebook gate, is that what they're calling it? No, That's what i'm calling, it, it's just another falling out among thieves, the confessions of the fall to those of a mass murderer, yeah except the lord build the house those laboring are vanity, now is your country, even your planet left unto you desolate. It's like knowing its all over, that a great judgment is now come, and throwing in your confession to mockery just for the hell of it, because believe Maaseiah this remorseless confession is also mockery. Apostles of Christ you guys did warn us, without Jesus as head, all we have is envy, jealousy and strife, confusion and every evil work, now poised in the home as friendly, house pets. as so now there are announcements of pending Noah's cousins and yet another warning that the greatest of technology and innovations are in the kitchen sink this wash for a subtraction of 190 years, and they Catalsha as you say, as the days of the prophets of old say the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. Where Maaseiah's witnessed of the lamb's book of life being open and crafted into both a roll call and census taking prove they're for these thousands of years incorrect, again they don't know Christ, Jesus and lovely girl, whosoever name isn't written

there is cast into a lake which burns with fire, exactly {{{"Yeah , I thought, bro, where are you guys? We're stopping for refueling, don't see you guys any, her parents? I didn't, damn it man that's not, how, no, how long? That's, you know we on a tight schedule, well in only hours brother Aqua Juttah pull up it's anchor, ok, ok, no am fine, see you at the coast, hey don't keep me panic by keeping me waiting, yah dads famous quote, okay, just be like your father in heaven and keep your promises, yeah, that's moms, gotta go, see you there"}}}. I know, I know it all seem pointless because, or until you come to Jesus in more ways than you can count you are going to find yourself homicidal to suicidal and you you'll be surprised how many people are homicidal to suicidal because Jesus is truth and grace and they utterly refuse, "anyway I think it's time," wiping thick locks back as to as to turn marvelously to her, along a touch of her, and she this eyes glance, joy of both of their the hearts, know what's coming, "I Ctentri Israel Bonai, ah my God, Cuze, Juttah vows while in my car, why you stop man, ah my god, what , what they're gone , they've disappeared, ed, what the hell, hitting o brake,s the middle of traffic, a miracle they weren't hit, but like something out a nightmare, your worse, Ctentri Israel and wife to be Catalsaha had like disappeared in thin air, "what my Jesus just happen, we got to move our of traffic, what the hell just happen! I don't know, look at me,, i don't know, they're gone, they're just gone, no no no nooooo!" >>>Ah isn't

They just took him, yeah, they did, his ways, thughts not urs remember, but look brother where we are because of him, because he didn't hesitate to come after us, this,this ship, Aqua, okay, this Aqua as you say is heaven on water, yet in comparison to where Christ will arrive us, it's hardly anything, so dry up these tears unless they're happy and lets go to the aquarium, I'm hearing until you do, you have not experienced the Juttah Aqua, ok ay. okay, forgive me father for not seeming appreciative because of a million years into eons more, I, ah, we, yes we are.


And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.


And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

Scene XXIV

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Scene XXIX

And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Scene XXX

And the evening and the morning were the third day.


-Beware, by Apostle serendipitous parables, the African Juttah, evacuated into an exodus of Western civilization prophetically and poetically 2012, only 31 springs now. Now, a few weeks past, a Yellowstone eruption is stampeding all others in all likeness of An African Born world leader, Hussein Obama? A Colonial Qaddafi's proposed US of Africa? Apostle Bradford’s (Maaseiah’s), 2015 moving to Heaven/Georgia, dream? Truly why doeth thou marvel? Get it, Get Jesus and Get Out Of It, Again Apostle say, beware! see more here,}}},